Hey, my name is Kayleigh I'm 13 years old and ever since I was about 9 years old I've have these feelings that I've done certain stuff before. It started when I was in 4th grade and I had a dream that in my class we were going to start learning how to divide I think and then about a week later that's what we learned!
Most of the time I can't remember the dreams until they happen and it takes a really long time for them to happen. Another example of what's been going on is one time in Hawaii where I used to live I dreamt about my 9th grade teacher in Washington where I live now. I know it was in Hawaii because I was so confused of who was in the dream.
I recently learned that people on my mom's side have been known for future telling dreams. My mom has the same thing I have, my grandma saw tragic events in faraway places but they were set in closer settings, and my aunt called my mom one time because she had a terrible dream that my family was caught in a mud slide and a few days later it happened on the other side of the island!
I'm really confused because scientist today say it's just my brain projecting what I think will happen but how could I possibly know I was going to move to Washington. So, I came here because I believe there are just some thing that can't be explained and I need some answers. What am I? Where does it come from? And how can I start remembering them when I wake up?
I would be so gratified for answers! Thank you for your time:) my friends and family would never believe me if it told them I had any types of powers but I don't care what they think because I need some answers!