First, let me introduce myself. Call me Kiti-san. I am an empath and a psychic vampire. These two skills work together extremely well. I have a slight issue with my psychic vampirism, and would like to have some basic information on my abilities. Ok, let's start from the beginning.
Throughout my life, I've always hated crowds, by wanted to be in them. It wasn't until about last year that I figured out that I could tell what people were feeling. I tuned into this 24/7, commonly tiring myself out and making my friends freak out by demonstrating my skill. I tried meditating and such, but commonly my mind wandered or I had terrible back pain. I learned that before I fall asleep, I am in the sort of state of mind where my senses are dull, as are my skills. I meditated during this short period, but the feeling became louder, and I began having premonitions in my dreams. Afterwards came the hunger for energy, the urge to be around everyone.
I began feeding off of anyone's energy, friends, family, strangers. I denied everything when I was blamed, not knowing I was to blame for the dull personalities and energies around me. Only when I realized it was me and I began making fields of energy around myself and my aura. My aura is an icy blue, for reference. Other psychic vampires prodded at my fields, but now it's constant, even when I'm isolated.
Also, I get frequent dizzy spells, and when I am harvesting energy, I close my eyes and it feels like the room is spinning.
Tips, facts, anything? Thanks! :)
When your taking energy from the battery, as you know your absorbing electric current to charge yourself. Now just think. You can do the same with running water, in which case you sit under running water or put your hand in water and do the same thing as the electric current in a battery. Limitless supply of energy like natural springs, burning fire, the wind, and light. But there are certain elements you yourself will work best with. The concept is absorption to charge yourself just enough that you don't take from others.
There are other ways just like taking from people... Animals, plants, and anything "living" is possible. But all life is sacred and taking there "life energy" is like taking seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc off there life.
You can also take from spirits as well, but they usually have shields against such things so unless your bent on taking from them I don't think its much of a problem.
The more you practice control and precision, you will become stronger in controlling your abilities and action. The more you know yourself, the more you come to terms with what are. Even if you do not want it, you have it, wishing for it to be gone will not happen. You can block it, but all that does is put more strain on your body and it will go out of control. Unless your going for chaos, then that is a different story.
Good luck and I hope it helped.