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Real Psychic Experiences

Dark Shadow In My Room At Night


It all started a week ago. I went to the movies with my mom, and when we got back, I was tired so I went in my room to lay down. When I walked in, I didn't sense anything, my mother and I are sensitive to things like this so we know when things aren't right. But like I was saying, I didn't feel anything. I turned off the like and hopped in bed. I was laying there for maybe 2 minutes, when I looked at the door.

My laptop is always on my bed, facing me, and the screen is always on. It's my night light I guess.:) The light was on my face and I couldn't really see anything, so I pushed my laptop all the way open so the light would fill the room, and by the top corner of my door, it was REALLY DARK. In the previous place I lived, I would see dark shadows, swinging in my closet, I NEVER put my clothes in there, I left it empty. But we lived here for 2 years, so I didn't think it followed me here.

I see blurry white lights around my room, and just last night I saw what looked like a head without a body, form in the middle of my room, and go through my mirror. I always knew I had a connection with spirits. But this is starting to scare me.: (

This dark shadow by my door, gets darker and darker, and then it gets lighter, like it leaves for a couple minutes. It also likes to spread through my room, until its right over my bed. Sorta floating over me, on the ceiling.

My dog is in my room every night, but she doesn't notice anything.

Around 5am this morning, (it doesn't get light around here until 730) I noticed the shadow was the darkest its ever been, (I think it gets stronger every night) I was so scared but I read somewhere, that its never good to let it know you're scared. So I yelled at it, "Get outta here." It stayed. I finally just grabbed my laptop and pointed it directly at it. It was shining on the shadow for 5 seconds, and then it disappeared. I started to cry, I know that's like babyish but I was scared. Don't blame the laptop guys. I SAW IT! It like shining a flashlight on a shadow, but the shadow stays. Weird and scary. Help me guys, I don't want to be hurt. But it won't leave.

And I can't ask my mom for help cause she'll blame me, thinking I invited it here. Or she say I'm being paranoid and its nothing. Please, some advice. Thank you. - J

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Emma_, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Emma_ (2 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-30)
[at] Musician- Yeah, I feel it there when the light is on sometimes too. I get scared, and try to play my music to help calm my nerves. But it doesn't work. Its not here tonight. But I bet it will be tomorrow.:/
quixoticqt (2 stories) (53 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-28)
Well to help you become braver, you can pray a prayer of protection around you:
"Lord bless me and keep me holy unto you. Write the truth on the tablet of my heart. Gird my loins with truth, shod my feet with preparation of the gospel of peace, put the breast plate of righteousness upon my chest, in one hand place the shield of faith quenching all the firey darts of the wicked, and in the other the sword which is the word of God."
To keep it out of your room your house it gets a bit more extensive than just the prayer of protection over you.
You might want to get incense any kind of incense. I like to get the incense sticks since I usually could just stick it in a tack hole in the wall or something *smile* Dark things tend to not like smoke.
❤ Qt
earthangel349 (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-28)
It's trying to contact you. It may have something important to say and is determined to tell you maybe because you are more sensitive to these things than your mother is. Tell it you will listen to what it has to say. If you can't hear it at first, using a voice recorder can help. When you play the recording back you may be able to hear it.
earthangel349 (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-28)
It's trying to contact you. It may have something important to say and is determined to tell you maybe because you are more sensitive to these things than your mother is. Tell it you will listen to what it has to say. If you can't hear it at first, using a voice recorder can help. When you play the recording back you may be able to hear it.
Musician001 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-27)
I know how you feel. The same thing has been happening to me. At first, it was aout every 3 months, but then it's become more recent. Sometimes, I can sense it and the atmosphere goes down or is tense. Other times it stands next to mee and touches my wrist. Whenever I wake, I usually end up with a wound or bite. I told my mom that I have these abilities but I never told her about my experiences of what's been happening. When's the last time you have seen the shadow?

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