When I was a couple of weeks old my mother kept telling me when I got older that I help people stay on earth. I never really believed her until she almost died.
My mother got food poising from a local restaurant in Alaska. She had so much pain that she toppled over and I brought her to the hospital. The doctor gave her too much of something to the point where her skin turned green and she wasn't even breathing. Scared, I pushed the button for the nurse and she showed me how to rub on her chest and sternly tell her to start breathing again several times. I stayed as long as I could until my mother finally starting coming to; to the point where I headed home with my baby and went to sleep of exhaustion.
If I wasn't there I think my mother would have passed away. If she did the hospital would have just stated that my mother died of food poising but in reality she would have died from overdosing and food poisoning.
My mother told me that when I was a baby my grandfather had a heart attack. The doctor told my mother that it looks as if my grandfather wouldn't make it out of the hospital. So at 2 weeks old my grandfather was laying on a bed and my mother put me in front of his face and spoke to him, "Dad, your granddaughter is here, all you have to do is open your eyes and you'll see her." So he opened his eyes, looked at me then went back to sleep. The next day he was sitting up in his bed and drinking liquids and broth. Within the next week he was at home.
My grandfather died when I was a toddler, but to this day my mom says that I helped him stay on earth to watch me a couple of years later.
My mother is still alive and well. We still get together for family events and she tells me that if I wasn't at the hospital with her.
She would have left the earth to early to see her grandchild grow up.