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Real Psychic Experiences

What Is The Tugging?


It started in Australia when I was 19 and psychologically not in good shape.

Lying in bed one night, I felt my body being tugged upwards by some unseen force. Fear and confusion set in. My body went stiff as a board and I tried as hard as I could to counter this force by anchoring myself to the bed. The harder I tried to anchor myself, the stronger the tug got. I could neither call out for help nor move, at all.

It felt like a powerful magnetic pulling me upwards. The pull ran down the full length of my body. This pull finally got so powerful that in one very sudden move, my "body" sprang upwards, still stiff as a board. It felt like I was going to keep going until I landed face down on the floor at the end of the bed. However, once up, I was able to call out. As soon as I did, I found that I was lying back in bed. Wow! What sort of a dream was that? It felt like it really happened! I relaxed and forgot about it.

Unfortunately, that was only the beginning. It happened over and over again. I never knew, though, when it would happen. I presumed it was some sort of nightmare connected with my psychological state. I found I could recognize the signs that it was about to happen and I could stop it if I shot out of bed before the tugging actually started. After a while, I would go back to bed and everything was fine the rest of the night. I had got it beat!

But soon, it got the better of me, again. One night, after shooting out of bed, the tug started again as soon as I lay back down. There were many nights when I would lay down and jump up a dozen or more times in a frantic effort to stop what was about to happen. It got to the stage that I would stay up many nights drinking coffee to stay awake to stop it from happening.

About 10 years later, firm in the belief that it had to do with my psychological state, I went to a medium to see what the future held. At one point, she looked up at me smiling and said, "Oh, you Astral Traaaaaaaavel!" "Pardon me?" After some explanation as to what that was, I thought, "How ridiculous!" But she was so nice and I didn't want to offend her, so I just said "No". Gently, in a manner similar to Rook's, she insisted and eventually pried out of me my experiences with my "nightmares".

Eventually she convinced me and told me there was nothing to be scared of and I should just relax and let it happen. She said I had a Guide out there protecting me and waiting to teach me many things. She said it was my destiny to learn from my Guide and that I could be very powerful if I allowed myself to be taught. It was such a long time ago, I can't remember, powerful what. Phsychic, Medium.?

She reassured me that I couldn't get lost because of a silver chord that would keep me grounded or something like that. I relaxed a bit. Suddenly I had a thought, was there any way AT ALL that I could get lost and she said only if the chord was broken or cut! "How could that happen?" She explained that if my body was moved or badly shaken, it could get broken! Now I had reservations again. I had 2 kids. What if they woke one night and came and shook me awake?

Curious, I decided I would try and relax next time and "test the waters", but I still had doubts. One night, I let go and the "tug" on my body wasn't as strong, I suppose because I didn't struggle as much against it. Once up, my feelings were, "Oh my gosh, is this really happening?" I made a CONSCIOUS decision to go and check on my kids. I floated out my door and down the passage towards my daughter's room. I floated over her bed and SAW her sweet little face, fast asleep. It was the most amazing feeling. What an amazing way to check on the kids without even getting out of bed. I was in awe of myself! I moved out and went next door to check on my son. Sweet little thing! I was actually controlling where I was going!

Having checked on the kids, I felt I'd had enough. I remembered the bit about the chord breaking and fear was setting in. So, I floated back down the corridor towards my bedroom. But instead of the bed, I was floating towards my bedroom window. I sensed I was going to go through the window to the outside but from there, I didn't know where I would go. I thought to myself "Bed. Bed." but I was still heading for the window! Overwhelmed now with panic, I tried to pull back from the window and after a struggle, I suddenly found myself in my bed once again. I can't remember seeing a silver chord but I don't think I did.

After that feeling of losing control and almost floating to the outside, I have fought it off ever since. The whole thing stopped happening quite a few years ago. But, a few months ago, I did have a strange sense that it was about to start again and prepared to jump out of bed. I sat up and my "feelers" went out but I thought "Nah! It's paranoia, why would it start up again after so many years?" It hasn't happened since.

I would like to know exactly what was happening, what was causing that tug? How does it feel to others when they leave their bodies? Why was it involuntarily and so persistent no matter how hard I fought it? Is everybody able to do this if they have an open mind? Does everyone who has these experiences have a Guide out there waiting to teach them? Why me?

Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Vanessanda, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)

There were some 'debates' I tried to draw to my Experience because they were 'off topic' or down right mean sprited and the O/P's did not the the 'extra drama' in a place they came looking for answers.

As many comments as there are one that Experience there were many more who never 'sounded off again' either on my Experience or on other peoples Experiences on the site.


TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)

I just want to clear the air and settle this with out loosing anymore dignity. I am well aware that I was not behaving in a very righteous manner when I signed onto RGS. I sincerely apologise for my behaviour and literaly feel ashamed. I should be much better than that. I will re-post my story and questions to my story and leave your thread. If possible don't feel so negative toward me, I'm not all bad you know. So, I'm sorry. 😕
TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
that wasn't very nice. Can't we get along? I'm sorry if I intruded on your thread, I was looking to chat with you, Eagle and Rook. Can we bury the hatchet?
TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)

Hi there. I would like to say your story inspires me. I say go for it if you get another shot at AT. But you must learn protective states for yourself. If you believe in god or if you are in some sort of religion, "ask" for their protection. And also the power of your faith can deter/eliminate a negative force. I have AT'd before, and after the initial fear at the start, you feel great. I can't do it all the time but it has really happened.
Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)

You and your friend should get off this thread. I'm from Australia so I know how some of you guys can be. You are an insult to your fellow New Zealanders. Go back to your sheep and your Golden Retrievers, I'm not in the least bit interested in either of you
TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)

Hi guys, awesome conversation going on here. I have some questions for both Eagle and Rook. I had an experience once, not long ago, where I continuously awoke in my room. I would look around my room and notice subtle differences. Therefore I would realise that it wasn't this reality.

Before I start the story let me apologise, I hope you guys don't mind me using this discussion to write this, but it is on topic. I want to explain it well so please bare with me.

OK...I woke up looked around and noticed differences. Then I opened my door and went through to a whole different place. There were cats and dogs that started running at me and they started to bite my arms and legs. I got really angry and started to fight them with all my might. It was horrible. I was literally being eaten alive and I was feeling it all. Just as I would start to get over ridden by these cats and dogs (there was I think 2-3 dogs and same number of cats) I would wake up relieved in my bed and think thank god it was a dream. BUT, then I would get up and open the door... Same thing. It happened about 4-5 times. Everytime I thought I had escaped by waking up, but no. As soon as that door opened I would start to get chewed on, and I was really fighting hard and getting angry.

there was always a man standing at the top of a staircase I would climb and he would just watch me with a blank expression. The last time it happened, the man spoke to me. He said..."this time, try go through without getting angry" (not in those words... I can't remember exactly). So I started the whole process and they started biting me. I just held a state of understanding and didn't get angry. And then they let go and left. I found my way back to my room where this man joined me. He was now BLUE and had white eyes. Before he just looked like an ordinary man, but now he had changed. He explained a whole lot of things to me (all of which I don't remember too well). He was surprised that I wasn't scared and said most people are, I did mention that it did look a bit frightful with half a rotting face. Then he looked in my mirror and his face healed. At the end of the advice he gave me I said "thank you", he looked at me with anticipation,..."my gaurdian" I finished. He smiled a benevolent smile and rose up and flew away out my window, followed by a bunch of cherubs. I gather I need to better manage my anger.

My questions are, if you would be so kind...

Why did he have a rotting face?

Also he told me I should move out of the house I lived in at the time, purely for human reasons. I didn't for quite sometime but now I have.

Do I have to follow their instructions?

Again, apologies for using this discussion.

Thank you
Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)

My comment on Rook's story basically reflects your comment on it. Here it is

Rook, you know I'm no expert but Patricia could come from the greek "Patrikos", the female version would be "Patrikia" (not sure). Anyway, "Patrikos" means "father's" (heavenly Father's?). And wasn't Ruth the cousin who conceived at the same time as Christ's mother?

Forgive my ignorance,

Eagleclaw, I believe the name was relevant.

And yes, unfortunately Rook gets those comments occasionally from non-believers or those who envy him for the respect most people have for him. (I think you have worked out who I mean.)
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-30)
I've read the story. Thanks for that. But, I could not find your comment in the four pages of comments. There were some nasty comments so I basically skimmed over the pages.
That was a beautiful story. I believe that in one of your past lives you may have lived there. I also believe that Patricia wanted to introduce herself to you and to let you know that she is with God.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-30)
You are welcome. I'm glad I was able to help you understand more. I'm going to read the story. And yes, I'm an old soul too.
Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-30)

Thank you so much for your wisdom and your knowledge. I told Rook myself that I had a suspicion he was connected to the "Truth" (the old). However, he is very humble and doesn't say much when you "hit" him with something like that. I recommend, if you haven't already, that you read his story "Tour of Jerusalem and Bethlehem" on YGS, and especially the part about his baby Patricia Ruth and the comment I made on the name. You will better understand why I came to that conclusion.

I bet you too are an even older soul! Apart from knowledge, you seem to "emit", for want of a better word... An ancient Wisdom. Having said that, I don't really understand what I mean. Is it the "knowing" that I told you about? My guide informing me?

I will definitely try and attain that goal with Rook's help. You are absolutely right about not being aware of the message from my mum. Rook also told me that I was missing her messages. Believe me the message was put in such a way that nobody could possibly understand it but myself. I burst into tears when Rook came out with it at a time which was so off topic. I went into shock. He told me later, when I recovered, that she had been giving me signs lately that I have been missing because I've been too caught up with problems. I guess that means she was with me trying to comfort me in those times and I was just not picking up on it. Rook told me to look for clues. Lately there has been a lot of weird electrical activity in my house. Strangely, this activity has not scared me, though. I've just sent Rook an email asking him if it might be signs from her.

Can't wait to talk to my "old soul"! He's not usually online on Sundays.

Thank you, you too, are wonderful! You have also helped me very much. You have in a few posts taught me a lot about guides and helped me to answer a lot of my own questions. I also thank you for confirming a lot of my own thoughts, especially my belief that Rook has come into my life for a reason. Until you came along, I suspected it but hadn't had the courage to ask him straight out. After your comments, I asked him and he told me the exact thing you did.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-26)
Yes, you are correct. Curses have been known to be passed down to generations.
And remember, as long as you have faith in God, you will be safe.
And, in regards to Rook, I believe he is an "old soul". That means he has had many lives to compile his knowledge to teach others. And, he uses it to help others. Your mom is connected to him because at that time you were not aware of the message and she trusted him to give it to you. That's why she gave it to Rook.
Now that you are more aware about things and have Rook as a helper, maybe you will be better able to make contact yourself with your mom and the other guides. That is your ultimate goal to attain.
I thank you both for your kind words and understanding.
Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-26)

Eagleclaw has explained a lot of things. Because of what Eagleclaw has explained about Guides, the last question I put to him, I have just put to you via email. I wait anxiously for your response.
Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-26)

Thank you, yes it is an awful lot of info for me because I've had a lot of experiences but I've never before tried to figure out why/what/how these things are happening. It's like there has been a barrier of fear surrounding me and stopping me from learning more. Perhaps the fear is caused by ignorance of the spiritual world or of demons waiting to "get me".

I like that you confirm my belief that my mum trusts Rook. She didn't trust too many in this realm. I too, zoomed in on him immediately from his first post on my first story. I think she came through him to tell me that it's ok to trust him and that she trusts him, too.

I have never heard of demonic guides before and am one of those who don't like to even think about demons. Could what you say about them be in any way related to the Old Testament, which talks about curses being passed down from one generation to the next? What you say about telling them to leave and having to bow to God is of the greatest relief to me, you don't know how much!

Would I be right in saying that Toby's overprotectiveness could very well have been caused by his sensing a demonic guide and trying to keep him at a distance?

Patience is a blessing and I have a lot of patience. You have been extremely helpful, thank you very much. I will ask Rook to guide me via email in learning how to meditate.

PS May I ask what you sense, if anything, about Rook and myself? Before I even started learning about Guides and Teachers I kept making statements to Rook that I believed he was a Teacher and that he was my Teacher. I didn't realise at the time, the relevance of the word "Teacher". Needless to say, he has already taught me a lot about several things. Could he be one of my Guides, as you say, taking on physical form, apart from helping with other things, to give me a sign, perhaps from my mum?

RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-25)

That was well stated, thank you for your time and explinations.


Well there you have it, I do not think I could have said it any better. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, I myself or others will do our best to answer them.


Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-25)
I know that this is a lot of information to take in at once. I'm sorry for that but I always like to give someone all of the knowledge that I have. They can take what they want or not.
That was nice of Rook to give you the message from your mom. Just so you know, spirits only go to those that they trust who will communicate to the living exactly what they are told. Its like a code of honor. And yes, your mom may be one of your spirit guides. And, she may have been giving you signs to.
About demonic guides. This is something that few like to talk about. Someone may have one but they may be a good human. But, sometimes in life they are faced with a very powerful entity that means nothing but harm for that person. And, sometimes that person is still a great human but has inherited the familly demon from ancestors of many generations ago. Many people do not realize that there is such a thing as spiritual genetics. Some spirit guides are passed down. It goes with the saying that "you need one to fight one" to.
As always, you can ask the spirit it's name and ask if is a demon or if it is your spirit guide. If it said yes to demon, than you would demand that it leave you and your loved ones alone. Then, follow your protections of your faith. Always stay with your faith. All demons must bow down to God. Remember that.
Toby is most likely one of your spirit guides. All animals can see and feel spirits well before we do in life. He's probably still protecting you now in spirit. And, yes Toby's spirit guide passed the information to your spirit guide. Its like getting the "knowing". You get a gut feeling.
Meditation is the best way of contacting your guide (s) without going out there. During meditation, pick a peaceful and happy place to meet. Then, simply invite your spirit guide to meet you there. Always meet at the same place until you have a strong bond with eachother. Then, you can meet at other places. Be patient, it will happen in due time. Hope this helps. Best wishes to you.
Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-25)

Wowww what can I say? That's mind blowing! What you and Rook say about the particular medium makes me happy because I'm sure she was genuine.

From what you say about Guides, then is it a possibility that my own mum has become one of my Guides? I believe she's been trying to make contact. I've had signs from her in the past and I've written that story in YGS, but have never tried mediums and such. Rook passed on a message to me few weeks ago, which could only have been from my mum. I was shocked when I got it. And the surprising thing is that I had never even mentioned her to Rook. I believe for some reason she likes and trusts him.

I don't understand about the demonic guides. Why would anyone have one of those unless they were bad themselves to begin with? And how would we know and protect ourselves from one?

Help me a little to understand, please. Could Toby be one of my guides and he came to meet me close up? He was so protective, people often said it was ridiculous. Was there a reason for him being so overprotective? What could he possibly have been protecting me from?

Or, are you saying that Toby's Guide passed on the information to my guide, who put it into my head? Could this explain why I get a lot of premonitions. I can't explain exactly but sometimes I just know things. It's like, a sudden "knowing". I don't know how else to explain but I'm never wrong. I can't make the "knowledge" come, it just comes whenever and if ever.

And when you say a guide can talk to another guide, can the guides betwen them help solve problems in the physical? How could I contact my guide without "going out there"?

Grateful for your help
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)
To Rookdygin & Vanessandra,
Thank you both for your input and your kind words.

Rookdygin has a lot of knowledge of this topic. He speaks the truth. He also is right about mediums being told and taught about astral travel. Maybe it's what she believed to be true. Some of us are shown and taught while others like myself learn by actually doing it. And, I also have an extensive knowledge about auras and spirits that helps me too.
Here is some info about spirit guides. They can be male or female. They can be any shape or form. They can be someone (human) who has already passed on and cared for you very much in life. Some spirit guides are not human such as an animal, hybrid (half) human, beasts, creatures, mystical, demonic, holy and alien. Sometimes but not always they will take on a physical form and come to you. They do this to give you a sign or to get a closer look at you. They typically will come to you as an amimal. Once you meet your spirit guide you can astral travel with them if you want to. Or, after you get to know them a bit you can develop a communication system that only you and your spirit guide knows. If he/she is non verbal than you can ask them to tug on your ear or show you a vision or make a sound when they need to speak or warn you of something. Ex. Bark if it is a dog. Screech if it is a eagle. Wrap around your leg if it is a snake. You get the idea. Also, always thank your spirit guide each time when you are with them. You can ask the simple questions and they can answer with the ways above. You can also ask your guide to talk to someone els's guide to find out how someone else is doing after you have a comfortable relationship with your guide. Yes, guides talk to other guides on our behalf. That's probably why you had the premonition about Toby.
So, you have a lifetime to astral travel. You never did anything wrong so don't ever think that. And, your guides are always there to watch after you so don't worry about that either.
Again, thank you both & I wish you both the best.
Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)

I'll check it out. It may even be the source I was directed to in the first place. But first, I have to tell you what I just remembered about Toby. Just to show you how strong the bond was...

Toby was the 2nd of the Shepherds. Of the 3, he was the most protective of me. In 1979, I came to Greece for a 5 month holiday and left Toby with my sister's family who had two bitsa's.

One day I had a bad premonition so I sat down and wrote a letter saying not to let Toby out of their sight because something bad was about to happen. I sent the letter registered and express mail.

I got a reply saying he was fine and not to worry about him. When I got back to Australia they told me the truth. For some reason, Toby had tried to jump the 7 foot high corrugated iron side gate. As he was going over the top, he got the inside of his thigh caught in the iron and got stuck up there.

From inside the house they could hear a thumping on the gate as if someone was trying to break it down. It was their little bitsa Benjie throwing himself up against the gate in a vain effort to get Toby unhooked. They had to help Toby down but he had a huge rip on the inside of his thigh and was bleeding profusely. He needed several stitches and was lucky to have survived. They told me the accident happened on the date the letter was written.

From what both you and Eagle have said, the more I think about it the more I belileve it. Go ahead and look, you know how much I trust you.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)

I am simply asking, trying to establish facts. You asked...

"If my guide (s) is not human, then what else could it be?"

I was just picking up your question and 'running' with it. As far as German Shepherd's go... It may be both...I'd have to 'look' to be able to better answer than that. what a different approach people have to that Term... Everything from what it orignally meant to them being alien hybreds. I'm not sure which information source (s) you have had access to but here is a link to what I learned about Indigo Childern...


Please scroll down to the bottom and read this section...'What is an indigo Child?' (10 attributes are listed as well as another link...) Please pay special attention to the Wikipieda warning that is on the page as well, or follow this link...


You will see there is 'some contraversy' concerning just what an Indigo Child is...

I'm not saying your wrong about your children, I just want you to have all the facts.


Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)

It sounds like you feel one of my guides is an animal. I can't think right now if I have dreamt of animals helping me. I can tell you I have bonded to 3 german shepherds in the past. One patrolled the corridors after he passed. I've never felt a bond with any other breed of dog, not even been interested in them at all. I'm not sure if that makes me a german shepherd lover or if it means there is a german shepherd guide out there.

I just had a quick look at Assatsu's story. I didn't fully understand what his problem is but a lot of what was said by people advising him is familiar. For starters, to this day, I always like to walk barefoot. My parents had a problem when I was young because I refused to put my shoes on in summer or winter. Summers in Oz are so hot that you could fry an egg in the sun. And yet, I could walk barefoot on the hot tar. I love to walk on grass or wade along the shore.

Indigo... I believe my daughter is an indigo child. My son may also be indigo but I'm not entirely sure about him yet. From a test that I have done, I am not indigo but a "messenger" but didn't research further to understand what that means. Persistent migraines have also played a major part in my life in the past around the time of my experience. Could this have something to do with my experience?
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)

You ask..."why it was happening involuntarily?" Yet you have already answered that question yourself..."I was "seeking answers" to situations happening in my physical life." You were seeking these answers both 'physicaly and spirtualy' and so your Astral Body (spirital body) was attempting to aid you.

No you did not neglect a 'calling' by fighting this 'feeling'. Please do not think that... You made a rational choice based on what you felt was more important... In this case your Family... Your Childern. You were worried what may happen if you were unable to return. This may have delayed you finding the answers you needed but was not neglect on your part.

As far as that individual being 'wrong' about how the 'cord' can be broken... That is the way she's what she knew...I've read instructions/teachings where that is mentioned... I taught myself based on instructions that did not 'teach' that. So she was not wrong, she was telling you what she belevieved to be true. If you think about it it's a great 'defence'. If you protect that 'tether' that much you will remain 'safe'...but you will only develop the ability to a certian point because you are tethered...

As far as your Spirit Guide waiting for you... We each have at least one and they wait until we are ready for them. Some learn how to 'project' and find them by that means, others call them to themselves. There is also a belief that our Spirit Guides can be Animals... I have one myself... Have you had a dream in which an animal saved you from...well...something bad? More than one dream with the same Animal aiding you? There is a chance that that Animal is your 'Spirit Animal Guide'.

Eagleclaw...Animal Guides are a little out of my area of 'study'. I know I have one, I even know what it is, but not as much concerning the topic as I would like. Any 'wise words'?


Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)

She definitely had a similar manner to you. She was able to convince me about something I knew nothing about. I don't easily accept what people say to me. It has to FEEL right. As you know, I've been searching for answers on another topic and found it difficult to accept what others had been telling me. It took a life time to find you and hear answers that FELT right. The only thing I don't understand is how she could get it so wrong about breaking the cord.

I didn't mention it in my story because I'm still not sure if it was her who told me or a different medium. I don't believe that the ancient Greek Gods were Gods. However, I do believe they were powerful human beings or maybe superior beings of some sort. With all the temples and monuments, I can't believe they were mythical. Either that medium or some other, told me that my guide is Apollo. What do you think of that?

Ok, Eagle explained the tugging but can you explain why it was happening involuntarily? And why it persisted for so many years? Was my guide trying to pull me up? Is that why the tug was so strong? Could there have been a purpose that I was meant to fulfil and I shirked my duty? The medium told me he was waiting for me and expecting me.

Yes, it does make me feel uncomfortable. And yes, you are absolutely right, I was "seeking answers" to situations happening in my physical life. As in why is this happening, why me, when will I experience some happiness, will I ever find peace? Etc etc.
Vanessanda (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)

Thank you, you have been very informative. And yes it did take a lot of courage since I'm generally a very phobic person.

As far as moving me or shaking me, I told the kids not to ever do that before I "decided" to relax and let it happen.

If my guide (s) is not human, then what else could it be? Could you explain or describe?

And yes, it's not something I have ever told anyone about before. I know what the response would be.

Thank you
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)

Thank you for the mention in the experience. I will start by saying Thanks to Eagleclaw... Very knowledgeable my friend, well said indeed. I do not think I could have said it better myself.

As far as Spirit Guides go... Well on that point I differ just a bit. You do not have to Aatral Traval (AT) to meet them. You can Do just what Eagleclaw has suggested and say 'I want to meet my Spirit Guide'. They will hear and come to you. So if 'projecting' yourself makes you uncomfortable you do not have to do it.

As far as it starting up again...I'll ask a question I haven't asked you yet... What was happening in your life each time this started? I'll go out on a limb and say that each time this was happening you were seeking answers for the events that were going on in your life.

Thank you for sharing this here. Please ask any questions you may have. I will, as always, do my best to answer them.


Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on even attempting to AT. That took a lot of guts. The tugging is your spiritual body pulling itself from the physical body. That is what occurs when someone astral travels. Now, when you are traveling you can go where you please. There is no limit. The only time the spirit and the body connection will be broken is if the physical body dies. Only then will you have no body to return to. If someone moves you your body your spiritual self will find your body (do not ever tell someone to do that). If someone shakes you, you will be forced to return to your body because the trance is broken. So, now you know. Your only problem is that you need to practice taking control of your travels. You yourself decide where to go and when you come back. Everyone has atleast 4 spirit guides during their lifetime. So, if you want to go and meet yours that's great. All you need to do is to say to yourself" I want to meet my spirit guide". And then go to where he/she is. Your spirit guide is there for your benefit and to help/guide you. Also, do not be afraid if he/she is not human. Sometimes, they are not. And yes, everyone could do it if they had a open mind. If you are still nervouse about it you can pray to your God for protection before you go to sleep. That will help too. Now, it is up to you if you want to AT. Think of the possibilities. Check in on your familly. Go on a trip to anywhere in the world. Meet and learn from your spirit guide. Oh, keep this hush hush to non believers. Hope this helps you.

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