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Seeking To Gain Power And Full Control Of My Abilities


You may call me Mizu, if you must call me something. I'm not exactly positive what I be called maybe you can tell me. But first I should explain myself and my experiences.

For almost a year now I manage to tap into my gifts that lay within me, at first before I really tap into it, I became interested to see if all this was really real, starting by learning to see aura's at first I was not positive that it was possible but then after a few weeks they were becoming more visible to my eyes, shock but more willing to expect that it's all real and wanting to learn more. I found myself a mentor, who taught me the basics like a simple chi ball, giving energy and taking it away and being able to touch the woman that I love for are powerful psychic link to one another being able to feel each like a hug or a touch when we are not physically with one another. These made me believe more and began to want more.

Also it seem my mother knows about this for she says strong psychic abilities runs deep in are blood line, that made me know that I could become strong, so I kept working at it.

Though I was getting nowhere really in the spring and annoyed for the simple chi ball, giving energy or taking away was getting boring. After school got out for the summer, I work harder to gain it and learn more. That summer of this year a lot had happened, going to see my family for the inter summer and having all the energy that I would need from the forest I could learned more quickly.

My second cousins where not really believes until I showed them. It was no story, I did this, gather energy to my finger tips and making the energy violent I tap one of my second cousin on his shoulder, his face show both scared and shocked, when he could move again a few seconds later he said it paralyzed him and it felt like a wave of energy shot around inside him and that it felt weird, all that done with a simple tap of my finger tips. I prove to my other cousin by doing the same but sense she is a girl I only made the energy feel weird and not that harmful.

They both believe me and that day we where to go to a mountain to hike, as we were heading there I asking my cousin if I could try something. She said sure and I grip her shoulder lightly and began to drain her rapidly of energy for once we got to the park way and she tried to step out of the vehicle she fell to the ground and could not stand and when she manage to she could not move without falling most every time. She said she felt drained and told me to stay away from her, when she could not move around I was full of rich energy, enjoying it and could only smile because of the power I was gaining. After my amusement told her to come here for I was giving it all back, sense it was only a test and I retrain her energy back along with some extra energy that was my own for payment of letting do that. To her it was like a sugar rush without eating no sugar from the energy I gave back all at once. That sent it in place that I was telling the truth to prove my point to them that this is real. It scared them at first but they understood it. My cousin that is a young man was willing for me to practice my offensive Arts against him sending impulse of energy wave into him making fall to the ground in pain with just a simple tap to the shoulder for the gathering of energy at my finger tips. I took it to another level and was control the flow of energy and what it formed into. Controlling it formed what I could see energy like blades or talons to the finger tips and jab gently at my cousin, his eyes widen and he was in pain maybe great pain because of it telling me it was like five blades went into him, dragging them down across his chest he face tighten up painfully and told me to stop. I did and let him rest he was scared of me of doing that but that not just all of it. If you think about it blades on the finger change the energy to be in small amount, loose it form a full solid and more to flow and extend them then you have threads. I made energy like threads and by that point. I teach my cousin that a girl to see the energy fields, which she learn quickly then the boy.

The energy threads where the fun part wrapping them around my cousin that was willing to be a lab rat and squeezed around his body and neck he was trying to breath, I stop when he gave me the sign to stop. I did as always and let him rest and ask him to tell me what he felt. Said he felt someone was choking him. I was happy to see this progress for then I was able to deal with the things that were not friendly and dark, after my training and willingness of my cousins to practice on them for they to could sense them to. I was able to be somewhat success for getting rid of a good amount of the dark things in the woods the rest ran off and would not come back, I saw it as like hunting season though the prey is the shadows or what you want call any dark force. Its fun for me now to hunt them I enjoy it and it for good, felt some peaceful things as well so I just left them alone but anything with a dark energy I went at and scare or harmed it really badly that it would leave. Reason for me harming and scaring them away was because before I even got there this summer they sorta attack and bother my family there even if they where un aware of it, My aunt and uncle don't believe in such things even if it was clear that they were. I felt them as soon as I step into the house and the woods which is why I scared them off and harm them to leave. They don't go back there I tell you that they don't even go near it for once they feel a simple energy source that me they run off like dogs with their tails between their legs.

This may seem I'm curl to use my own cousins as training but I did not just work on my aggressive and offensive gifts on them I work with healing as well. Going in the woods so much they get cut or injured and in pain. Changing the energy to be peaceful and gentle, allow me to send a healing energy into them and make the pain leave there bodies and heal some of the small wounds but not my much. Though now its becoming easy but there is one bloody problem that I can't seem to figure it out. It only effects the other world (the things most can't see or notice) OR psychics I can't effect the common people that are not psychics, it's ANNOYING me greatly to be able to have gifts but not able to effect everyone by them they don't have a shield around them and I see my energy hits them, but it does little to nothing it like a dead zone. Only draining them seem to have some effect and I drain a lot for the energy for my body needs a good amount.

This is my story and I need help to over come that little problem of my that seem to keep my from effecting everyone either its a spirit, shadow, psychic and mortals (aka people with no psychic abilities). I seek to get stronger to protect those I care about from both the spirit world and this world so no matter what, to be able to fight back and defend my love ones and others that can't fight back.

Thank you for reading this, I need some tips to over come that little problem of my.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, TheFallenOne, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Admiral (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-09)
This is really a wonderful experience is you could, please teach me a few things. My email

Admiralmarth [at]
777lucky777 (1 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-24)
Please! Please teach me or tell me of someone who can I have strong powers too, but I can't controll the other day I made a guy go blind on accident I didn't mean too: (I can form a energy ball in my hands and I can make strings but they're barely solid. I absorbed a whole city block of power once, it was... Awakening. I just want to learn to control these gifts that I have, without hurting everyone around me on accident. I have to much power for my taste, I have more powers than seeing auras, creating auras and giving and moving energy. But I'd like help with all that you cna give, PLEASE, I beg of you. ~ Here is my e-mail: Jessefreeman [at] ~ Please help me.
TheFallenOne (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-12)

Alright then I have sent the email, for us to speak at. And for you to tell me what you wish to say I understand why you want things to be not expressed out loud I do at times as well
jdrkdr (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-12)
may you please email me at reulej16 [at]

I guess I have things to say that are similar to what everyone else has but I would rather talk in private
TheFallenOne (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-11)

Possible very possible. But the time may show it self may not it all depends.


Mmmm pleasant well they are not bothering me and that all that what matters and they better keep there nose away. Only a fair warning.

Alright then

Mmmmmmmm not sure
Watcher909 (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-10)
Good to hear Mizu, yes there will always be people out there like this. As for "Mad doctors" yes they are out there, I was warned of their interest in the "pineal gland" that's located in the brain! Previous known experiments such as project "paper clip", project "MK-ULTRA" are just tip of the ice berg.
Though not all doctors are bad or insane, I know of a few that have actually given me advice to improve my abilities.

I find your draining energies interesting, though I wouldn't call it "draining", it doesn't sound so good and would attract the attention of a mob with torches & pitch forks (peons [kidding). Let's just call it recharging the batteries.

Not like they would ever know you're probing into their mind, not if you don't tell them about it. Besides there are people out there that actually hear people's voices in their own heads, I just see the thoughts. Naturally I draw what I see and these drawings are always profound.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-10)
In time you will be shown who the next noble soul is. This person will have a knowing too someday. Its destiny.
TheFallenOne (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-10)

Yes I seem to, which I find it interesting but thrilling as well. Yes best to keep a low and not make it to public to and your right about keeping it to my self I only share the thing I learn on my own only to ones that well could learn as well and that I see have a good soul
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-10)

You have a rare ability. So, in turn you are continuosly learning. Evolving. And, yes there is no need to publish for all to see what you have learned. Remember, keep it to yourself. You will stay safe that way.
TheFallenOne (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-10)

I know and some wish to use me as a pawn but that a bit late to twist me around there fingers and make me one.

And about the mad doctor thing no not at all. I exactly some what amused and thinking how reckless of them to even try it, it really all depends. And I know a site that we can chat and well all data of what we speak about goes blank sense its a system that it get rid of anything that is spoken about.

And that thing to read someone mind mmmmm not exactly my thing I respect both my enemies and friends thoughts. I might attempt to learn it.


Believe me I still am out for knowledge and well I gathered a lot I not going to say what I learn for that I rather not speak about.
Believe me I won't allow my self to be a lab rat for that would be VERY unwise in many ways.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-09)
I know that you prefer to defend. The reality of that is that one with this ability must go through what I call growth knowledge. After they have been through that one will see the true reason why they have the ability. But, not everyone gets to this point. You have by the way. Some never get it. I feel sorry for them because they must oneday live with what they have done to others. And, yes there are many people who want to study or take the ability. This specific ability cannot be given. And, you should not allow yourself to be a lab rat either. You can defend silently without anyone knowing it was you. You don't even need to tell the person who has done wrong what is coming. Oh, I would only tell a very select few about your ability and its not a good idea to tell about the justice that you served either.
Watcher909 (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-09)
Be careful, as long as you have abilities there are people out there that will want what you have at any cost. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt these people exist, they want what you have, they want to simply take that which never was theirs to take in the first place.
Though in their delusional mind they feel they are "deserving" of such abilities, if that were true they would've already have these abilities.

Once there was a fellow that wanted me to "give" him powers, yet this person lies, I can sense the deceit and resentment deep within them. Naturally speaking I deny them such powers, as I can see deep within them that's all they care about. So as one can guess he grew bitter and very resentful as in his own mind they feel they are deserving of such abilities.

I am surprised no MAD doctors have decided to make you into an experiment. There's been talk of insane doctors that want to extract DNA, body parts, and even the psychic's brain as a resource into their twisted dark fantasy of having these abilities. In short they want what you have, doesn't this worry you?
I for one am against this type of unethical behavior but in their own sick & twisted mind they believe they're doing this for "their own version of greater good", greater good for them but not for everyone else.
I might be able to help as you are of "us", I can teach you what I was taught to control my abilities. You should be able to "manipulate" their thoughts and feelings. First step is to probe their minds, find out what it is they're thinking, their purpose of the conversation. Once you know what they are thinking, what they want, you can manipulate.
For example if I can probe into a subject's mind and I see things, sometimes it's first person point of view, sometimes it's what they're thinking about. Ie. If a person wants to steal something, you can manipulate by telling them that stealing would have dire consequences, before they put the thought into action therefore successfully manipulating them. Keep in mind that in order to manipulate thought patterns you have to know what the subject's state of mind is at the time and train of thoughts.
I like to help, but I only do so in person as over the site privacy is an issue, I feel somewhat obliged to help out one of our "own kind".
TheFallenOne (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-09)

Depends who gets those abilities though, some like me would just rather defend other would just like to destroy and harm for there amusement and grown of there own gift
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-09)
You are welcome. The world needs more people with your ability.
TheFallenOne (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-09)

Well thank you for reading and yes it does seem that why But I don't mind it at all to defend people, I just want love ones and friends safe along with the Innocent as well. And I would not abuse my power like that the innocent is to be left alone, I only seek to harm those who either, threaten or harmed my family, friends or innocent ones.
Thank you for the comment
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-08)
Very interesting. Here's my take on this. Abilities run deep in your family. That is very true for you. You are the families keeper. It's the chosen one who defends for the family. I understand that you needed to practice your ability on your familly members for the feedback. And, you have learned well. The reason you cannot affect the regulars is because they are just human. It's not a fair fight. But, can you affect the wrongdoers? I hope so. Your abilities will get stronger with time. Remember, only harm those that deserve it and not an inocent. Oh, you can drain energy from nature its better than people.
TheFallenOne (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-07)
Alright then I will be sure to read your story when I can, and that what we all start out as only being able to make a chi ball. But then over time we grow stronger. And yes it is Nature has a more clean energy but I try other methods of training.

I know this very well... To well if I might had of someone be so powerful nothing just nothing I did could don't even do a single cut or cause anything. So yes I do want to learn more so I WONT be that weak. And I find another more powerful well then I just work harder to that person and keep going
And thank you I be sure to do so
Hellhound60 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-06)
Well Mizu I find what you are saying very similar to my own abbilities but their is one problem you will eventually run into and that is you will meet people with such powerful energy that attachs literally bounce off them and it becomes impossible to fend them off. I am giving you a warning because I work with many energy users and the kind I am talking about take a large amount of energy to even make them flinch. But it's not their abnormal enmunity to getting hurt by energy that makes them a force to be reconned with but for some reason they never have to take energy from other people or the environment they appear to have no limit to how much power they can draw apon. If you want to know more feel free to contact me at Sacredeyegod [at]
PowerHound (3 stories) (24 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-06)
Well that's what I'm banking on. I used to not be able to do anything but make the psiball and read auras. If you read my new story about "telepathic experiments" it would explain more. I consider my telepathic abilities more energy based since I use energy manipulation when doing it. But yeah I believe that energy use can greatly increase your psychic abilities with practice.
TheFallenOne (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-06)
Well then I'm glad to see I'm not the only energy user here. And true I find the energy that nature gives off more "PURE" then what people have to offer and I will agree it is to weird as if a bad taste like rusted tap water If I had to explain it.
Ah so I should work and try to effecting more normal people even if it does nothing just keeping doing it, as time go by I should become strong enough to effect them dramatically at some point. Is that what your saying Powerhound?
PowerHound (3 stories) (24 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-06)
Mizu I am also a energy manipulator. I am glad to see another post like this, they are my favorites because I have similar abilities. I like receiving energy from nature rather than draining others simply because I don't like how it feels. Also if your looking to cause pain or something positive to random people you have to start small. I recently have been able to influence and effect normal people with my energy abilities quite noticeably. Try influencing peoples moods or thought process with your energy flow by sending like emotions or sensations. The more you work with people who arent psychic the better you get at affecting them.

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