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Real Psychic Experiences

Shadow People And A Painful Warning


When I was at the age where I could first talk, it showed that my grandfather died in war. I pointed to a corner of the apartment and said "grandpa was there." My parents said no he isn't he is on the TV but I said "No! He is right there waving at me!" Ever since then I was told I had a "third eye".

When I was around 6yrs old I started to see some shadow people. They ran up the stairs, ran to corners and disappeared when I turned on the lights, and one even stared back at me. I was trying to sleep and had the feeling that I was being watched so I turned on the light and opened the closet and there was the face of what looked like an anime girl with her long air flowing with wind. It was only her face about the size of a thumb and she looked depressed. She scared me so much I ran downstairs to get my dad but when I got back she was gone.

I got a VERY painful warning about 5 months ago. Me and my family were at a buffet at a casino when all of a sudden my face felt like it was being electrocuted. I couldn't move and it was hard to breathe. There as a strong scent of garlic that was somehow preventing me from breathing (and they weren't serving anything garlic-related in the buffet). I had a very painful headache and felt like I was about to pass out. What saved me was this mint cream that my mom put near my nose that enabled me to breathe easily. In my head I got a message that something was wrong in the world. When we got home later that day there was a toxic gas leak at my house.

Am I psychic or something? I'm scared to have that feeling again. It felt like I was losing myself or I died. Someone help me please.

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Sparious (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-05)
I've had an experience simular to that and it sounds like something was trying really hard to get you attention to warn you about the gas leak. If that ever happens again I recommend you open you Inner ear (the part that allows you to hear astral entity and spirits) and just listen. I also suggest you spend sometime improving your defencive skill (or whatever your most comfortable with). So that if there is an entity that wishes you harm you won't be "helpless". Good luck in your future and my best wishes to you.
Sparious (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-05)
I've had an experience simular to that and it sounds like something was trying really hard to get you attention to warn you about the gas leak. If that ever happens again I recommend you open you Inner ear (the part that allows you to hear astral entity and spirits) and just listen. I also suggest you spend sometime improving your defencive skill (or whatever your most comfortable with). So that if there is an entity that wishes you harm you won't be "helpless". Good luck in your future and my best wishes to you.
Panhil (4 stories) (79 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-05)
As we get closer to 2012 the veil is becoming thinner, meaning more sightings and more pain for psychics. Hang in there

Helpful1 (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-31)
Hello check out these sites. Protect yourself and be kind to yourself. Protection- Lots of people are becoming stronger coming to 2012 and as there is more light coming there are more astral beings in pain. Use creating your highest future room as it helps you with your thoughts. Be wary of channeling though for yourself and constantly surround yourself with white light. Xx 😁

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