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High Pitched Noise In Head


My name is J and for all my life I have been hearing a high-pitched noise in my head. At First it would start for only a few seconds (2-5) ,but now I'm fourteen and it would happen more frequently I know some might say tinnitus but its more internal than external sometimes I wouldn't hear the noise but get a feeling by my ears just like the noise would cause It would make a lot of since if it was clairaudience because (only twice) I heard spirits.

I also can't tune it to where I can hear the noise be what I experience after the noise to me is like a heightened state of hearing but since I generally don't like the feeling I try to plug my ears then it all goes away. Going back to hearing it more frequently now it would come weekly or even daily sometimes more than once in the day but the sound still last the same. Some people say that it's your guardian spirit protect over you and you are just aware of their presence and if that's true I have a question regarding that "how can you hear them?" to me it's so hard to hear them speak at all and it generally makes me feel out of touch.

I just need answers because it's not easy trying to figure things out when you can't understand anything. Also is their away to fully be able to get the whole thing surrounding the noise answered because I don't know if I should just ignore or try and find a way to make be able to help me talk to my guardian/guide or something.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jelal, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Alcyone (3 stories) (17 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
This high pitch noise is it something like the audio tone you hear when a network on tv is signing off? 'coz I hear a lot of those audio tones since I was very young and then it stopped then these past few days I started hearing it again...

I read that one of the signs that someone is a starseed is hearing a buzzing sound or audio tone. Read here the characteristics of starseeds but its quite long. Http://
Jelal (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-20)
i don't think its quite the same thing
Since its not much of a sound but feeling
Anonymous17 (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-19)
*edit: This link is from the same website but better.:
Anonymous17 (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-19)
There is this high pitch noise that most kids/teens and some young adult hear. If you have a good hearing you should be able to hear it. Some shops use it to "scare" off teens. Here is a website I found pretty fast. Didn't have the chance to check it out much, but it still might be useful. Http://

I think anyone can hear the sound form the link though (if you turn up your volume). Sometimes, the sound may varry a bit from time to time (in real life, not from the link).
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-19)
Thats great. I told you that there was something past the noise. Now all you need to do if you want to is to listen to the feelings that you are getting. Your feelings will increase with time. Hope this helps.
Jelal (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-18)
that makes sense because my older brother has a different dad than me.
Also I don't hear the noise any more now its more of a feeling.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-18)
Yes, Most always all abilities are genetic and/or run through famillies. You get it from your dad. Also, not every member of the familly will get an ability. So now you can talk to your dad to ask how he handled his ability. Maybe he has some tips for you. And, always talk to your parents about your abilities. Its fun to share.
Jelal (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-18)
could an ability or whatever like that be genetic becuase me and my little brother have the same dad and he can hear the noise to but my older brother cant
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-18)
Well, I'll be the first one to say it. First you must have a Dr. Evaluate you to rule out any medical problems. Its better to be safe than sorry. If you are medically fine than you may be in tune with the spirits on a higher frequency. Humans frequency levels are a set amount. Yours are much broader. Just like dogs hear at much lower/higher frequencies. Big fish like sharks travel the ocean by vibrational frequencies. Big birds like eagles travel the skys by magnetic earth fields. And, when your inside you could be picking up on the electronic equiptment. The white noise as they call it. Maybe you should learn to meditate to get more in tune with the noise. I'll bet there is something past the noise. The noise may be how the spirits alert you that they are there. Hope this helps.

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