So I see ghosts at night either before I got to bed or while I am in bed. However, this is the thing that confuses me I never saw ghosts, I never even believed in ghosts until I moved from my father's house (which was in the country) to my mother's (in the city). This is just in less than a year why can I see them now all of a sudden? I haven't told anyone I see ghosts because I think people will think I'm crazy or they won't believe me. A few nights ago I was about to go to bed and I saw this man, maybe 21 to 26. He was dressed in a white tank top, blue jeans, and a flat bill black hat. He was clean shaved soooo pale almost white as snow. Also he was smoking I don't know what though, and there were drugs all over my bed, desks, floor! Like weed, cocaine, meth, and heroin! There were needles,lighters, pipes, etc. All in my room! I smelled the drugs too. He didn't talk he just looked at me. He didn't look mean he looked nice. He was in my room for maybe a maximum of 5 minutes, and then he was gone in seconds everything was gone no smells nothing. Now, there was a house a few houses down that was a drug house I was so bad that the police and construction people had to knocked it down, and now it is just an empty lot. Could that maybe have something to do with it? The problem is no one knows the people who used to live there, no one saw them that often they were either quiet or gone a lot.
If something happen to you like that or you can answer my question, please comment thank you so much!