My name is Melissa.
So my friend and I love to research about sixth senses and stuff. She is an empathy and already proved it to me on other occasions. She told me that she gets the feeling from me that I can see what most people can't, like ghosts and stuff. She called me "the ghost watcher." But it confused me a little bit because of course everybody has their ghost stories but none of mine have ever been different.
Also, my neighbor and this other girl always hangout. They always talk about how they can feel the empath in each other, but never have felt that way about me.
So as I kept hanging out with this girl I noticed that I started to be able to feel when she was sad, and then when others got sad. I could always feel the sadness in people, never any other emotion.
Accept my mom. My mother is bipolar, and when she walks into a room its overwhelming stress and anger I always feel. I don't like being too close to my mom or even being in the same room with her sometimes. It just frustrates me and she doesn't seem to understand why.
Then one day my neighbor moved away, and I stopped practicing, for I am so confused.
I really just want to know what my sixth sense is. I feel I can possibly be an empath for I am one of the most emotional people ever, but I have been told so many other things.
I feel like since this neighbor has moved away, my mind is blocked or something. It's really hard because I want to practice and get better but I can't make sense of my own feelings nonetheless others around me. I feel like I can't focus. Please help.:)
It is good to feel, but it is also good to be strong. To better honor others know who you are so that you can be strong when different types of people enter your life. Bi-polar and all mental disorders I believe are related to spirituality and psychism. Try not to be so hard on your mother. As one is tested at one thing, another may be tested at another thing. As we are all tested let us all be one in our common pain, and common striving to know the truth through our own personal way.