I'm confused on what feelings I have. I have been trying to find any medical reasons as to what I have. Maybe a normal occurrences in humans? I have been trying to find explanations researching and I cannot find out any medical condition I have for this. I recently have been having these feelings a lot lately. I have tried not to use the word... Psychic... But I guess it what I have maybe.
I guess my first experience of this happening was when I was 12 years old. The day my brother died. I knew something was going to happen to him, I know it was bad and I just didn't know why I was having this feeling all day. I could see I shouldn't leave the house, but unfortunately I did. When we go the news my grandpa didn't tell us what happened. I said "something happened to matt didn't it?" he looked surprised and didn't say anything. Of course we got the news, but ever since then I have been having these feelings.
I could also know when my brother is near because I could smell his sent flowers... When there isn't even flowers nearby.
I remember having good feelings about things. I remember having bad feelings, but recently it has been going like crazy. I don't know what sets it off. This has happened in a few months time. My friend my feelings come up with her mostly. For example just an hour ago I was talking on the phone with her and she said somebody is at your door. I said it is Chris. She looked through her peep hole and it was Chris. She freaked out and said "Cait are you psychic?" I honestly had no idea how I knew he was there but I just did.
Another example is a few weeks back. My friend was going to help her friend move out of the house by getting her stuff. She was bringing one friend. I had a bad feeling about this and I told her please to bring other friends because I have a feeling he was going to be there. Thank god she did because he was there that day and actually assaulted her by pushing her down.
Also another time before that with her a month before this ever happened I told her don't be surprised if two brothers are fighting over you. She said what are you talking about? I said just listen to me. A month later two brothers were actually fighting over her and she said she thought I was joking but I wasn't.
I have a lot of other experiences but I don't want to write a book.
I'm just confused about what I have I don't know if it is psychic abilities or something else. As I said it has been active lately and I just want to know what it is! Why do I have this? Is this normal? Why am I the only one that could detect the scent of my brother? Anybody have answers for me?