I am a beginner in Astral travel as I have yet to experience one (one that I clearly can remember). I think I have had one or two in my youth but I definitely can't remember for sure; those where of flying and ended with falling to the ground. What I can remember from them the vision was kind of foggy, like a grey mist that surrounded my vision and that I couldn't stop the falling.
Another occurrence was when I woke up early one morning and my bed shook, or at least I thought it did. I think now that it was me, in a pre-astral travel state.
I have taken a great interest in the subconscious and astral travel amongst many things the latest 2 years and I'm currently trying to achieve astral travel. At the moment I can go to focus 10 although it takes a while to do it and while I'm there I am trying to just be and will myself out of my body. I get the floating experiences which feels like I'm sinking or floating up or to the side and what not. I recently experienced pulsating waves on my forehead when I focused on that spot. What are these? Are these the vibrations that is typical before having an OOBE? Also, I'm wondering if I am doing this right. I'm thinking about whether I should try to fall asleep fully with just the intention to astral travel or if I should lay there in focus 10 and just will myself out. One method sounds like falling asleep and hoping for an OOBE and another sounds more like meditating myself out. What is the difference between these? Need some guidance please and by the way the relaxation is not the problem, I think it's more the concentration and to not let my mind chatter all the time.
Thank you <3
There are other downsides to focusing on AP at the starting point of straight from the physical, versus from a dream and that is; you're going to endure the etheric anomollies and probably hear things that frighten you. You'll also be suseptible to the magnetic hold which often pulls back newbies. I suggest you do mantras before going to bed to become lucid while you are sleeping. During the day, question if you are dreaming. If you can become lucid while dreaming, you can take control of the experience and go from there. Lucid dreams are just desguised astral experiences anyway. Dreams are fuzzy and weird because our subconsious mind is running the show and is highly symbolic and has an agenda we're not conscious of, however, an AP is our conscious mind running the show and we do as we consciously wish. Make sense?
Have a great day.