I am submitting a story in hopes that comments might help me piece together thoughts about what I am. Not that a label is important, but it sorta is to me so I can begin learning more.
I'm 22 years old and my abilities seem to be more pronounced in warmer weather (when I'm happiest).
I have three different things going on:
1. As a child at a young age I could always see colors. When I say I see them, they were part of what I considered "normal" vision. It wasn't a "mist" per say, but they were always present. It was almost like a kaleidoscope of many colors, and I wouldn't say they were just near people. I remember falling asleep to the beautiful colors as a child, but they slowly went away. Or maybe I just got better at ignoring them. I suspect that's the case as they've reappeared now that I'm 22. Lately I have seen things out of the corner of my eye.
2. Let's just say I have a tendency to exaggerate. Well, more often than not the exaggerations come true. It could be something like I tell my friend, "Oh I have to write 10 pages for this class" when I know the assignment calls for 5 pages. Then, the Professor will change the assignment to 10 that day.
It happens all the time, these coincidences. At the time I say things, they don't feel like lies, but they don't feel like truths either. They just flow out of my mouth before I know what I'm saying. I never know at the time if it's going to come true. I have no grasp on my ability to "see the future." Plus, what I "see" or "predict" is always so incidental.
3. I suspect I'm a bit of an empath. I have an uncanny ability to just "know" what people want and to pick up on things. I read about people getting vibrations, and that's not the case for me. When I'm around negativity my depression flares up. When others are happy, I'm am too. I have the ability to pick up on things. For example, I had a gut wrenching fear my Mother was going to pass away months before she had her cancer scare.
I apologize for the length of this submission. I could go on forever, but I'm desperate (or at least ready) to begin understanding this more. I'd like to harness the gifts more.
Green_eyes: Perhaps a stupid question, but I was under the assumption you only saw auras around people? Thank you for your support, as I come to grips and begin to understand more I'm sure I'll be reaching out:)
Krislove: Wow! See, this is why I asked for help. You mentioned terms I never heard before. I'm going to check the site now! Thanks!