I wasn't sure where or how to categorize this story, so here it is...
Two mornings ago, I woke up and had the strongest urgency to hear a particular song. "One year of Love" by Queen. It was so strong that I jumped out of bed and immediately went to the computer to hear it. I turned it up loud and listened to it about 3 times.
I've had many times, like most, where I want to hear a song but this was overpowering.
Later that morning, My husband and I went into town and the first thing I did was find the CD and play the song again... I almost couldn't get enough of it.
This morning, I woke up slowly and as my mind started to clear I thought "Oh my God, Kim died in his sleep!" (Kim is my husband of 31 years).
I rolled over and touched him. He was warm and breathing and I took a HUGE sigh of relief. This feeling was so powerful that at the time I knew it to be true.
My husband woke shortly after I did and as we were lying in bed waking up and talking, he tells me that he had the wierdest dream.
He said he had a dream that he died.
He went on to tell me that he had died and slowly floated through the air, into the cloud line and then above it, out of our atmosphere and into the stars.
At that point he woke himself us because he said it freaked him out.
My husband and I are super close. I had a dream about him five years before we even met and his mother had a dream about me when he was only 6 years old so I know that we are truly soul mates.
I've had tiny dreams that had come true, such as a toilet overflowing or finding a certain piece of jewelry or other small things but this scares me. I tried to think of something we both watched on TV or something we both had been told, something going on in our lives or ANYTHING to explain this away. I cannot.
My husband and 28 year old son are taking a 150 mile trip today to go get our Grandchildren. I didn't want them to go but I had to be on the conservative side and try to sweep my fears away.
If someone can give me some insight or share your story, please do!