I need your help to know I'm not the only one because I feel like I am alone. I have dreams about the future, not all of them come true but some do. I tend to know if they are going to come true because I wake up and I have this funny feeling within me and a few days later it happens.
I also see things around my house. I'm used to ghosts and spirits and hearing and seeing things as my sister See's ghosts and so does my auntie and cousin but I still feel alone in this.
I see black cloaked figures walking past my living room window and hear my cupboards slamming in the middle of the night. The cupboards don't bother me as I think it is just my father as he died in my house and this is the type of thing he did. I also hear a little girl calling for her mother in my house. Hearing and Seeing spirits doesn't bother me but I need to know I have other to talk to, not just me.
My family doesn't experience the dreaming, I am the only one who can do this. I really want to know what being able to do this means. Sometimes I dream bad things and they really scare me. Some things I dream I confront people about, like my boyfriend, I had a dream that he didn't really love me and he told me this and he said to me I was being silly and that he does love me a lot. I believe him, he has proved it too me just to show me that, that was an ordinary dream.
I just really want to know what having this ability means and if there is a name for it so if I need to explain it, I can explain what its about and tell them what its called, I have been asked this question many times. I need help.
Much Thanks xxx