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Real Psychic Experiences

Visions Of Strange Creatures


When I was younger (about 10) I used to have problems sleeping. When I was going to bed I would close my eyes and relax and have these flashes of images come up. They were really strange creatures that I have never seen anything like. I used to be scared by them and could never sleep. I don't remember when but I stopped having them. Now I'm 17 years old and I have started having them again, but now I am older and can deal and interpret them better. I will see a quick image of something, almost as if it is a photograph. I have started to see more and more of them. I have seen multiple flashes of the same image almost as if they are frames from a video. Some of them I can remember better than others but one that I had recently was of two female alien like creatures and they were crying. I saw them for like one second and then I saw another flash of them and they were hugging each other then I saw another image of them being pulled apart. When I see them my eyes are closed but they are not just closed. It is as if I am looking and my eyes are open but they are closed. I'm looking at the backs of my eye lids and I look out into the darkness then I get this feeling that I'm a tiny speck in a huge space and then the images flash up. Most of them are really strange and a little creepy to me but not all of them. I have been trying to pull the image back up in my mind and concentrate on the details but they come up very quick and go away too fast for me to be able to really focus on them. There are some that I remember better than others and I draw them. The other day when I went to lay down I saw a flash of something but this time my eyes were open. It had a face that looked a lot like the masks that samurai used to wear and was sitting on the floor like a dog even though it had a human like body it had an almost animal like way to it. There was another time last year when I had a vision but this one was really a vision. It wasn't just a flash or an image it was like a video. I was at school in math sitting in a desk and had finished my work so I sat straight up and just closed my eyes. I then felt as if every thing around me was pulled away and disappeared, and I was moving forward really fast. I was in a tunnel of blue balls almost as if they were particles or atoms and I was a red ball zooming through the tunnel. This lasted about 2 to 3 seconds and then I opened my eyes and felt like I came to a sudden halt. I threw my arms out and grabbed my desk and looked around the room and no one even noticed. I know it wasn't a dream because I saw the vision the second I closed my eyes and really felt like I was there. These images and things I am experiencing are a mystery to me. I will never lie about what I experience and want complete truth. I keep thinking about my mind and if I could've created all of these things or something but they just don't add up. I don't know but if anyone else has had experiences like this please give me your input and opinion because I would really like to know what you think. Especially about the images of the creatures.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AstralSilent, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-18)
The same thing happens with me. I see faces of what seems like horrible creatures but now they don't even bother me. Not much scares me these days.
Alicristy (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-18)
Wow, how strange is that. I just put in the details concerning this matter on the net and came across this site. Last year something similar thing happened to me but only on a few occasions when I close my eyes and see a white light tunnel and visions of people were doing things in that vision. It would only last for a minute or so but haven't had it since, though I think I need to really relax to help. Very strange as I never had it before or may have and never concentrated on it 'til now. Hope someone can shed a light on it soon as it is interesting.
nat26 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-26)
I too I see eyes and they are not very nice eyes or faces usually half face. Most of the time they aren't prety. When I ask their name their disappear. Sametimes lizardlike eyes. I am so glad I am not alone
nat26 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-26)
I too I see eyes and they are not very nice eyes or faces usually half face. Most of the time they aren't prety. When I ask their name their disappear. Sametimes lizardlike eyes. I am so glad I am not alone
Faithless (23 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-09)
And just after posting my previous comment, I'd closed my eyes and seen a huge wall, after seeing the "wierd" eyes, with enormously many ancient symbols (that I didn't recognise) engraved upon it. It was a short flash, but coloured and extremely clear. Advice?
Faithless (23 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-09)
I too get visions when I close my eyes. Mostly I see strange creatures with wierd eyes, and oftentimes what I see is just their faces. Other times, I see a tunnel that I'm zooming through, or better describe it as a circular, patterned tube that's rotating spirally while I travel inside it fast. I have also seen the numbers 1 and 4 flashing recurringly.
AstralSilent (1 stories) (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-09)
Thanks, I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this and I'm going to try and put on some pictures of these creatures that I drew so let me know what you think.
kianem883 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-25)
Hi astralsilent

I get the exact same thing you do. I close my eyes and once I relax I have many images and also visions of people or creatures I do not know. I get pictures of people in front of me or scenes that play like a video. I do not know quite what to make of it myself. I also had these as a child and they have come back now. I see a lot of faces of different people I rarely get the same faces over again. Sometimes these faces come up really close and I can get a bit frightened. The creatures I have seen have had hollow eyes and looked almost fishlike or lizardlike I don't know how to explain what I see. It's good to know that I am not alone, sorry I could not give you any answers! A.

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