Almost 4 years ago, right after I was newly wed, I decided to give the Christian religion a real shot. I "rededicated my life to Christ", and vowed to live for him. That's when I started to see white flashes of light resting in various places, but mostly on walls. It would happen at night, mostly, even in rooms well lit. I assumed it was God's presence, or even his angels. When I would pray to God, read the Christian Bible, sing songs to God, etc., I would see the lights the most, sometimes, the lights grew into big masses of light, all across the walls of my room.
The lights, over time, took on different colors, such as red and blue and green. I began to contemplate, in my mind, whether or not the different colors meant different spirits or intentions of these spirits. When all the windows are open or when I'm outside, and the sun is shining very brightly, I see more tiny white lights that dance, than I can even count! These lights have inspired me, made me afraid, and have even made me sad, when I was trying to forget God after leaving religion.
I even had my husband "baptize" me in our bathtub one night, and after the baptism, I looked up, expecting to see a flash, and I saw a red and blue flash on the ceiling. I assumed it was my confirmation from God that he was pleased. I am well aware that what I believed these lights to mean, may have very well all been made up in my mind, which is why I am sharing what I assumed them to be. I've even called upon the lights to show themselves, to confirm things for me, to give me yes or no answers, etc. They mostly didn't appear when I wanted them to, but sometimes they did, and it was really intense.
I know that everyone has a different story, but I would really like some different feedback on these encounters.