I'm 15, and I've been having these very strange real-like dreams,
Ever since I was around the age of 5 to 8 I remember having extreme realistic dreams but on a odd occasion, normally it would be stupid dreams, like once I had a dream of me being in a car, and the car was in control of itself, and I was stuck in it screaming, or another time I was being chased by a bear, and it killed me... And I became the bear!?... Very realistic but confusing dreams like those made me afraid to do anything violent or aggressive before I go to sleep because I know normally if I do I end up with realistic version of it but just in a different way, so anyway.
My dream last night involved the earth and the planet was in this massive war, then I saw everyone melting into the ground and their was a Pyramid on top of it was people surrounded by light laughing down on the people who were melting into the ground, and then I saw the planet as a desert with everyone on it dead, and then last I saw the planet being green a full of peace and love it was a pretty fast dream but very real and then I woke up with a massive headache and the palms of my hands were burning, what does this all mean I would really like some help.