I do not have any mental illnesses, no one had died in my family since I have lived, which is quite amazing, and I have a great life at home. At night though, I hear voices. There not my thoughts though...it's hard to explain, it's like thoughts coming INTO MY head, and it's bit's and pieces, almost like others thoughts. At first I was a little scared, I still am actually, and even though I have been dealing with this for a few months, I still get freaked out every time this happens. At first I also thought it might even be ghosts! That's how realistic the voices sounded. I have sat straight up multiple times and looked around, thinking some one was in my room due to the constant voices.
They talk about simple things, bills, payments, what they had for dinner, what they like to eat and recipes, other peoples lives, gossip. Stuff that's everyday and sometimes, occasionally, a voice will float in that is sad and is crying... But almost in a mental way, like it's not physically crying just yet.
I'm so freaked out, I just don't know what to do.
Usually, I have be in a quite place, then I get relaxed, then the voices float in. It's hard to sleep at all with people talking to mostly themselves! I don't know what to do! It's so... Confusing and weird! I'm really scared! Can anyone help me out at all? I feel almost embarrassed, but I don't think anyone could really understand me in my family.
I have posted other stories about some OTHER experiences in which people have suggested me have ESP, and also said I had an OBE. I don't know if this matters but I added it just in case. Please help?
The voices usually start piping up because internally, somewhere in my psyche, when they think something is wrong, they're usually correct. When I was going through states of depression, the voices were depressed as well. When I'm optimistic and my usual zany self, so are the voices. YOU are in COMPLETE control of YOURself AND your voices. I've stopped worrying about little things that used to give me complete anxiety and the voices have stopped nagging at me about those little things, and they poke fun at me when I feel like poking fun at others. It's kind of a 'you are what you eat' kind of thing, except its more like 'what you are on the inside, you are on the inside of that inside'. Confusing, I know, but seriously, talk to the voices, don't worry too much about feeling crazy because its the ones who are truly crazy who don't think that they're crazy and it's the ones who think they might be crazy who usually aren't. If you don't like the voices and want to block them out, there is always the option of medication, I however despise medication because of the adverse side-effects and I'd much rather chatter away with the friends inside of my cranium than feel all fuzzy and dim.
The way I look at it is YOU in your physical and psychological self, excluding the voices, is basically a hotel, including all the staff. THE VOICES are all the guests of that hotel. Some are nice and quiet, some are obnoxious, some throw room parties, and some seriously need to get kicked out. Believe me, I had a Kenny in my skull and we ALL (my physical and psychological self in addition to all the other voices) wanted to CHOKE her, Kenny is the name of one of my obnoxious voices that was incredibly stupid and it was kind of like those incredibly low intelligence individuals who have every idea on how annoying they are and they don't care so they keep on doing it. I don't know what happened to Kenny but after three weeks of dealing with that particular overly annoying resident of the skull-cabinet, the rest of the voices either dismantled her/it or kicked her/it out. You have to work through these things, don't just take the easy path. It's like what one of the others in this thread said, it's easier to avoid than accept. I'm tired of avoiding because I myself don't like being avoided, and so I accept. I learn to cope with it and I make the most of it. I used to think I was crazy and I worried about it constantly but now I joke about it all the time and I am genuinely happy with myself because, you know what? I might be crazy, but no one but me can get inside my head and I'm friends with everybody in here. Be respectful to the head-space staff of the hotel and they will be nice to you. Seriously. If they are open-minded with becoming friends with you, become friends with them. Treat others how you want to be treated essentially because what you are on the inside, you are on the inside of your inside too. Bon appétit, all our little voicified friends.