Application of Psychic Abilities in Everyday life:
Personal and Historically based experiences
I will begin by saying that words are just symbols of ideas and concepts people experience in the real world. I am not trying to "convert" anyone to any religion. Merely to show how we as a society can use our gifts and knowledge to help the world a better more pleasant place to live and raise our children. My concepts are still under development and testing. However they are founded in intensive research both through academic sources and real life experiences. I read religiously and when communicating with an individual I listen to their words not only with my physical ears but with my spiritual ones.
There is more to communication than just words spoken or written. I have read spoken word or a speech described as an angel that carries that person's message from one being to another. For some this is just poetic imagery. If you wish to believe that it is your choice, but for me it is literal. When someone speaks, I see the creation of a spiritual entity, who then comes to me and explains what they truly mean. Sometimes that entity will admit they don't really know what the person's intent was upon creating them. Similar to what people say about God and His creation of mankind.
My answer to both entities is the same: why don't you go ask your creator your purpose?
I believe there are many paths to God and that God is three things: Love, Truth and Light. Or translated into other words: Mother, Father, and Child. Love and Truth combine to create Light that is used to create all living things. Thus is the nature of the Yin-Yang symbol. Love nurtures all life and Truth cuts through and destroys illusions and lies. One is seen as bright white energy and the other is "dark" or black and often misunderstood and labeled and "evil" because it scares people who would rather live in their lies and illusions.
Individuals chose which aspect of the God or the world they wish to worship and this can be seen by their actions and words. The terms "good" and "evil" are relative and dependent on your own personal position. Yin and yang do not war with each other, that concept is a human invention to try and get their Heavenly parents to choose sides. Don't you think it is time humanity grew up and learned why we were created in the first place?
On that note, I'm researching Susan Isaac's principle on education. Her name is mentioned in my early childhood education book "Beginnings and Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education, 8th edition" and I thought others on the site might find it interesting because I think she might have had psychic abilities and spoke about it but the world did not recognize her.
"She proposed "the opportunity for free unhindered imaginative play not only as a means to discover the world but also as a way to teach the psychic equilibrium, in working through wishes, fears, and fantasies so as to integrate them into a living personality'
The teacher's role was different from that of a therapist, she asserted, in that teachers were "to attract mainly the forces of love, to be the good but regulating parent, to give opportunity to express aggression but in modified form, and not attract herself to the negative explosive reactions of hatred and oppression."
So if there are others who visit this website who would like to give informed, educated examples of how they use their psychic abilities to enhance their job and other aspects of their life. I look forward to hearing about it.
Personally I apply what I learn in the spirit world to keep the people around me safe and give them some time to think for themselves and figure out what God wants them to do with their life. When they tell me their dreams, I give them the resources and knowledge to pursue it. That is what I think it means to be a teacher and I hope someday I'll be allowed a classroom of my own to implement it in. For now I'm happy as a stay at home mom and substitute teacher and will always be proud to be called a child of God. Perhaps my brothers and sisters out there will help my personal dream of creating a brighter future for this world come true?
May the Love of God encompass and protect you as walk in Their ways no matter which path you chose in this life.
"Schizophrenia is characterized by hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders, bizarre behavior, paranoia, and/or depression. (DSM IV, APA) Research estimates that 5-13% of people with schizophrenia commit suicide, with the highest risk being in the ten years after their first psychotic break with reality. (Ann Gen Psychiatry 2007"
What is the correlation between mental illness and psychic experiences?