As most of the experiences of this site, I believe this may be no different. It sort of falls under visions or what I call, a mind movie... It usually occurs when I'm not expecting it, mostly when I am alone. It doesn't happen now, it stopped, but I don't think forever. Sometimes I cannot see in my field of vision. Instead, I see me, doing an everyday activity or an action. For example, I have seen a mind movie of me 'putting or taking something' away from a cabinet. I saw it probably a very long time ago, I don't know when. Then usually, 2-7 or maybe mostly half a year later, I find myself doing something like taking out an item, from a cabinet, and remembering doing it very so vividly before, although I never did.
Sometimes, it could be 2 weeks, even 2 days. I get really scared by this, but I don't think I'm physic. It has happened, but not recently. I am scared it will turn disastrous. Please, help me out. I don't want to end my life in tragedy!
Most of all, I do not see 'scary' things. At least, not yet, and I hope I can't. It doesn't seem like a psychic experience, and I have never told anyone. If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it. It gives me chills every time I do something, I remember doing it a while back and suddenly recall seeing myself do it, and I stop and shudder. I would like some help with this, if I could stop it, or maybe see what it is. I don't think its normal, and I think it's normal. I'm mixed up, I don't think I can do visions, but I need help controlling/stopping/seeing what this thing is.
P.S. I am for sure that I have never done the EXACT same thing before, and I know it's not a vision. Or is it?
I haven't had a REALLY long vision before. It's only been 5 seconds, tops? And about that car and fire, that is really creepy.:/