A very good friend of mine whom I have only recently gotten back into contact with called me on Jan 8th and told me she had a bottle of whiskey and a glass in front of her and she asked for help. (She has been drug and drink free for just over 1 year and 1 month). I was able to talk her through this and she made her AA Meeting but as she explained what was going on, what had driven her to this point, caused me to ask if I could 'intervene' as it seemed to be more than just stress related.
Some background on my friend... 23yrs ago (give or take a month or two) her then husband was arrested and jailed for 'manslaughter' because he had thrown their youngest daughter (1yr 2 months old) against the wall because she would not stop crying. The State (Texas) removed all her other children based on the fact that she had left them in the care of an 'unreliable' person. She went off the deep end, in a very bad way, for many years because of this. Her mother was able to adopt her 3 other children so they were not separated, but with dad in Jail and Mom 'drunk and drugged' well she wasn't around much. She, as stated above, has now been clean for 1 year 1 month and about 2 weeks (GO TEAM!), lives with her mother and her youngest son (now 22). Her son drinks, does some drugs and will very deliberately stock the house with beer and such if Mom has AA friends coming over... He blames her for so very many things as well as treats 'Grandmom' like 'S&^%'. He will demand money from Grandmom, and she will give it to him, even if it means the Mortgage won't get paid... It's not a 'Good Situation'. Here recently my friend 'put her foot down' and told her son he couldn't treat Grandmom like that anymore, to go get a job and had her Mother 'cut him off for money'. Needless to say he wasn't happy, but he complied.
(That's the 'short and... Well I can't say sweet... But it's the short version...)
That's when she started seeing things out of the corner of her eye. Her dreams became "Tortured/Twisted memories" (her words). Twisted due to the fact that things seemed 'exaggerated, or not quite the way she remembered them. She was also 'hearing voices' suggesting she 'return to her old ways'... And now on the 8th of Jan it had been 2 weeks that this had been going on and she was ready to 'crack'. Over the last couple of days I have been 'visiting' her via the Astral (Spiritual) Plane and what I discovered was a negative entity that was attached to her son was reaching out, trying to draw her in as she had 'cut off' the things that 'enabled' her son to 'partake'.
It enjoyed the chaos it created in his life and wanted more of the same. The night of the 10th he (the Entity) and I came 'head to head'. It was a fight, I'm still paying for it, but I was able to 'get rid of it'. (I won't say Exorcise or Cast Out as I try and keep these posts non-religious in nature.) I have had a Thank You call from my friend as the atmosphere in the house is lighter and her son seems to be 'more relaxed' and calm. Only time will tell for sure.
I feel as if I have gone a full 15 rounds with a Pro Boxer... Things like this always leave me drained and sore... But my 'shields' are holding and rest assured I haven't gone anywhere...
My sincerest apologies, I never expected the simple question I asked of SHAOLIN to develop into what it has.
I will let matters rest where they are at. The conversation speaks volumes on it's own.