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Real Psychic Experiences

Assiting Friends


A very good friend of mine whom I have only recently gotten back into contact with called me on Jan 8th and told me she had a bottle of whiskey and a glass in front of her and she asked for help. (She has been drug and drink free for just over 1 year and 1 month). I was able to talk her through this and she made her AA Meeting but as she explained what was going on, what had driven her to this point, caused me to ask if I could 'intervene' as it seemed to be more than just stress related.

Some background on my friend... 23yrs ago (give or take a month or two) her then husband was arrested and jailed for 'manslaughter' because he had thrown their youngest daughter (1yr 2 months old) against the wall because she would not stop crying. The State (Texas) removed all her other children based on the fact that she had left them in the care of an 'unreliable' person. She went off the deep end, in a very bad way, for many years because of this. Her mother was able to adopt her 3 other children so they were not separated, but with dad in Jail and Mom 'drunk and drugged' well she wasn't around much. She, as stated above, has now been clean for 1 year 1 month and about 2 weeks (GO TEAM!), lives with her mother and her youngest son (now 22). Her son drinks, does some drugs and will very deliberately stock the house with beer and such if Mom has AA friends coming over... He blames her for so very many things as well as treats 'Grandmom' like 'S&^%'. He will demand money from Grandmom, and she will give it to him, even if it means the Mortgage won't get paid... It's not a 'Good Situation'. Here recently my friend 'put her foot down' and told her son he couldn't treat Grandmom like that anymore, to go get a job and had her Mother 'cut him off for money'. Needless to say he wasn't happy, but he complied.

(That's the 'short and... Well I can't say sweet... But it's the short version...)

That's when she started seeing things out of the corner of her eye. Her dreams became "Tortured/Twisted memories" (her words). Twisted due to the fact that things seemed 'exaggerated, or not quite the way she remembered them. She was also 'hearing voices' suggesting she 'return to her old ways'... And now on the 8th of Jan it had been 2 weeks that this had been going on and she was ready to 'crack'. Over the last couple of days I have been 'visiting' her via the Astral (Spiritual) Plane and what I discovered was a negative entity that was attached to her son was reaching out, trying to draw her in as she had 'cut off' the things that 'enabled' her son to 'partake'.

It enjoyed the chaos it created in his life and wanted more of the same. The night of the 10th he (the Entity) and I came 'head to head'. It was a fight, I'm still paying for it, but I was able to 'get rid of it'. (I won't say Exorcise or Cast Out as I try and keep these posts non-religious in nature.) I have had a Thank You call from my friend as the atmosphere in the house is lighter and her son seems to be 'more relaxed' and calm. Only time will tell for sure.

I feel as if I have gone a full 15 rounds with a Pro Boxer... Things like this always leave me drained and sore... But my 'shields' are holding and rest assured I haven't gone anywhere...



Other clairvoyant experiences by RookDygin

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RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)

My sincerest apologies, I never expected the simple question I asked of SHAOLIN to develop into what it has.

I will let matters rest where they are at. The conversation speaks volumes on it's own.


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
If anyone wants to continue with this, my MSN is bbdeathspark3 [at] Only those with msn can add me there >,...,>
Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
My sincerest apologies to the site and it's users. I won't be commenting further.
Thank you, as well, for providing this forum and holding to the integrity of it's purpose.

TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)

Not once have any one of you proved me wrong. You have simply been louder, which adds to your immaturaty. Cut out the nonsense would you? Conversation hasn't been constructive since you and your friends starting debating with everyone about being silly voids or demons. Your clearly trying to start arguments.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
Folks, please take this thread offline to private e-mails should you wish to keep bantering. It's moved well past any constructive development. I don't want to stop your constructive communications, just not fill up the comments section with arguments that are going nowhere. I enjoy healthy debates but this isn't that. Future comments of this nature for this thread will be removed by the web developer if there are any more outside of a polite e-mail exchange. I want this site to be a safe and positive haven for empaths and psychics alike. Let's keep on track.

Thanks for your respect on this matter,
UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
So defending a friend from people who keep spewing insults and such when they don't know him is being "cultish"?

Uhh... Ok, then... So by that definition, apparently in any situation where people defend their friends from monkey behavior is "cultish".

You talk about people being a "joke" and in fantasy, yet it is actually YOU and YOUR GROUP who seem to want so bad for us to be something we're obviously not.

And for people who think they have "pegged" people with their so called "real abilities", your words are pretty far from the truth.

Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
[at] UMAD and Sparky,
Oh yes, your behaviour and fever pitch defense of someone who has been banned from this site for just that reason, denotes a cultish mindset. And whether or not you care to admit it, there is no escaping that fact.
So you just go right ahead and keep up the rhetoric you've been spewing thus far. All you do is build the case against you even stronger.

Jav 😊

End of story 😆
UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
And also...

[at] Rook.

Respecting our friend's privacy is not "cultish". You do not have a "god given right" to every little thing you and your group ask on here about people's personal lives. We talk to Shaolin on a daily basis, too. If you want to call something "cultish", look at religion (yes, yours too).

And yes, we are telling you to mind your own business, because quite frankly, its NOT YOUR BUSINESS.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
[at] Rook, I already told you. Shaolin won't say anything because he respects Eric's views. Shaolin was already told that by Eric after he made the comment.
And Sorry but is EVERYTHING that involves a group cultish to you? You're waving that word around like it's nothing >_>

[at] MoonShine Eric and Paimon are two different people. And how else are we to get the message across if we don't say his name -_-.
UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
Fyi... Those 2 are NOT the same person. If you knew them you'd know that. Just more evidence that you don't know them, so you don't need to be saying things about them.

Just clearing that up...

But seriously, drop the damn subject already and move on. None of us are going to answer you.
moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
Eric/Paymon (same person) is/was a joke. At least Shaolin has the decency to admit he's been lying about being "from the void". Although, those of us who have real abilities caught on to him immediately 😆 😆, just like we pegged Eric/Paymon.

Eric/Paymon was banned for a reason, and it isn't because he's such a wonderful person. Sparky, you know that. But, this whole discussion has absolutely NOTHING to do with you, UMAD, me, or Javelina. It's between Rook and Shaolin.

And really, if Eric/Paymon doesn't like his name mentioned, and you and UMAD know this, why are you mentioning his name in all of yor posts? Maybe we should refer to him as "he, who shall remain nameless". Give me a break!
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
I find it Extremely Fasinating that the ONE person I asked my orignal question to has not answered and yet two other individuals have made statments concerning this matter. Those statments seem to say, 'we are not going to tell you anything'. We respect 'Eric's' right to privacy you should to.

I at least would like to hear something to that effect from the individual I asked my orignal question to, that individual is Shaolin. If they tell me they wish to respect 'Eric's' privacy or that they are uncomfortable talking about it then I will let it drop. I would of course prefer this to be here in the Public Forum but Shaolin you may contact me via the e-mail on my profile if you wish a private exchange.

I must admit however the reactions that my question seems to have rasied strikes me as defensive and... Well cultish. If I'm wrong I'm sorry but that is the honest truth... It seems as if the conversation that is taking place is more of an attempt to tell Shaolin to not say anything as well as to tell me to mind my own busniess. That is my humble and honest opinion.


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
[at] Rook: I'm pretty sure asking Shaolin what ERIC has proven/did is involving Eric. And Shaolin will not say what Eric did because Eric doesn't want his name anywhere.

We aren't afraid of eric or anything. He simply doesn't want his name brought up. At all. So the basis of your question here cannot/won't be answered anyways.

[at] Tigerking: Who are you to denote how abilities work? So far all I've seen is a little angry immature dood who freaks out when he's proven wrong.
TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
this site is being plagued by young adolecents who are in a craze of wanting to be superman. Abilities do NOT work like that. Yes people do become unlocked and there is a lot of people who get them. Yes this site would attract these people. But it's difficult to find the genuine ones amoung the ones who are persuing their dream of being magic. If you have something going on... 9 times outa 10 you know it... You don't just find out over night. Well... You do... But so many? It just seems like people are making things up all too often.
Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
Hey Rook,
Just dropping off some more Kettle corn and lemonaid. I put some hot cocoa in there too, just in case you need a warm up after your rounds. 😊
I'm going back to catch a few more winks. Talk to you later.

Jav ❤
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)

I am on tonight... I work 2300 (11pm) to 0700 (7am) Sunday through Thursday. So you have a couple of more days of me. 😲


You speak of your friend as if HE is someone or something very special and while your loyalty is admirable I was not talking ABOUT HIM. I asked, what I thought was a harmless question, concerning what another poster had been shown and it's become this 'Do not talk about HIM. HE doesn't like to be talked about. From your 'tone' it sounds as if he is some Mythical Being to be feared or Something along those lines.

I do not wish to talk about him, nor is my intent to insult him, or anyone, I just asked another poster (Shaolin) what they had been shown and what it proved about this individual named Eric.

You say you have been shown links... That one I will ask a question about. Do you mean links to past comments/experiences here on this site or are you inferring that you have been shown links to something about Eric?


I really did understand her point but please look back at what started this whole 'chain of conversation'. I do not care about this Eric, but his name comes up now and again here on site. I even remember reading his profile when I first Joined the site and while I wanted to ask many questions I refrained because it was about the time Eric was banned from the site and being 'new' I didn't know what was 'happening' with that situation.

So yes I'm curious about Eric, but I fail to see how my asking Shaolin the question I did means that Eric is now involved. Mentioned...YES...Involved...NO.

Why is everyone afraid to talk about Eric? Again I echo my comment from above... Is he some sort of Mythical Being whom I should be afraid of? Do I need to invest in a personal lightning rod?

I asked a simple question because I am curious what Shaolin was shown, mostly because of the way Shaolin mentioned it in their comments.

It's really very interesting what this is turning into. I for one am here for the long haul. Please pass the Kettle Corn and the Lemonade.


Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
He'll be here once he gets done with rounds. If he's on tonight? Hmm...
Kettle corn? It's still warm.
~offers some to Sparky~

bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
-takes out popcorn- Ah, I love it when plans end well. Couldn't have gone better =3. And Rook, do hurry >,...,>. I'm bored and I want a good discussion.
Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
[at] UMAD and Sparky,
Funny how you both keep saying you have nothing more to say, yet you just can't stop talking. You are so adorable, I swear! It's alright if you feel like cutting loose, go right ahead. Let it all out, you'll feel better if you don't bottle it up inside. It's like being constipated, but of the mouth. If you hold it in too long the next thing you know, you can't talk at all. I guess we won't have to worry about that happening here though, will we?
Now, let's all just take a nice deep cleansing breath, let it out slowly, and gather our thoughts. Better?
Jeeeez! You two are quite the pair. Barking orders and laying down the law. Nice plan, bad execution. You screwed up by reacting to me in the first place. And it is far too late to back out of that rookie mistake now.
You blew it.
So...what's next? Will they or won't they? And how will they dig their way out? Inquiring minds want to know.

~shrugging my shoulders~
I'm just here for the popcorn.

Jav 😊
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
Javelina. We defend Eric's name because we don't leave our friends' names to get thrown around. Forgive us for having morale codes and devotion. If he threatened you, you should be the mature one. Who cares what you think of him? Keep it to yourself, its of no use to the conversation Rook brought here. And I think this shall go to say, unless you make relevant remarks to the subject Rook introduces (as he brought this here) then no attention shall be payed to you. You'd think an "adult" who spends her time "making fun" of people would know how to handle threats, and be a little bit more mature than a 14 year old. I guess not, eh.

So rook, was the topic about why we did not want Eric mentioned? Because if that is all I believe we are done here.
UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
Actually, you don't have a right, Javelina.

I've been shown links, and for the entirety that you have "spoken" to him through the forum, you and your group have insulted him, quite unwarranted as well, and he never insulted you to start with. ALSO, don't say anything about "threats", because in 1 thread, you did some threatening of yourself, and threatened him with a motorcycle gang.

Look in the mirror, much?
Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
[at] Sparky,
Yes, you are correct. I was mistaken. Apologies all around for that. I'm only human. No offense to you there, whatever it is you are these days.
Beautiful day, wouldn't you agree?

Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
[at] UMAD,
I have been nothing but civil about this subject dear. You're obvious devotion to Eric is quite puzzling though.
But let's just get one thing straight before you blow another gasket. I do know him. I have conversed with him. I have been threatened by him as well. And by that logic alone, you have no right whatsoever, to demand anything of me as it pertains to Eric. Friend or no, it makes no difference. Once a threat has been put upon the table, all bets are off. So stomp your feet, kick and scream, have a good old fashioned hissy fit if you want.
But just remember this, nobody cares about that fool here. This is your problem, not mine. If you didn't keep bringing him up, no one else would have noticed. So unless that was a part of your agenda, as in, you are purposely repeating his name for good luck, then the rest is up to you. If you don't want to talk about him, then don't. But don't think for one minute that you making demands will have the effect of those demands being met. The only reason you would continue in that direction is to keep the subject alive. Make others believe that the big bad wolf really does exist. All that guy did here was drive some very decent people away from the site. Not out of fear, out of disgust. Those were good people, knowledgeable, helpful, patient and kind. They deserved better.
Nobody's afraid of the big bad wolf here, they never were. They just got sick of the smell.

bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
Rook, basically she's saying that any talk of Eric, Eric would not want. Eric doesn't like it when his name is thrown around. So for Shaolin to talk about Eric proving things, then you asking how, means Eric is getting involved. We would simply like to AVOID talk about Eric, unless he wants it. Is that better explained?

[at] Javelina, Obviously you haven't read anything before you hopped to conclusions. Rook had JUST asked about how Eric proved things to Shaolin.
UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
He isn't a fool, so I would like it if you didn't insult him, because you have no right to.

I'm just saying~ He doesn't like to be talked about and you are disrespecting that fact. You disrespected it the moment you mentioned him in your first comment on the other article. Shaolin should not have mentioned him either.

He is my friend and there is no reason why you should insult him or talk about him.

If you don't care about him, then drop the subject. ^-^
Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
[at] UMAD,
I still don't get what you are so upset about. No one has posed a threat, made any accusations, or even asked you a thing about the subject. So you jumping ugly all over it makes no sense.
What's the real reason? What are you freaking out about? Say what's in YOUR heart. Nobody cares what that fool is up to hun, nobody.

UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
I do know if for a fact, because I talk to him every day. He doesn't like people talking about him, especially people who don't know him. That would be you and Javelina.

So, I will say this again: You don't know him. Don't talk about someone you don't know. Javelina, don't talk about things you OBVIOUSLY don't know about him and us.

Respect the fact that he doesn't like being mentioned.

Done. End of story. Move on. Good bye.
Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
Come on over kids, the water's fine.
Don't be afraid of speaking Eric's name guys, he can't hurt you here. I honestly don't know what you're so worried about with that guy anyway. He's old news, man. Get past it.
[at] Sparky,
I do admire you for one thing kiddo. You haven't changed your name. You are what you are and you show some pride in your decision to be as such. No matter how twisted that is, at least you are honest about it.
[at] Shaolin,
Glad to hear you have joined the human race pal. That being from the "Void" stuff was entertaining and all, but you knew it couldn't last forever. At least you had the cajones to own up to it. Doesn't mean I agree with you at all about much of anything, but it does show there is hope for you yet.
[at] UMAD,
Come out of your shell girl! Smile or something, for goodness sakes! We won't let the Boogeyman get you, that is, unless you want him to...

RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)

As I mentioned to bbdeathspark I'd like to discuss things here so we do not detract from the O/P's comment thread. There are some things that should be discussed/debated in the open as many may benifit from the conversation.

Now you stated...

"Its simply because if you don't know him, you shouldn't be asking things involving him, as he doesn't like to be talked about. I respect his right to privacy~ you should to."

I'm not sure how my asking Sholin how Eric convinced them concering himself is an invasion of Eric's privacy as I asked Sholin the question... However if Eric has requested that Sholin not share this with anyone... Well that would be different. Do you know that to be a fact? Has Eric requested Sholin not share this 'Proof'?


RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Thank you all for the feedback and positive 'vibes' they are well received and noted...


(I'll quote you first) "I'll try to remember the hint to keep things worded in a nonreligious/ offensive way to other posters."

It's not a hint, it's just how I present things... You have your very own point of view and your personel belief's influence how you present that. Do not be afraid to be who you are, just remember that hunny is more attractive than a brick to the face.

Go watch the kids, there is no excuse if they 'slip into darkness' when someone had a choice and they decided (quoting you) "or call and make some excuse"

As far as your experiment and other issues with this church, please post them as experiences (stories) as my story isn't quite the right place to bring it up and I'd like to make some comments on (about) it.


Thank you for your comment, it's been awhile sense I've had to directly intervene on such a level. It's intresting how the Powers that Be manage to place us where we are most needed. Let it be noted that my friend lives in DALLAS, TX and I live in ROUND ROCK, TX... Works out to be a 4.5 hour drive from my house to hers.



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