Although this account is not directly related to my previous story, I do feel however!... That there is a connection between this story and the last in regards to the way the coarse and outcome of my life has been affected by those in the spiritual realm, who sometimes intervene at the pinnacle point of our lives when things come from left field, that can change our fate not like the way it was intended too.
When I was seven years old, I shared a bedroom with my two brothers, there were three beds positioned side by side in a average size room, which made our sleeping quarters a little tight for comfort. These arrangements positioned my bed in the middle of the room, my face was at six o'clock to the light bulb!...Which was twelve o'clock in opposite direction directly above my head... Something at the time, was not even a consideration of danger or thought of harm to me or my brothers.
I remember this particular night, after kissing my mother good night, I headed to bed around 730 pm from best of memory. I use to sleep with the light on for as long as I could, or until I felt the comfort and protection of my two brothers that slept side by side. As I was laying in my bed, I can remember clearly staring at the light bulb... Which was on for some period of time previous. What happen next is something to this day, I will never forget and always be grateful for.
Suddenly with no one else in the room, I felt these two hands grab me from under my armpits and lift me up from a laying position into a sitting position in an urgent quick as it could type of fashion. The force of this action, was with strength similar two a physical one, That I can clearly remember. With in one or two seconds later from this experience, the light bulb exploded and landed exactly where my face previously was transfixed.
The consequences or harm to me that may have been inflicted by a burning hot shattered glass, could have been serious or even fatal considering my age and the year 1972. It would have for sure changed the way I looked and lived from that point to this, which in my opinion would have seen my life play out entirely differently and this assumption is what concludes my intuition?... That the coarse of my life was saved again...
For a lot of years I always wondered who it was and why?...only six months ago I believe I found out who? My eldest brother who at that time was living in a boys home, told me after I was telling him about this story, he saw my grandfathers spirit floating in the corner of the room that me and my two other brothers slept in. Not sure if it was before or after but it probably doesn't matter. I was only three years old when my grandfather died and I can't remember him, but I will always remember and appreciate that night and his incredible energy in lifting me out of harms way... God bless you Pop.
WakeTwin thank you for your comment and thank you all again guys β€