I'm 13 years old, confused, overwhelmed and curious to say the least. Just to be honest I don't exactly know how to explain this in words, but I'll do my best.
OK, so today at school I was the first in the classroom. So to waste time I started to read, the bell rung and my class came in and sat down. I put away my book came and sat back up and listened to my teacher talk. Well I easily get distracted in this class so my mind started to wander. But all of a sudden I was filled to the brim with emotions I certainly cannot be mistaken were NOT mine. First I was depressed then I was hyper neither of which I was feeling. Then after these invading emotions passed I felt overwhelmed with different emotions, my head hurt like it was going to explode but not like EXPLODE just like it was maybe going to burst? I also felt a bit nauseous.
This has been frequently happening since last year. I'm not scared but I'm not totally OK with this. It does come in handy when people who hate me or dislike me with the very passion of their beings act like they like me. I don't like hanging around with people that fake about friendship. But when I have emotions that are definitely not mine... What am I supposed to do?
People say they wish they could feel others emotions I can honestly say if this what I'm feeling constantly is feeling others emotions I wouldn't go as far as to say I WISH for it. Dealing with it yeah, fine I'm stuck with this gift of mine for life I won't complain but I just want them to know that its not easy.
My moms an open minded person about things like this. Seeing as she's kind of psychic and Empathy... Yeah. But I haven't told her to the extent of how much this affects me. Sometimes I just wish I could tell her without feeling awkward but if its not empathy...?
I would just like to know what you guys think... Is it Empathy or no? Who knows it might just be an illness that has been going on 2 years now. Thanks for reading it's much appreciated:)