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Premonition Or Just A Strong Intuition?


My husband Patrick had a best friend since he was a kid. They grew up together, played the same sports, hung out and did crazy things like any normal guys would do. My husband eventually was asked to be the best man at his wedding. I had just started dating Patrick at the time so he asked me to go as his date. Before his friend's wedding Patrick brought me to meet him and his soon to be wife. When I met her I immediately did not like her. I got bad vibes from as soon as we said hello. I was still newly dating Patrick so I didn't say anything. After their wedding I got to know her better and tried to look past all those bad vibes. Eventually against my better judgment I became friends with her.

A short time later my husband was asked to be Godfather of their first born son, Patrick happily accepted. I had reservations and asked him if he really wanted to obligate himself like that. He said yes, so he went ahead with it. Time came when Patrick and I got engaged, he asked his friend to be Best Man I asked his wife to be a Brides Maid and their son to be ring bearer. Wouldn't you know it, about 6 months before our wedding she started an argument with me and they all backed out of our wedding. We didn't speak for almost a year until one morning we got word that her father passed away. Of course we let everything go and were there for them. In the meantime she had another baby but picked some other people for the God parents... Phewww!

Last year Halloween 2009, we were by their house and she told me things were not going well with her marriage and she was having an affair. I, being a good friend kept her secret until she eventually couldn't hold it in anymore and told her husband. Of course there was arguing and threats of divorce, they had separated which left me and my husband stuck in the middle. We told them we didn't blame either one of them and we would always be there for them, but she decided that I was not to be trusted and started another argument with me. Well that was it, I ended the friendship and my husband doesn't speak to his friend anymore either.

The couple eventually worked things out and got back together. I vowed never to speak to either one of them again. Fool me once shame you, fool me twice shame on me! This past Thanksgiving I had a dream that she called me and was telling me about my husband's godson. I woke up and told Patrick, she is going to contact you and it's going to be about your godson. He said Naahh she would never call she knows she was wrong. I said I'm positive she's going to contact you. That very day my husband called me and said that she had texted pictures of her son to show him how big he got. About 2 weeks ago I had another dream, same scenario she called me and was talking to me about Patrick's godson. Again I told him she is going to contact you about him. My husband called me that afternoon at work and said. "You were right, she just texted me saying that he lost his first tooth."

So were these premonitions or do I just have a very strong intuition? Thank you for reading my story.

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WeirdOrWhatResearch (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Hello Cosmogal926,

My name is Anna Kowalsk; I'm a researcher with the television series William Shatner's Weird or What. The program airs internationally on History Television and Discovery Channel and is produced by Cineflix Production.

I am looking to speak with you about the following posting:

We are currently working on an episode that solely discusses ghosts and paranormal activity and would love for you to tell this story.

If you would like to get more background information on the show and company please visit these sites:

If you are interested please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Many thanks,
Akowalski [at]
416-531-2500 ext. 605
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
Hi knowing414 and thank you for your comment. I think that is amazing 😊 and I agree with you about always going with your gut. I just have to learn how to listen to it better. LOL!
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
Hey DC, Yep this is making me think of all the other dreams that at first I woke thinking, wow that was weird and then just forgot about them. Exactly I was so angry with her after that last argument and I remember in my dream I was annoyed that she called me I wanted to hang up on her but she was talking about her son so I couldn't because he is my husband's godson. I do feel bad for her son and my husband because he doesn't get to see him at all. But I'm sure she made us out to be horrible people to her son because that is the type of person she is. I like the idea of a dream journal too. I'm going to start doing that. Thanks DC 😊 ❤
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
Great advice from everyone, I also didn't know the difference between the two. Cosmo, doesn't it make you wonder about other dreams you've had but ignored as 'just dreams'? The fact that there was a certain amount of tension in your relationship with this woman made any dream she showed up in significant so of course you'd remember it. On the other hand, you could keep a dream journal, then at the end of each day go back to your journal and see if there are any experiences that match up, therefore qualifying that dream as 'precognitive'. I only mention it as a daily exercise because the two dreams you wrote about had "come true" that same day, but even if it were 3 or 4 days later it would still qualify plus it may reveal a patern. Example; maybe a dream that has no 'emotional' ties to it comes true 4 days later as opposed to one with them. It would be interesting to know how often they occur for you BUT they don't leave an impression on your consciousness because the content is not tied to you in an emotional way. Hmmm... 😉 ❤
knowing414 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
i have something like that but I am awake when that happens and I know things before they happen and I am right most of the time always go with your gut feeling because most of the time its right! I have learned that as I have gotten older
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
cosmogal926 I am glad I could be helpful in some way I hope this will help you some more.
Premonition- is the ability to see the future through visions while being awake.

Precognition- is the ability to see the future through visions while being asleep.

Good luck with everything.

cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
Hi lilylove, thank you for explaining the difference between premonition and precognition. I never really discussed this type of subject so I am not familiar with the terms. I am glad that my husband is there for me regarding these things too. Even though he doesn't give the idea of psychics or ghosts a second thought I believe he does keep an open mind about them. 😊
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
I believe you are having Precognition since you are seeing the future while sleeping. Precognition and premonition are about the same exact ability but the difference is that precognition happens at night while asleep and premonition happens when you are awake. I agree with what both A5 and Mooonstryke are saying and that it very nice that you have someone to talk to about this.
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
Thank you both for your comments 😊

MoonStryke: After reading your comment I see what you mean regarding the difference between premonition and intuition. You are right if I had been in contact with her I could have picked up on the clues, but since I have not spoken to her since last year I would have no way of knowing what she was up to. Cool, thanks for that 😉

A5: I have always believed that people should trust their instincts, and I get so mad at myself when I don't and something goes wrong. I'm glad I told my husband about the dreams and that she was going to contact him. I tell him about other dreams I have too. I'm just glad he accepts what happens and doesn't think I'm nuts. He jokes around with me now asking me once in a while if I dreamt of the lotto numbers. LOL!
A5 (2 stories) (144 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
First, your intuition is definately strong. Trust your instincts and not just about humans. You might be psychic especially because of the dreams.
Second, it's good to tell your husband about your experiances I think. He was involved indirectly from the start and no matter what you are having someone to trust is important. I believe you did the right thing by ending that friendship. Still, I'm glad your husband will hear about his godson.
MoonStryke (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
You know, in this case I would lean towards premonition. It sounds like quite a bit of time had passed, too much time to call it intuition.
This is just my opinion, but Intuition is a subconscious connecting of dots. If you still had some contact with this woman, you may have, without fully being aware of it, noticed clues that she would contact your husband about the child. No contact, no clues.
Premonition is (again this is just my opinion) having no way of gathering clues, but still knowing something will likely happen. Since you weren't speaking to this woman at all, had no oppurtunity to gather clues, I would say premonition.

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