I'm 13, I've been able to see auras since I was 10 and I'm Clairvoyant, I see the future in my dreams...
I have a question. I'm hoping I can get some help.
I guess it all started a while ago.
I was downstairs stroking my cat, and I kept on getting static shocks from her, which I hadn't got in 2 years while stroking her... I thought it was a coincidence at first, but the next day at school every time I walked up the stairs and held onto the banister I got a static shock, and it REALLY hurt when I did. The banisters are made of wood, with metal holding them up.
Since then, I've been getting random static shocks from the most weirdest things, I got one from my book, a block of wood in tech class, even my toothbrush!
I started to wonder if I could control electricity...
I researched it, but nothing I read helped me, so I came here. I can trust this site, that's why.
I'm also having some strange feelings lately.
Around other people, I've been feeling things different to what they are showing, my friend was smiling, and saying that she was fine, but I felt very sad around her. I think this is called being an Empath, but I've never thought about it in that way before. If I am wrong, please correct me.
And I would love your thoughts about all of this, thanks for reading by the way, you guys are GREAT!:)