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Real Psychic Experiences

Weird Numbers On The Clock


My name is Kevin and I had some weird things that happened before in my life. My parents (of course) do not believe even though they are catholic (my dad believes in God but does not go to church- ever!). My first experience is about the time. I sometimes see the time as always either 11:11 or 10:10 (only when I check the time randomly) or some time that I can relate to my life. For example: I left tae kwon do around 7:00pm (I have tae kwon do classes). I checked the time while walking home on my cell. 7:11. I was like "ok." Then I realized it rhymed with my name. Also heaven rhymes.

One time, I was home and I checked the time. 8:11. Same thing, I wasn't affected at first, but then I did some math. 8+3=11. The 3 reminded me of the Holy Trinity. I was shocked and I jumped to the conclusion that God was trying to talk to me. I am not sure if this was psychic but my aunt is. She reads tarot cards and have some type of precognition. I think I'm part psychic since of these things. I also have experiences with precognition but I'm in a rush writing this story. I will include one thing.

(last year) I had my religion quiz back. I looked it over, and saw one of the correct answers was charity. I kept thinking about chastity for some reason. Then last period ended and I went back to homeroom to pack up. My friend talked to me about the quiz, and said she put chastity instead of charity! I told her what I was thinking but she didn't believe me.

Well, I got to go now, so I thank you for reading this. It's my first story. Bless you all.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kevinsonicwhat, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
something weird now. Since its january 2011, I write the date at school like this: 1/10/11 but tommorrow... It will look like this: 1/11/11... What if I see 1:11 or 11:11? Guys its scaring me. Parents are on the border now. They believe then they call me crazy. 😨
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-08)
Ok. New thing. I was at Tae Kwon Do, taking class on Monday. I looked to this phone which had a small screen which said the date and time. Its one hour ahead. The real time was 6:11. On the phone it said 7:11. Next to it was the date: Dec. 6. I stared at it because the Dec.= 12. What I mean is I thought it like this. 12/6/2010. The 12 could have been broken down to 6 and 6. So... I saw it like this: 666 7:11. Same as before the 7:11 rhymes with my name and the 666... Well you guys know it 😨 Why? Is something big going to happen that will involve Hell and the Devil?
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
to bbdeathspark

Yo take it easy kiila I'm kind of new to this stuff and I had more gifts run through me then most you guys probly have I was able to even use shadow energy and having some meny gifts run through you isn't fun every one on this site is about trying to master all these gift well I went through 36 diffrent gifts and new one that will be forgoten about I even had the gift to make people talk to them self and have like split personalitys. So a leason to other new people on here don't get to caught up on what some of the people talk about just take the gifts you got and master them like for example if you can master wind like have ok I won't say master that sounds shoty but push to your limits like I have I can use it to drownd out any noises I make and its like nearly being invisible like cops never use to notice me when I was in town even if was right in front of there face but it dosnt mean do bad.
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-19)
Thanks guys. I'll see the google thing. I'll also try to see the bible story then too.
WanderingWayne (4 stories) (107 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-15)
Google synchronicity just for fun. It talks about numbers like 11:11 and 3:33 showing up all the time. You might find it interesting.
bloodredrose (11 stories) (162 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-15)
im thinking that when you next see the time that makes you think that God is talking to you, then look in the bible that has those numbers... And you can choose any part of the story... At least check it out... If I'm wrong... Then I'm sorry...
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Newblood wdf are you talking about. Drawing electricity from objects is not a "shadow ability" Its something any Lightning elementalist can do.
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Ok, thanks for the comments but now I realized that near my screenname, it says "1 story" and " 13 posts" (now its going to change to 14) I realized the numbers 1 and 13 made my age. 14. But now after I put this comment (now) , they change to 15. I'm not sure if this is actually psychic or weird but its interesting.
hearingthings2 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
This isn't exactly relevant but sort of similar since it reminded me of my good guessing abilities. 😜
A few incidences occurred for me. One that stood out was when I was walking with a friend of mine, and we had to be back at the school at a certain time. Where we were, I guessed in about 8 minutes we would be at our school again. I had no idea at the time that that was correct. Because when we were a minute before reaching the school, I looked at the time, and 7 minutes had passed. By the time we got to the school, 8 minutes had passed, almost exactly. My friend and I were shocked, but just joked about it.
Other then that, I guess who's about to call, when I think the phone is about to ring, if it's going to be for me before anyone else answers it, and random times like if I guess it's 10:08 I look at the time and indeed that's what time it is, for example. LOL just thought I'd mention that. Your story is interesting~
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Just so people know god is reaching to us in a big way in the next couple of years it has nothing to do with the rise of lucifer or fall of man it has to do with him trying to save our but with his angels and jesus and warrning use what we are doing to our selfs. And here is away to tell if an angel has done some thing aound your home for if you know there is no spirital activity in your home and you start speaking to god and your lights while flicker at just the right time like a power surg put it won't make your electric go that high and I learnd this because when ever they would come to talk to me or pull some thing bad from around me the lights flicker or dime for a sec. Then get bright. And to find out if its bad just look at electric bill it will sky rockect and if any body trys to use gift a shared on here please don't for they arnt made for human body they are very bad like the one I said about using energy tfrom your electric to juice your self most people can't do it and if you ever find away to don't why its a shadow gift and also it frys the brain and burns the oxygen in you hence any smoke coming out of lungs it seems fun and makes you feel good but only for a little with some bad after effects.
Shu_Imhotep (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
I just had this exact experiance and I contacted a Numerologist who gave me a comprehensive breakdown of the repeated numbers I kept seeing I saved the link to my favorites list to their website the reading was amazing so much so I got a life path reading, and name and birthday reading, its cool how the readings compare your numbers to Tarot reading information.


Here is the link I was pleased.
crossingover1111 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Strange. I see the clock numbers always 11:11 or 1:11. Cant explain why. I have always see these numbers. I have also read Doreen Virtue and I stil don't get it.
I am 46 and this has happened the majority of my life. Someone is trying to tell us somthing. Not sure what. Cant explain. But it is not harmful just interesting. Relax this happens to quite a few of us. Glad to know I am not the only one. Thanks for your story.
lightblue222 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
I have had the same experience with numbers. I did some research and have found these numbers to be messages from your angels. They are trying to tell you something. I have purchased Doreen Virtues book called Angel Numbers, it is very interesting. Hope this helps you out!
SoliK (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
I have the same issue with 12:08, ever since I was a kid. I don't know why... Or what it means. It's not my birthday or anyone I know... But I try not to worry about it too much anymore. Thanks for sharing your story.
BlueButterfly (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-10)
It sounds like you are experiencing number synchronicity which is common. Certain numbers mean certain things if you try looking it up but number that arn't single digit numbers have no known meaning. You have to try and interpret it yourself... There are many realms parallel to this one and it could just be that leaking through in its own way. I always see 4, 212, and I catch the clock at 7:22 a lot which happens to be my birthday or I see 113 which is my boyfriends birthday.
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-09)
Now its the same thing instead the time is now 5:43 😨 its cool but also scary
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-09)
😁 thanks! I use normal time not military so I see often the same times every day. Wait, right now the time is...4:56? Oh wow! Its in order! Like 123 456! 😆 really funny sometimes. Thanks again for commenting about that
MarciSt (3 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-09)
Hello Kevin,

I have a similar experience. I have always caught the time like 15:15, 16:16, 17:17, 23:23, 23:32... Etc.

For instance I woke up in the middle of night and went to the toilet. Time was 01:01. Finished cleaning and was 14:14. Was shopping and on my phone was 13:31, and so on, sometimes a few times daily. What are the chances? Also 11:44 and similar I count as a good ones.

Some of my rational friends told me it is just a coincidence and that I check out the time too often.
I don't think so. I just feel it is like a special message for me. In Doreen Virtue's book were angelic numbers and there was an explanation to each of them. I don't know. I could also use the numerology tables, but...
I just always feel happier. Sort of like everything is fine and as it is supposed to be. It makes me more aware and also world stops and I can notice it.
And I wanted to lighten it up a bit because when it started to happen I felt it like something too sinister, so I play with it now. I set all my alarms on nice numbers like 20:02, 07:07, 07:27 etc and I feel like I am going with the flow. Although people around could think I am a freak.
Sometimes when seeing it I have also the intense feeling that "it is the right time"... But not sure for what yet.

I think there is no a plain coincidence, everything is a special coincidence. And sometimes it talks to us through what is most acceptable for us. When I am trying to analyse my night dreams I approach it from the psychological point of view. My mum uses for hers the old dream dictionary. I remember we discussed it in the past many times, but "her" God knows she is using that dream dictionary so she can understand the messages she is receiving, and "my" Loving Light, everything that is, is giving me the messages I can translate through what's more acceptable for me.
Also opening books on some pages or collecting some insights during the day in one word only at each time and at the end of the day... You sense the special connection in that words puzzle which only you can resolve. It is fun and everything makes sense and is so amazingly intertwinned!
I think stay opened and answers will come. Maybe those little things are here to gently attune us and take us even further.

Love and blessings

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