During this summer upon waking for a couple of mornings I heard a girl's voice calling my name - repeatedly and echoing away the more awake I became.
Thing I wonder about this is whether it could have been my landlords little girl, and somehow we had shared a dream. She does not stay next door often, but it was the summer, and there was no school. Also I dreamt of a little girl or a little girl was in my dream, but not the during the night before the mornings I heard the voice.
It's not the only time I have heard a voice but not for a long time - since I was a child - and not upon waking, it was during the day. A voice just kept calling my name from the kitchen I would go in and ask my mother what she wanted and of course she would say that she had not called me.
However, there have been times where I have awoken - and I use the term awoken loosely - when individuals would be either resting on the inside of the window sill and then would climb on my bed and try to interact with me - sometimes I would recognize these people from within the small town where I live - or I would be quite literally pulled by my feet of the bed. Lately again during the night a dark figure has occasionally popped up and now sits on the side of my bed. Last time this happened I tried to grab him.
Just wondering what others make of my experience and possible explanation. Or is it time to see a doctor:)