Since I was a child, I have had the most profound dreams. I have had dreams of a psychic nature, haunting dreams of the dead talking to me (sometimes good - sometimes bad), and dreams of relatives telling me goodbye as they passed. I got so involved with my dreams that I learned how to interpret my own unique dream symbols and could usually predict or understand the forewarning my dreams told me. I would wake and write down my dreams in a journal; it was a part of my everyday ritual.
And then for some reason, a couple of years ago, I just stopped writing them down and stopped paying close attention to them. I think it was because they were always full of doom and gloom. In these past couple years where I stopped, I had two dream experiences that couldn't be ignored. I call them experiences because they were not regular dreams, my soul actually left my body and were brought into a different realm - a sort of realm of the hereafter. For the purpose of this post, I will not go into the lengthy details.
I went to a psychic and palm reader the other day for a mini-reading and she immediately picked up on my dreams. She told me that I needed to start paying attention to my dreams again and that I needed to start writing them down. She told me that my Spirit Guides and Angels were trying to contact me. She also told me that my palm revealed a very large mystic cross and asked me if I had developed my psychic abilities (I haven't) and so she told me that I should start.
Yesterday, I went and saw the movie Paranormal 2 (for my friend and my son who both were dying to see it). I usually do not watch movies or television shows that surround the subject of demons because all my life I have had to "psychologically" battle the fear of demons in my own life. Movies of this nature tend to give me horrific dreams even if the movie itself was not that scary.
I woke this morning to the sound of bells ringing and as I was waking I was thinking "every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings". When I woke my palm was placed against my right temple-which made my arm in the shape of a wing. It was 5:30 a.m.
My waking caused my 5 month old puppy to wake and as he is very little has got to be taken out to pee as soon as he wakes up. I had an uneasy feeling, even though I usually associate bells with angels but I took him out anyway.
As soon as I opened and stepped out my front door, I heard the flapping of what sounded like a very, very large wing taking off... Almost as if I startled whatever it was. I didn't feel warm or good about it (I am very intuitive), it frightened me and I am left wondering what I am dealing with.
I also had a dream of seeing the devil in my living room, and I bow down to his wretchedness. He had horns, was giant and was red. I interpret this as I have done many sins and am dangerously close to going to Hell, if I don't repent. Ever since, I have never had that dream, since I got a cross in my bedroom.