As some of you might know I have already submitted one other story, but recently I experienced some things I'm not to sure about. Basically I was at school one day just closing my eyes relaxing and using the word (one), in my mind like I was meditating. In that time I felt like I was in my bedroom and I could see everything exactly like my bedroom, then suddenly a black figure appeared that had red eyes it just stared at me and then moved closer, I opened my eyes because I got scared. Later on I had the same thing happen to me but there was no shadow and I felt like once again I was in my room, (at this time I was asleep), but this time there was no shadow.
Lately in my room I've been seeing things like orbs and shadows. I heard a voice one night say teddy bear repeatedly then I told it to be quiet and I prayed then the voice stopped, about five minutes later a slight different voice called my name repeatedly but I ignored it.
Now everywhere I go I see little lights flash on and off and hear some voices sometimes. If there is anyone who can tell me what this is and why it's happening and maybe even how to help me it would make my day. Also I have been having more day-dream-like visions that are coming true and I have dreams that come true.
Please and Thank you =).
=) =) =) =) =) =) 😊 😊 =)