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Real Psychic Experiences

Sometimes I Don't Feel Human


I guess I have always felt a little different. I can't remember a time in my life that I felt normal at all, really. I am not sure what I am. Maybe I have some sort of psychic abilities, maybe I am crazy, maybe something else. I am not entirely sure of anything. Maybe others might know better than I do.

My whole life everyone has told me that I am an old soul. Honestly, even though I am in my twenties I feel like I'm 200 years old most of the time, and I frequently feel like I have been born into the wrong century. But that isn't necessarily what makes me odd, I guess.

My first "experience" I suppose started when I was a pre-schooler. My twin brother died while we were still in the womb and my mother carried us both full term (he died around 5 or 6 months into the pregnancy). Of course, I didn't know this. My parents didn't feel the need to tell me. They didn't think I would understand. But I always felt alone. Like I was missing something. Then the dreams came. I can remember dreaming about my brother, and he was surrounded by animals I had never seen before. When I asked my mom about it and described the boy with the animals she broke down and told me that not only did I have a twin that died, but that the animals in my dream were all perfect descriptions of pets she had had pass on before I was born.

Not long after that (between the ages of 4 and 9) came the astral projection. As far as my parents knew, I was just spacing out so intensely I could be picked up and moved without me even taking notice. But what I saw was different. I was seeing other planets, stars, other countries... And flashbacks to some 1600's Japan (which of course I didn't realize what it was until I was much much older, as I had never seen pictures of Japan at the time.) This stopped by the time I was 9, however.

When I was roughly the age of 5 I started seeing things in my house. A white hazy thing that paced my hallway, creatures that crawled up and down my walls at night, and one night I saw a cat-faced demon type creature looking in my window. I told my parents I was "seeing things" (which of course I couldn't explain for lack of vocabulary at that age) and my mom responded by taking me to the eye doctor which was a miserable experience. Apparently my message didn't get across.

Around this same age I also walked in my mother's dreams and reconfirmed with her later that I was there.

To top it off, I can feel people's spirits -or negative/positive energies.

Anyway, lots of weird stuff.

So years go by and I do my best to forget most of this stuff and move on with myself... Fast forward to college. I start collecting dolls - dolls which apparently end up having some very odd energies. You can almost see their expressions change with the energies. A friend of mine who had learned to read energies knew almost the instant she walked into the room with them that they all had some very unique energies. I like their energies though. They are warm and protective spirits. They give me a very comforting feeling. Although I will admit that when people I knew started seeing the dolls moving on their own I was a tad concerned. But they have since stopped with the self-moving activities. They are still very warm and energetic though.

Anyway, so because my friend can read energy, I had her start teaching me how to read energies. I start seeing aura colors here and there... I start playing with energy. Somewhere along the way I meet a variety of very interesting people. One of which, shortly after meeting me says to me "You have wings. You might not know it yet, but you have them." It was the strangest thing anyone could have said to me because I have always had this odd feeling. My back has always periodically ached, almost like a phantom limb that has been amputated. Like, I can feel the weight of something that should be there, but isn't. And I have always had these dreams about how I can fly, I know I can fly, but my wings are broken. But despite all this, I just chocked this up to the guy being a nutcase and blew the comment off. Years later I meet my husband and one night out of nowhere he says "I don't know if you know they are there, but you have wings. I see them every time I look at you. They are huge, white wings." Weird, right?

Of course, this is just some of the odd things I have experienced... Others include playing around with energy and getting my reading bounced off of an energy shield and then the guy I was trying to read off of look straight in my direction the instant he felt me hit his shield - so I know I wasn't just imagining that I was doing it anyway. And then he walked up to me and I shook his hand and it felt like I had grabbed a hot coal. It was painful to touch him.

So I don't know. Writing this and reading this just makes me feel a bit crazy. Maybe I am not alone. Maybe I am. I just feel like I am not sure what I am. There is so much unexplained stuff in my life I just get more and more confused with time. I hope all this doesn't mean I'm ready for the loony bin! Lol. If I do have abilities, I'd like to refine them, but I am also very afraid of opening up doors I can't close.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tiran, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

analise_sutherland1234 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-27)
hi, I am a 14year Girl and I believe You. I think I'm not Human either I have a strong predatory nature and sometimes feel as if some thing is watching me when in fact nothing's actually there. I also can see faces in reflections sometimes and can scene danger and when I go into an old building I feel an overwhelming feeling of sadness and feel like I want to cry. Like I said about my predatory nature when I look at someone I judge them on if I could defend myself. I have a strong urge to protect my family. One time at school I got into a argument becuase I was protecting my friend and was "emotionally charged". When I looked them in the eye they immediately felt an strong sense of terror. I also have fighting skills the equalifant of adults. If you are experiencing the same as I have or know what I am or have any further questions feel free to email me on analise.sutherland [at]
Dread (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-11)
I know this post is kind of old now but I just thought I should toss in my ten cents as far as the Nephilim are concerned. The sons of god bread with the daughters of man. Their offspring were the nephilim. Checking the varied translations of the biblical passage that cites them but once, the fallen were banished from heaven and became mortal and it was they who became the spirits upon their death, their purpose being to tempt and test man.
The best translation I've found from the Torah concerning the passage on the Nephilim is thus "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days - and also afterward - when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."
This seems shaky to me seeming to indicate that the nephilim existed prior to the coupling of angel and woman, I believe the giants to be the offspring of the apostates union but that leaves the question of just who the "Heroes of old" were. Either the offspring of the apostates or the nephilim were. A confusion also arises in the translation of nephilim as there is a debate as to the root lineage of the term, one translation states it to mean "fallen" another "giant" and yet others have it as "one who is appointed" and "one who is bound". An incredibly interesting piece of text.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-13)
Black Angel I am willing to speak with you and left my email address, can you respond to this?
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-11)
Black angel you can go to individualist [at]
And I would appreciate that nobody else use my email unless for a chat.
Thanky you all
Love Gerry
Black-Angle (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-11)
Gerry do you think we can talk by using email for privacy. If you don't mind
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-11)
Black-angel what's on your mind.
Please ask your questions and hope I can help. Warm regards Gerry
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-11)
Shapeshifter 78, now I did not go into full detail as mentioned, I was only giving the bases to the story.
The point is this, the dark angels had children with the woman on Earth, they are as you know the Nephilim (giants) they were evil attacking and detroying mankind. In the time of Noah there was no good person in Gods eyes except Noahs wife, for in the time of building the arc he had no children. So these Nephilim when dead became evil spirits to which haunt us to this day. Also in the process, they, the fallen angels have made aliens, they don't look as we do but they now perfected human DNA so as they are more like us. This of cause is so they can run the world as unsuspecting creatures that they really are. They are the ones that are running the world and want a new world order, Why? So they can destroy Gods creation, which is us. To learn more on the fallen angel look up The book of Enoch. Jesus also mentioned that our fight is with the spiritual. I hope this helps in a basic manner without having to go into boring detail.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-11)
Um Gerry, I think some of the stuff you have said might be a tad off. You are saying that everyone that drowned was the offspring of the term neraphim and humans... That would mean that everyone except Noah and his wife and the few others that got on (all together a group less than 8. I can't remember the exact number right now) were the only people that were not part cherebum. This leaves a lot of gaps and mistakes to be pointed out about that post. Not everything is evil as it is seemed to be set in your mind. I also am wondering from what source you have heard or read this version from.
Black-Angle (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-10)
Gerry I think it's to late for me to talk to the others but I wanted to ask you some questions
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-10)
Hi, I don't want to dampen or put fear into any of you, but do research on fallen angels. They came down to earth and had children with the women. These children are the ones God drowned in the flood. But they were cast as evil spirits when they died. They have intern bred aliens which are real and are called Greys or Dracos. These beings enter people through thought and the weak are targeted (spiritually) What they are doing is trying to take over humankind, eventually they will come out and put the mark of the beast, (one of) unfortunatley people are getting these implants without their knowledge. This is the bases without going into full detail.
Black-Angle (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-09)
Hey everyone it's me again. After a little thinking I worded what I wanted to say wrong. Oh and I'm 16 and help would be nice. I also didn't add something in my last comment so please help if anyone can
Black-Angle (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-09)
Hi everyone. I am happy to know that I am not the only one who feels this way. I sometimes experience the same things as Tiran. Also find myself doing things that I know I never knew and in my old dreams I find myself seeing the same things as I do now. Sometimes I think I have 2 different spirits inme. I find myself having demonic feelings but I catch myself before anything happens and a good spirit that makes me into a completely different person. With the good spirit I help poeple no matter how out of the way it is. I am still very young and would like some help if anyone could please do that would be great. If anyone could helpi would like to do it over email.
Guardian99 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-25)
I can relate with much of that. I hadn't noticed the back pain until now. Then I realized it happens to me frequently. I met an angel named Divinus. I think that's his name. I saw that word over and over in my dreams and whenever I closed my eyes. I still see a lot of things, usually out of the corner of my eye. When I was younger, I was known for having intelligent conversations with (supposedly) no one. I remember having very vivid dreams of places I've never been, only to recognize them weeks or even years later. It's nice to know I'm not alone or scared anymore.
cassie_rose (3 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
I believe you, I may not have wings, but I feel that I am not human. This may sound a bit silly, but sometimes I will have an experience where I'm just not myself. I feel more connected to an animal, like a wolf or a dog. I honestly don't think I'm completely human, but I do believe you, you are very lucky:)
w31rded0ut (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
I am so happy I found this website. I have been going through completely metaphysical things too and not feeling as though I had anybody to talk to. I relate to the angel wings story (being told I have a pair of my own by a spirit through a human), to speaking with spirits on the regular, feeling all other energies, not feeling human at many times, not being able to connect with normal humans and getting weird looks because of it, being painfully mentally and psychicaly attacked by countless demons (begining of 2010), traveled to what I still believe was Heaven as a spirit/angel to save someone (email me to ask more studglove [at], and remember that feeling to this DAY. I can't stop these things from happening and glad they do (well...some of them), but I am hoping one of you will message me and we can talk more. Lately I've been feeling incomplete and I know ever since I found this website, I will begin feeling complete and more myself again. Nothing is an accident and I didn't find this site "by chance." One of you, I don't know who you are yet, but is meant to help me, I feel it.

Feel free to message me whenever you feel appropriate!

God Bless
Aquaxamatista (1 stories) (62 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-13)
I would like for AshleyDMC and XxLalapopxX to please email me! I may be able to help you both =) my email is Amatistaf [at] Also ZiShu please email me I have some questions for you 😁 This story so beautiful and I love reading it! ❤
XxLalapopxX (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Oh my. I feel the same! Except sometimes I'll even feel younger. I'm even have this feeling that I'm not the age I am. But I'm not sure how old.

I feel the same about the wings. I even have the flying dreams too. Even now my back has like a stiff feeling to it. No matter how much I stretch my arms and legs, my back still feels that way!

I don't know if I'm good with animals but I feel very happy around them. Like a safe feeling.

I also deny that I'm human too. I'm kind of okay with half-human but it just doesn't feel right to me.

Thank you for sharing this! Only now have I realized about these things! I must really not pay attention sometimes. 😲
Tiran (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)

That's crazy. I don't think I mentioned being good with animals, but I am as well. In fact, my husband calls me "the snake whisperer" because I can communicate really really well with snakes (it actually feels like they are beaming their thoughts straight into my brain).

That's crazy about the elf thing because my nick-name in high school was "Elf" because a friend of mine told me I reminded him of an elf. Crazy crazy!

For anyone who wants to e-mail me, my e-mail is: mrinx_30 AT
AshleyDMC (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Wow, thank you for sharing your story! I have had a lot of similar experiences that you have had: I've been called an old soul since I was an infant, I've seen ghosts, I've had to deal with demon problems, I am really good with animals, and I can usually feel people's emotions as if they were my own. Also I've always had crazy, epic, vivid dreams that sometimes feel like I'm living another life in a different dimension (and lots of flying dreams, those are the best).

However, I've never been told I have wings, but I have always had pressure issues in my back right between my shoulder blades - it goes tingly there all the time and I always feel like I have to stretch. (It was kind of freaky when I was reading your story and thinking that the only thing I couldn't relate to were the wings, and then it dawned on me that I had similar sensations with my back. Instant goosebumps!) Come to think of it though, I have been told that I look like an elf all the time (like the Lord of the Rings elves, and they look pretty angelic, haha).

But, really long story short, I would love to talk to you (or anyone else reading this who knows any more about this type of thing) by email or something if you ever find the time. I am desperate to talk to other people who have had similar experiences, and I couldn't believe how many of your stories I could relate to. Thanks again for sharing! I feel less alone now.:)
Kenwahh (2 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
I loved this story. It was amazing. I know that this is going to be blunt, but I'm pretty sure, that you'll understand. I would really like to talk to you about some things... But also, I'd rather it be private... So is there any way that you would give me your e-mail address so we could talk. Thank you.
Tiran (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
Thank you all for your input.

I definitely don't feel evil or demonic. In fact, I have had a lot of problems with demons in the past. I've seen demon posession/exorcism and even had demons try to hurt me.

When I was in high school I used to be visited frequently in my dreams by a man named Gabriel. Which, ironically, is the same name of an arch angel. He used to just visit me and talk to me and tell me things about himself. It was the oddest thing in the world to me at the time. I felt really connected to him.

Additionally the dolls that I have that are full of strange energy (the ones that were moving on their own and stuff) were all named after angels... I never felt like I picked the names out myself, so much as I felt like I took them out of their boxes and they whispered their names to me. Coincidence? Maybe. I don't know. I've never been quite sure of anything.

As for being angelic? I suppose it's possible. I am not sure. I feel very compelled to love people and I have an unrealistic faith in the good in people, if that means anything. And for at least 10 years I wouldn't go anywhere without a cross on my person. It was almost like I needed them to protect me... That was until I got one tattooed on me (now I don't have to wear one because it's embeded in my skin). And every once in a while I find myself compelled to speak in a strange language... Not sure what the language is or where it comes from. But I know what I am saying when I say it... So I don't know.

I don't know why this is happening to so many people lately, but maybe we're being prepared for something. It seems as though the world is on a cycle of resetting itself... And sometimes I get the feeling that we're at the end of this cycle, and that the world will reset again - leaving a handful of survivors to rebuild. Lol. Maybe I'm just crazy.
MsRogueAngel (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
Glad I'm not the only person feeling this way.:D Reading this kind of helped.
Aquaxamatista (1 stories) (62 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
Really? I thought otherwise but you make more sense! Thank you for clearing that up for me! Haha ok then I'm not a fallen angel and I don't think neither is Tiran. We might both be reborn angels into human bodies 😁 Hope this helped! 😊 ❤
cactuscakes15 (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
I don't think you're a fallen. I think you're just an angel reborn into human form. Aren't fallen and earth angels completely different things? I think you're wings are broken because you probably don't accept who you truly are. Yeah it is scary and unreal. But after all that stuff people like us have seen and felt, I think reality is what really isn't real. Oh who knows I'm just new to this stuff, it only happened to me last year. But I don't understand why most of us are realizing ourselves now. Why now?
Aquaxamatista (1 stories) (62 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-09)
Honestly from reading this I believe that you are a Fallen Angel! But that doesn't mean its bad or anything! Angels can be casted from heaven for reasons like choosing free will or doing something they are not supposed to do or they were sent here for a mission. Only you can determine this! Please email me, its in my profile! 😁 I'm also a fallen angel and I would like to me another fallen angel! And even if you were not to be one I would still love to meet you ❤ I know at least another fallen angel but if you have questions please email me!
~A 😊
sar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-09)
Well the main question is what do you think you are, everyone can tell you what they think you are but that doesn't make it true. If you think you are a demon then you are probably a demon and so on.
nathaniel_leon (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-09)
You are a fallen angel my friend. Once the angel has been separated from heaven although immortal in spirit and power most are unaware of how they were sent to earth in the first place. Your spirit will cycle throughout several vessels over this course until the day you reconnect to your immortal self. Its hard to explain really. I've had 5 lives before this one so I know how you feel.
ZiShu (129 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-08)
I have a good idea what you are but I rather discuss it in email.
Tiran (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-08)
One more thing... Just out of curiosity, has anyone in their travels seen anything like this creature? Http://
Tiran (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-08)
I did forget to mention in my earlier postings that as a child I refused to believe or admit I was human. I would say I was a cat or a lion or any other creature besides human. My mom tells me that as a baby I used to push her away from me and that I hated being held or touched. I was also very terrified of people. I guess you could say I was "shy", but to me it was more like terror. I don't know if this has anything to do with past life type experiences or what, but I do have a very distinct memmory of being shot in the back (even though I have never been shot in this existance that I know of). The place where I remember being shot every once in a while will flare up with very sharp pains. I have had problems with it since I was very little. It's very very strange to me.

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