A year ago, when I was 15, my phone's sim card was broken. The little magnetic strip just didn't work. I tried several different ways to fix it, from putting a magnet on it to sticking it into rice (a friend suggested the idea and I was desperate). Finally I gave up trying to fix it myself so I went to the phone company. When I got there, they said that there's was no way to fix but to buy a new sim card which would reset all my contacts and costs 50$. I didn't have the money so I left.
The next day, in my first period class, I was bored so I took out my phone but I then remembered it was broken. So I took out the sim card one last time and concentrated on the magnetic strip. In my desperation, I imagined heat going into it and the magnetic energy swirling around it like an electro-magnet like how I learned it in earth science that year. Suddenly my phone starts working again when I put my sim card in. Is this a coincidence or was it something else? If it wasn't a coincidence, does anyone else have the same power as me out there and if so can anyone tell me how to use it because I haven't done anything "out of the ordinary" in a while? Someone help me please, I want to learn to control this.