For the past week I have been seeing angel wings behind me. I am just walking anywhere and all of a sudden I see big angel wings that are white in color. I get the presence of a white male too. My back will have a weird sensation when this happens.
I also come in contact with certain people and I'll get a very sharp pain in my head. I also will start breathing heavy. I also got a really bad feeling about the person. I couldn't get near her because I would get that sharp pain. So I had to walk away from where she was and after a little bit my pain would go away. I guess what I'm trying to find out is what I am? What are these gifts called that I have.
What these things are that I am experiencing?... I woke up one night and seen a light skinned older lady with a dark hair pulled back in a bun, wearing a white long sleeved shirt and a long skirt. I didn't feel anything and nothing was said and I went right back to sleep.
She was standing on my husbands side of the bed. As soon as I seen her she started walking away and fading. Any suggestions on what this is or means?...I had a good response with my last story. Which helped me alot!
I thank everyone who commented on it. I welcome all suggestions or interpretations with great appreciation. Thank you very much...~Lourdes~