I'm 15 and just last year I've been experiencing sleep paralysis. My family and I have always known that our house is haunted but didn't think much of it. One night when I was laying in bed I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep, a few moments later I knew I was still awake but my body didn't allow me to move, speak, or even open my eyes. At first I thought I was wide awake sitting up in bed talking to my friend whom I though was at the edge of the bed. She asked with we could go to the mall but it was midnight. Then she just disappeared and when I realized I was in a something more than a REM state. I could totally see everything in my room, I was looking around even though my eyes were close. Then I saw a dark figure standing at my door. I tried to wake up my sister who I share a room with but nothing came out of my mouth. Once I woke up I went into an anxiety attack.
Just a few weeks ago I was sleeping on the couch, when all of a sudden my muscles froze and that same figured appeared in front of me. It's dark so I'm not she if it's a he or a she but it laughed at me with a woman's voice. To come out of my paralyzed state I gripped my pillow and woke up. From my research I've learned this presence is called the "old hag" and usually appears to people with sleep paralysis. I've also read that if I learn to control this gift I can have out of body experiences, which I think is cool. If anyone knows how I can learn ways not to be scared and take advantage of this gift let me know.
I usually try to squeeze my eyes as tight as I can and roll over, after a few seconds it usually works, although I'm going to try and get over my fear so I can try and experience this sensation fully as some of the accounts on here describe this as the beginning of an astral projection.