I know this may sound weird but I have noticed a pattern lately. Whenever my left ear rings, then something bad is about to happen. It mostly happens to me and it usually happens on the same day. And when my right ear rings then something good happens to me. If my left ear rings really loud but it stops after a few seconds then that means something severely bad will happen but it won't last. If my left ear rings really quietly and soft then that means whatever is going to happen won't be as bad. And If my left ear rings then my right ear rings, then something bad will start, but will end on a good note. And vice versa. I don't have cold hard evidence that this is true but there has been numerous coincidences throughout my life with my ear ringing and that's enough for me to be curious as to what is happening. Could I have subconsciously trained myself to warn me when something good or bad will happen by my ear ringing?
Also, I'm trying to figure out if I have a 6th sense or not. I don't know if I'm a psychic or an empath or if I have telepathy because it seems that I have all of those mixed in me, but not a lot where I can use them freely. I can't control anything yet, it just comes out of nowhere without me even thinking about it. Any help would be appreciated.
Sorry for bumping this old post.