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Real Psychic Experiences

Blue Orb Emitting Light


Over the summer, May 16,2010, I experienced something peculiar. As I was going to bed I perceived light outside my window. It was no ordinary light, since it was shaped like an orb, it was blue, and emitted light. So it was shining into my room. It freaked me out, so I left my bedroom. Then in that same week as I was laying on the couch the orb of light starting shining through the window. I left the living room.

This hasn't been the only experienced that I've had with lights, since last year I also noticed lights outside my window. As I had awakened from a dream. But didn't pay much attention to them since I went back to sleep and ignored them. These were three small lights that emitted light.

Since I was young I have been able to see spirits, but at the time I didn't know it. Lately, I've noticed that I can sense energy when someone is about to enter the room. Maybe it's their aura? Also, sometimes I am able to hear whispers but I cannot understand what is being said. Except that I can distinguish if they are male or female.

These are some of the experiences that I've had, if anyone can offer advice on what I experienced on May 16. It would be greatly appreciated. Since I am confused by it and I want to overcome my fears of the unknown.


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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lyla, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

skylar (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Hi Lyla. I have recently experienced blue orbs on several occasions. I believe that blue orbs are protectors. Who or what they are is not in my knowledge, although one night I called apon god for protection and almost immediately a large blue orb appeared, the negative vibe in the room vanished. I would agree with Snow333 use your intution when any occurence takes place. I am aware that this post is rather late but for some reason I felt like I needed to reply.
Hope this helps
Texan17 (2 stories) (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-09)
ha yeah iv seen orbs. One time I saw an orb in my current house. It was like at 12 midnight and I just got out of the shower. It was this basketball sized orb, a glorious looking blue. I looked at it and shot up at an angle and left. I thought, "no way did I just see that?" I felt it wasn't bad, in fact I felt it to be an angle. After I saw it sort of just smirked.
Lyla (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-08)

Thanks for the comment 😁 I have been trying to understand the orbs of lights that I have seen. I thought they were guardians/angels/guides that were trying to contact me. But I think what you commented is true, since they would only come to me when I was a lone. Have you had experiences with orbs? ❤
Texan17 (2 stories) (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-07)
haha good thing you didn't open the window. Usually a spirit around the property near by will try and lure you around especially at night. If it was good like say an angel, or even a human being whos just a spirit. They wouldn't approach you in such a manner that they know would scare or spook you. So yeah I bet its negative. Think of them like roaches, they arent really threat a person persay, they simply try and get things for themselfs when they think they can. Which most the time they really just waste their time. Eye roll* losers. Cool post. Wel sort of. I mean, you cooould of made it better =)
Clearstormer (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
Hi Lyla, I am so glad I found this. I have been having the same kind of experiences. I just signed up after searching for visions of lights... Here is a link to my latest post and you can read a little about me by clicking on my picture. Http:// I am really searching for answers on this one. I believe they are guides/Angels like some others here. If you have more insight, I would love to hear it.

scarysanta (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
I do not see the orbs, but I do take pictures of them. I call to them and they come. I can also call forth the spirit of a loved one, for me and others. When I do this an orb will appear next to the person, asking for them. I have beautiful pictures of this at my website,
Lyla (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)

Thanks for taking the time to read my story and offering to help. I have sent an e-mail concering my experiences I've had. ❤
ZiShu (129 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-01)
Hey, how often do you see spirits and orbs? Do you see spirits as clear as you see the living? Send me a message please, I believe I can help you.

Are the orbs you see following people mainly white? Do you also see human spirits and others? Send me a message about your experiences as well please.
Lyla (guest)
15 years ago (2010-09-19)

I was a bit confused when I saw it, but it's okay. ❤
violetstory (3 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-18)
oh I emailed you thinking you were someone else:) hope you can forgive me haha - Ill email you again
Lyla (guest)
15 years ago (2010-09-17)

Thanks for your support and advice! I'm going to start as soon as possible. Also, I have tried e-mailing you but I'll try again. ❤
violetstory (3 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-16)
Lyla when you see these things, try going inward. Close your eyes and try to sense what comes to you, it may be an image, you may hear words or you may just have a strong feeling of who or what it is, try meditating, this will strengthen these abilities to communicate and will make it more clear what thoughts you have which are actually telepathic messages (Many people think the thoughts in their heads are theirs but many times its from entities outside of themselves, this can just be thoughts from another spirit; with or without a body) :) like I said, if you need any help you can email me, its on my profile ❤
Lyla (guest)
15 years ago (2010-09-14)

Would having a amethyst gemstone help?

I'm beginning to be a little less afraid of the dark. But still need to work on it, since they haven't been appearing to me. That way I would be able to conquer my fear and be stronger. Thank you for providing me with insight ❤
whitewing (4 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-14)
Hi Lyla,

I see orbs and sparkles, for me these are angels. The different colours have different meanings and different identities, ascended masters can also show up as orbs, again there are ways to ID them by colour and of course your thoughts and feelings during the experience. I also see greyish, blackish kind of see through orbs and to me these are earthbound spirits. I like what violetstory has to say about being scared. You are the stronger one, at least in this realm so you must remain confident. Yes it definately can be very scary indeed BUT it's part of the job and you will learn to trust yourself and your abilities and conquer your fears. I've had hair rising terrifiying experiences on a couple of occasions for sure... Mostly its from the things I "feel" and the not the visions I'm seeing... Dreams can be scary too. I lined my box spring with 24 clear quartz crystals and it helped alot. Good luck
Lyla (guest)
15 years ago (2010-09-14)

I don't tell many people about the paranormal things in my life, except a few special people who are open minded. Since people would probably label me as being crazy or something.

Is there a way one could communicate with an orb or is it just energy? I would really like to know why they're appearing to me. Thanks for commenting ❤
violetstory (3 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-13)
Silence the logical mind and trust yourself, they have:) ❤
redhat1226 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-13)
I am intrigued by them also I seen them in green red blue and white but I mainly see them as dark orbs I work in retail so I work with different people and different energy's all the time and there are times where I pick up a lot of different orbs from people it as if some people walk with them.

I told my mom that I had seen these orbs and she think I got eye problems so I notice she see's them also but doesn't like to talk about it. For some odd reason I think my ability's have been passed down some how. [skepetical]
Lyla (guest)
15 years ago (2010-09-11)
I am intrigued by them but at the same I'm afraid. Ironic, since there are paranormal things in my life already. But I'll follow your advice concerning them. Thank you ❤
violetstory (3 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-10)
❤ Hi:) You are beginning on a wonderful journey. Orbs can be many things since in the spirit world you are able to change your form to anything you like. The more you come into contact with these entities though, you will realize what certain things are. The main thing to know here though is that if you EVER feel in danger or are uncomfortable, because you have a physical body - you actually have more power here than these beings do. You must make a stand for yourself and over come your fear. Tell them sternly to leave you alone. If you are wondering if these are bad entities, their main agenda is trying to get you in a state of fear so they can bring you down and ultimately have control over you. Once you stand up to them they will most likely back off. (if you strongly feel its not just fear but something is a serious threat to you, leave its not worth taking the chance) I feel I have some much to say so if you want more info, email me - my email address is on my profile)
Lyla (guest)
15 years ago (2010-09-08)
I just get nervous and freak out. Which doesn't allow me to focus on the energy they emit. Do you know what orbs are exactly? Are they guardians or other entities? Thank you for your advice Snow333.😁
Snow333 (5 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-08)
Hello Lyla,
Once when I was about to leave my room. I had a bad feeling and something bad was watching me and wanted to do harm. I was scared but then I looked to my side and saw a blue orb and felt better right away. It helped me and forced the negative entitiy away. I'm not saying all orbs are good, but trust what feelings you get from them.

Best of luck

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