It was October 12th, 1996 - My Birthday! I told my boyfriend George (my husband now) that I wanted to go to Salem to celebrate my Birthday. It was a cool fall day, perfect for walking on the cobblestone streets of old Salem MA. Salem is the place where all the history on the Salem Witch trials took place back in the 1600's.
October is also the best time of the year in Salem. Tons of attraction's and shows, vendor's galore, food, music, and of course psychic's!
I was always a spiritual person, from as early as age 2. I had vivid memories of before I was born. I loved going to Salem. The energy was invigorating! Each store had it's own distinct smell of incense. The smell of frankincense and Mir permeated the streets! Also sweet sage, and sometimes a little patchouli would surround your senses. It is a wonderful experience.
I love a shop called "The Angel Store" it is jammed packed with everything to do with Angels. This day they had "Aura Photo's" I told George I wanted to have my Aura picture done. He was a little skeptic so he declined but paid for me to have it done. There were a lot of people that day having the Aura photo done.
They were so beautiful! I was kind of nosey and peeked at quite a few! They were all very different. It was finally my time to have the photo done. I said in my mind "I hope my Spirit Guide is in the picture". The Aura photo also comes with a reading or interpretation of the meaning of the different colors and the placement of them. When the photo came out and started to develop, I saw all the colors! The reader said in amazement, "your spirit guide showed itself in the picture!" I was totally shocked! I had a smile from ear to ear! This was in no doubt tangible proof that- yes indeed we certainly do have someone or something looking out for us and is always with us!
I was gloating for about 2 hours. George and I went and had some hot apple cider and a bite to eat. I asked if he would get a photo done. He was real reluctant, but gave in for me. Of course we had to wait 45 minutes because there still were many people getting the Aura photo, the line was long all day!
The time came for George to get his Aura photo taken. As soon as I saw the picture I said "It looks exactly like mine!" and it did. I pulled out my picture to compare it to his; it was exactly alike! Everything was the same; the colors, the placement of the color, the height of the color, the picture was literally the same. Except his did not have a Spirit Guide in it. He was a little disappointed. We tried to figure out how it came out to be the same? We had them done hours apart. I saw over 100 different photos and none of them were the same. I came to my own conclusion; we were both very driven at the time, we were building a business that was to open in a few months. We are perfect for each other! This November 10th will be our 24th year together. I believe with all my heart and soul that we are soul mates and we are meant to be together in this lifetime. I also believe that we have had other lifetimes together, not sure as what we were to each other.
I have kept this picture side by side in a beautiful fruitwood frame for almost 14 years. I love to look at it, always puts a smile on my face.
Over the years, I have had several Aura photos done none ever look the same. I guess they should always be different, because the energy is always changing.
I have recently been learning to see my own Aura. After a couple of minutes I can usually see a predominant color, sometimes yellow, sometimes green, then another color starts to show in a different position. Last night I started to see a bright fuscia color above my head, I wondered if it was my Spirit Guide?
Starlovegirl 8)