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Real Psychic Experiences

Ancestory History Or Just Me


Ever since I was born I was able to see more than what an average person could. I didn't know the word "Psychic" Till I was 7-8, I was very much interested into spirit things, and saw my first Spirit when I was 5. It looked like my dad, But it wasn't, Especially when I could run right through it, Well Now I am 12. And I feel angry sometimes or sad, or hyper outta nowhere, and nothing would cause me to feel that way, I can see future events and past events That I never was there for. I get almost like Daydreams of things I never seen before, like 3 times I got a price right, down to the cent, I can guess an age of a thing, And I had a daydream of a mining tunnel or something like that exploding from methane gas about 1-2 months ago, and I saw it happened when I watched the news one day. My dreams make everything seem realistic, Like I am in a tragedy of something. My most recent one was a truck driving (The truck was from Georgia) with these almost like wire things that looked like they were 60-70 feet tall hanging off the bottom of the truck to. And I was driving a car talking on a cellphone I never seen before, And the almost like wire things went right through the windshield and killed me. I know the feeling of death, I sometimes will be just be laying in my bed and feel like I can breathe very little, like my chest locks up or something... I can sense a spirit's presence, and sometimes see them, but they mostly look shadowy. I wonder to myself how I got this gift if nobody else in my family did... I barely know ANYTHING about my ancestor's, My gift expands more everyday, And I feel like I can't tell anybody in my family, or they'll look at me like I went completely cracker's, My mom seems like she is but I am not quite sure, My sister isn't psychic, my grandmother isn't, nobody I know is! And I do not know who my Ancestor's are either. Is there anybody out there, that can tell me if I do or not? Because I have no clue how I am a Psychic first off, And how I am more than just one kind of psychic.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Fireheart1212, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Kiame2012 (9 stories) (24 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-07)
This is my old account. Comment for reference back... And adding more characters to post it.
Fireheart1212 (4 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-12)
I am Irish, but I can't do Magic lol. I am German, French, Irish, Scortish, and Welsh... And obviously American. And actually beings I am Clairavoyant I been picking up that someone who was french in my bloodline gave me the gift. And ever since I was little I seen the sky redning, everybody running in fear, but I can tell it wasn't the end of the world, It was in 2012 actually, and I was about 6 when I had that vision. So that was before everybody started saying 2012 was the end of the world. It was when Saiten grew enough power, releasing things that were very unpleasent... But the thing is the world never ended. And this was before I heard of Nostradomus, but one day I was about 8... And Nostradomus I just heard in my headd in completly outta nowhere. And just recently, in my dreams I was hearing that there is a huge family secret that I was never to hear, but now I have to hear it. And it told me to go into my grandfather's room, and there is a hidden drawer EVERYBODY passes up, and something is in there that will show me what it is. This Family Secret is so Secret, I told my mom about it, and she doesn't even know there is one...
texas_angel (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-22)
You most likely do have someone in your bloodline that has the abilities you do that might be why your family is trying to hide there's. Maybe the secret is much bigger than you think. I know I did not learn about my family until recently.

My great grandfather was a very powerful man, but he spent his time dabbling in dark magic. I think his daughters inherited his gift as well as my mom she used to be really into magic as well as having most of the same gifts. You should really check on your Irish roots. From what I am told magic and all of the other stuff is very common there.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-21)
Yes abilities can travel through bloodlines but you need to also understand that everyone is psychic to a degree ❤
Fireheart1212 (4 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-21)
Even though all these comments are really cool, I mean I love reading everybodies comments... But is anybody out there able to say if I have any Ancestor's in my family that traveled on through my blood line making me Psychic? My Nationality's are American (Of course) German, French, Irish, Welsh, and Scotish. My last name is Eberlein. And my family goes back ages, Anybody able to tell me if I do or not? 😲
Fireheart1212 (4 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
Wow... Thats Really Cool:)... When I was younger and used to play with my dolls... I used to play with them like there was this mighty powerful family in a complete different world called Grace Way I think? Lol... And was like princess, and queen and king and things like that... Who were all witches... Maybe that's we're I got my imagination of that from?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
The women in my family are normally witches. The men are pretty powerful themselves too ❤
Fireheart1212 (4 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
Thanks:D... It does seem like it only goes through the women of the family huh? And Acutually, I felt my Grandmother was at once to... I feel like there is some family secret people are trying to hide from me. I always did, But I can't put my finger on it...
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
I feel the same way! It's like out of my whole family I'm the only one! (Well I have a feeling my mother is something and my grandmother is something... It's like it only goes through the women of the family! Which is sort of weird...) But I've known people to see the future but rarely people who can see the past! You my friend have a gift, use it wisely! (You're luck, I can only see my past, like reincarnations!)

~Who am I?
Fireheart1212 (4 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-19)
Haha that's cool, I always did think there was some kind of magic in this world. At least you know were you inhearit the special part of your life:D
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-18)
Now read this story. I thank you for sharing. My ancestors have practiced magic for millenniums. I sort of inherited the interest myself.

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