I see colored pieces and shapes floating everywhere, even in the dark. But they don't seem to remain in the same position and so it is hard for me to concentrate and identify what they really are. They are normally green, blue, red, pink, purple, yellow, orange, white, and black etc. In color. I could see those around me even now while I'm typing.
I could still remember when I was small since I was 3,4 years old I never use to sleep turning to the wall because I use to see them on the wall moving here and there. I actually thought they were ghosts those days and it did scare me, but I do not think so now because I can see too many of them. I tried telling my friends and family, none of them could see stuff like that.
I am not referring to the cells like things you see floating in your eyes, that most of the people I know has it including me, and I found out it is natural from an optometrist.
I also tried going through the Internet to find out what it is, but I still couldn't find anything on it, not even a clue. I am worried because I do not know if it is some kind of a symptom to a sickness or not. I would highly appreciate if anyone could help me identify what they are.
Thank you.