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A Dream Or Apocalypse Vision?


I had this dream last week and it was really disturbing and don't understand why I had this dream. Though I hope it is not a vision, if it is. Wow I feel sorry for the people that I saw.

Well there are three parts of the dream, but first two I do not need to talk about, because what I need to tell you is the third part. It started off with me shopping for something and I had this urge to go to the bathroom and when I did, I kind of saw myself zone out or switch scenes to somewhere in Europe. It was one of the poor small countries and I saw the people working and going on with their business. Then I saw a blond haired woman look up and she had this most scared look and pointed to the sky. I saw this dark cloud come over and come down after the people and turns out the cloud was actually bugs. These bugs began to attack the people and would sting them all over the place. It would make the people sick and either kill them or turn them crazy and kill one and another. Then in the background I saw two people in the back, one man and one woman. One was possess by a demon and spoke to the person and said. "I don't need your help anymore. You can leave now or you can join the rest." The person the smiled and laugh evilly. I woke up breathing heavily and my whole body was sore and itching. I could feel all the pain and emotion everyone went through and it took a while before I can even get out of bed.

Also I was looking into The Book of Revelation and I found something interesting.

There are the four horses men which most people know about and the seven angels and the trumpets. This is what caught my attention: "Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fall from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the deep hole that lead to the bottomless pit. Then opened up the hole that leads to the bottomless pit, and smoke came up from the hole like smoke from a big furnace. Then the sun and sky became dark because of the smoke from the hole. Then locusts came down to the earth out of the smoke and they were given the power to sting like scorpions. They were told not to harm the grass on the earth or any plant or tree. They could harm only the people who did not have the sing of God on there foreheads."

This was very similar to my dream, and I don't know if this was a dream or vision. Tell me what you think please and thank you.

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Johntattoos (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-07)
There are dragons in another dimension? What do these dragons do? And it's in another plane of existence but still grounded on the earth? (I will check the posts for this)

The beings that consume negative energy aren't demons? (as I have come to assume) or are you saying there are no demons only dark angels?

In any case Are you sure theyd ever listen to logic since they might be biased (maybe). And why help destroy the earth just because we seem to deserve from some points of view, especially since nukes would linger and hurt life for a long time. I guess that's because thy thrive on misery... (reminds when people claim to be "on that side" when to me they seem toolazy to try and effect the world as we see it. I mean I have been victim to some of the evil in man but I still want to effect the world through love and understanding and unity.

It is impossible for a species to exist forever. We either evolve or die or both. I love this site it has opened my eyes to so many aspects of existence.

May we all have the strength to out there shre our knowledge and save humans from the world and the world from the humans.
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-26)
Sorry, for bothering now again, but a third world war? Can it be possible? I mean, I know two world wars but another? Whats going to set this one off then? 😕
By the way, I DOUBT the human race will be mostly wiped off. If only some stay, they are there to survive for that reason.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-02)
Guardian Angel; I reread your story. Its nice to know that you read the book of revelations. I've been reading the bible a lot and was looking for someone with psychic abilities who saw angels and demons as well to discuss it with.

Right now I'm getting the message from Isaiah 5 v. 26. Do you get the same?
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-01)
That is why I HAD to let you know that you forced a chuckle from me! 😆
I DO appreciate the extra information, I really do, please do not think otherwise. But I could almost taste your frustration trying to get me to understand the whole scenario, and missing what I was really asking.
I knew that YOU would not fly off the handle when I explained that out (as some of the others HAVE, here lately), but thought it imperative to explain.
Thank you so much.

Please excuse us again, Guardian.
Lesson learned... 😉
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-01)
lol whitebuffalo if you haven't noticed I tend to over think everything. Lol
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-01)
I am sorry, AnandaHya, but your answer truly solicited a deep chuckle from me, only because I have run into this NUMEROUS times on this site.
I think you are confusing me for someone else, 😊 and vastly over thinking my question.
I only needed you to explain out that one comment as it was illegible (for lack of a better word) to me, and what I asked was answered in only that second paragraph.
Your statement was that (paraphrased) You had one of these "dark beings" sitting right beside you and you were trying to talk them out of annihilating the world. Got it now. Thank you.
You did not MEAN it literally. You MEANT that in Spiritual Conversation, NOT in physical form.
Understood now.

~~~Just a suggestion, for everyone~ as it pertains to my comments and/or questions~ I understand the "need" to have someone understand the whole picture. But I am not like anyone else you will encounter on this site (Thank Creator 😆) and I tend to ask about what I do not understand.
Do not over think it.
Just answer what I asked, and I more than likely will not frustrate you by rewording my question to pull the answer out of you. Otherwise, I might take up the comment section to ask the same darned question fifty different times.
Again, do not over think it. I am a simple person, and not likely to have a hidden meaning in anything I truly write.
Thank you. ❤
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-01)
ok let me try again.

You know that humans have a choice to do what they were created to do: which is be gardeners and caretakers of the earth. Each of us have different roles to play but not all of us care to do them or even find out what they are.

Well higher level being have roles to play. The incident I'm referring to is a conversation between my astral self and two spiritual beings I call "dark angels" because they eat the darkness and evil created by the thoughts of humans to harm the world and each other.

One of them made the comment that "we should just quit our jobs and let them kill each other" (note translated version, and the fact that if they didn't do their job of destroying evil thoughts the spirit world would soon be over run with negative emotions and thoughts and it would seep back down here and effect the minds and hearts of people and animals)

Me being me and nosy butted into their conversation and told them that was not a good idea (thus seating myself uninvited into their table, while they were taking their lunch break) I used my own personal positive experiences with this world to convince them it is worth saving. I don't know the result of the conversation or the future of this world, but that is what I was refering to translated into earthly terms that I hope make sense.

Sorry Guardian for the disruption of your page.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
And yes, I DO realise that I reworded what you wrote to make my question more clear. I was hoping that your emphatic abilities would kick in and you would see what I meant, but thought I best not leave that to chance.

I am sorry Guardian, I do not mean to keep interrupting your page. I am just not too clear on this just yet. I thank you for your patience with me.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
So with that explanation, and this excerpt from that comment "...I'm trying to talk them out of it so, we'll see..."
Are you saying that YOU (that is what was written) are trying to talk the "beings in the universe who would destroy this world" who were "seating next to me" OUT of...?

Thank you.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
sorry whitebuffalo, I'm still trying to figure out what in the world is going on, and misunderstood your question.

The WHO would be any of the beings in the universe who would destroy this world. Most are considered "dark" but not all are "evil" in that they still obey the commands of God.

For example the dark angels that killed the first born sons of eygpt during the time of Moses. They would be considered by some as "evil" but I just classify them as "dark"

Those are the beings I'm trying to convince that this world is still worth saving. Like I said its complex and still changing situation. I'm trying to figure out what is going on and if I can personally do anythign to help. Our if we as a group can make a difference in the outcome.

I don't know when in doubt I pray and meditate. So I guess I'll do that...
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
Also, Ananda, I must have overlooked some of your comment...

The revolution in Egypt and Tunisia ARE about democracy. The Egyptian one is also about jobs, but that kind of ties in with the ideas of democracy (a better term would be 'republic', as Egypt, as well as America, and other like countries ELECT REPRESENTATIVES to vote on major issues, instead of each person doing so), as well as the idea of a capitalistic economy/market.

When you look at Egypt and study both the ancient/present times, you can easily see that its a 'melting pot' of religions. Early Christianity even borrowed traditions from the ancient Egyptian religion.

Unfortunately, however, there are (mainly) uneducated people that evolve into extremists, but they're a nuisance that's plagued the world for ages... Some might even say this site had a few... 😉

Hope this info serves to clear up confusion/ lack of info.

Au revior. 😊 ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
Not what I said, AnandaHya.
Go ahead and submit your story, I truly have nothing to do with that.
What I MEANT was, I asked the question, you said you were going to post a story about it. I needed to know what that comment said, as (like I said) I was trying to follow THAT conversation. To answer me in story form would have been useless, as the answer would be days in coming.

Let me rephrase my question then...
You and Guardian are having a discussion about the end of times, Guardian says...
Yeah, no. From Kevin's comment up, I can make out what the heck is being said, right up to the comment I asked you to reword.

YOU are trying to talk WHO out of WHAT?
I KNOW what I THINK you are meaning, but I need some clarification, as it would appear to be going against most of what you have shared about your personal self thus far on this site.
So... Talk WHO out of WHAT?
Thank you.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
You can look back at history itself to see the answer. That, and listen to blogs made by the Egyptian people.

I once had a teacher who was banished from Egypt, though, because he was a Christian. He had to get a tattoo of a cross on his wrist, and he's not allowed in certain spots of Egypt.

This, however terrible it may be, is also nothing new. In practically EVERY civilization, religions get replaced, banned, modified, dropped... Whatever you can think of, pretty much.

And about revolutions or even conquerors, just look at the ones throughout history, that have been even more violent- The Roman influence, Persian influence, French Revolution, American Revolution...

Also, when thinking about the revolution in Egypt, think of the 'chaotic good' side of the spectrum. A little chaos is a good thing.

Like my favorite president, Teddy Roosevelt says, "Speak softly and carry a big stick".

Au revior. 😊 ❤
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
Shini, I hope you are right. However, how the rest of the world reacts to these things are telling.

Many Christians feel threaten because both are Muslim nations and I hope that the US stays out of it and supports democracy NOT religion. Does that make any sense?

Any sort of revolution can cause chaos, I'm hoping these two do not and the voices I've heard are powerless and do not find a powerful host to listen to them. They want another world war. Like I said the seeds are being planted, I hope they do NOT take root, but I'm worried. What can be done if they do?

Oh Tunisia has a new baby dragon on that realm.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
mmm whitebuffalo, you don't want the story? I'm not sure if my explanation will make any more sense but basically there is a debate going on in the higher spiritual worlds about whether humans should be allowed to destroy themselves or if they should intervene and try and save human civilization.

The beings who are arguing the loudest say "let them destroy themselves and knowledge that has been accumulated thus far." kind of another tower of Babel type event.

I think the means being discussed is the third world war with nuclear weapons.

Umm bbdeath, as in the astral realm/dimension of this world where dragons exists, does that make it nonpyschic or spiritual?

I'm not sure how you classify things.

Its ok I don't think I'm suppose to share the whole story anyways. I just think if anyone wanted to understand, perhaps we can prevent the war, but perhaps we can't. I don't know. I just want to see what everyone else is seeing in THIS world TODAY. Because what I'm seeing is worrying me and I only feel like I have a small piece of the puzzle and was hoping others had pieces and we could put it all together and figure out where to go from there.

Email me if I'm making any sense.
Peace, light and love

Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
Not sure if Tunisia and Egypt have anything to do that is majorly significant involving 'the world's well-being'.

The people of both countries are fighting for more rights- the people in Egypt are tired of their leader's 30 year (rough average) reign, because it was moreso a dictatorship. A similar situation happened in Tunisia.

Revolutions such as this are nothing new, really. If you look back at history, these types of events have been happening... Well, since the early hunter/gatherer Paleolithic man settled into the the age of the Neolithic man, and so on.

Also, if you look at the revolution in Egypt, the way they organize their protests correlates significantly to the ancient Egyptian's belief that all of Egypt is 'connected'. This is shown the greatest in the small city/town of Hierakonpolis, where one protest was organized. Hierakonpolis's history alone, and the fact that its lasted from the Neolithic age to the present time, says a lot about the connection of the Egyptian people throughout the ages.
I see these significant details as a way for the Egyptian people to assert who 'they' are as a 'people'.

Sometimes, when nothing else works, violence is unfortunately necessary, when speaking about how to rid a nation/civilization of oppression of the people.
A very wise man once stated "It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence". This man was Gandhi.

Once again, I don't think this has anything significant to do with 'the well being of the world', due to how history has repeated itself, in terms of these ordeals.

If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

Food for thought.

Au revior. 😊 ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
Please, no, AnandaHya.
What I would REALLY like is if you could tell me what that particular comment SAID. I was TRYING to follow the conversation line.

"well that is what the loudest ones seating next to me say so *shrugs*** anyways I'm trying to talk them out of it so, we'll see. Any positive experiences with this world could really help in the debate people. Just saying..."

Thank you.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
Respective dragons? Is this non psychic, or spiritual, I need to know before I comment o_o.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
whitebuffalo I'll submit a story, it based on a ongoing vision I've been having for the last month. Its not a good one and I need help understanding it anyways. I'm not sure what it all means.

It involves Tunisia and Egypt and their respective dragons. I have a friend who lives in tunisia she is a school teacher and helped organize the students... I just wanted to see if anyone sees and hears the same things about THIS WORLD that I do. Its starting to seriouslly worry me...
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
I am probably going to kick myself in the seat of the pants for this, but...AnandaHya?
WHAT did you just say in that last post?
Thank you.

Please excuse the interruption to your page, The_Guardian_Angel.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
well that is what the loudest ones seating next to me say so *shrugs*** anyways I'm trying to talk them out of it so, we'll see. Any positive experiences with this world could really help in the debate people. Just saying...
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
True, but we as people set off the chain reaction for that to happen, so it goes kind of both ways when you REALLY think about it (lol) but yeah you are right, but I disagree about the stone age part.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
guardian angel don't worry the world will destroy humans before it comes to that point. That is what we are trying to prevent, not the destruction of the world. But the destruction of the human race, technology and knowledge.

The vote right now is to know humanity back to the stone age.

May the Light illuminate your vision of this world.

The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
I had the dream before I read the bible. Haha yeah I know how to handle myself as well if it came to a zombie apocalypses, but it's not that. I think this dream was kind of a remind to me that something needs to be change, or we are going to destroy life on Earth with out knowing it.
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
Bugs making people attack each other? That sounds like an infection... Are you implying that when the world ends, there will be zombies? 😆 Its crazy, I know but with science today... Almost anything is possible... Well, If it is "zombies", thank God I played a lot of zombies games! 😆 OK I'm serious now. When you had the vision, was it before you read the book of revelation?
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-18)
Ok to ever that is reading this. I found out that most of the dreams I have are indeed visions... Though that doesn't mean they will happen, they can be change by the choices well make as a people. The dreams and visions I have are like different door way previews of what the choices I make and if I pass or fail. If you have an opinion or suggest by all means say something...
FeroxFever (6 stories) (101 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-13)
I'm curious, who went and gave each person who shared a story through comments and gave them - karma? That is not really what the karma is for...
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-13)
does anyone have any idea why I was taken above? I can't find out why. I think there is something I should know, but I can't find out what. Please someone help me?
Iunderstand (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-13)
So you never actually saw Abbadon? I'm very much inclined to believe you saw what will happen just as the verse described it. You saw what will be. If you have any questions about anything else especially specific things described in Revelation, let me know. Rountree11b [at]
bloodredrose (11 stories) (162 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-13)
sin is everywhere, sin is what makes our world alive and well. But in the end, we need to forgive ourselves because if we dont, we will just keep hurting ourselves. There's no escaping it. I wish my soul can bleed happiness for everyone. Just becareful.

Your friends with weird broken emotions,

To Everyone,

Can anyone help me find weirdo101. Weirdo101 is very scared and alone, I really want to help, but I can't do that if weirdo101 doesn't email me. I will not stop until I have found him/her. If you find weirdo101, ask him/her to email me at ravengirl_90 [at]

I feel like he/she needs me,

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