To start us off right, Hello.
I have a pretty high stress life. Always had one. But before we attack my high anxiety lifestyle, let me express to you the problem that I have been facing lately.
I have chronic nightmares. And For the most part I have discovered a reoccurring theme among them. Exorcisms.
Well, at first I did some research on these kind of dreams and chronic nightmares and yada yada. Considering I have been undergoing some recently due to breaking up with my boyfriend and starting my senior year and moving in with my father. I figured this was normal. I figured it was my subconscious telling me I was trying to eradicate a part of myself that I thought was gruesome.
However, I have been having chronic demonic nightmares and exorcisms since about 6th grade. I am now a senior in high school. Not good. The have recently gotten worse. I've gotten to the point where I don't even usually wake-up frightened, usually I'll open my eyes and roll back over and go back to sleep.
My question is, is why is this happening?
Has it happened to you?
I still put barriers on at night, the light bubble and state nothing is allowed to enter, but it's hard to remember that EVERY night. I can describe the nightmares for you all if you wish. Recently I have had 2 incredibly disturbing ones within the past two months. One of them saying "I'll be coming back" and I'm not very fond of that idea. Help, hints, ideas, anything?
A long time ago I began hearing voices and static before I went to sleep along with a gentle trampling on the sheets, like a cat laying down. But I began burning sage and poured salt in my room saying prayers and they stopped. I don't know if this is related or not. I'm pretty sure it's not, but It will give you a hint into my background with this kind of stuff. I pray every night I go to sleep as I was raised to, but still consistently having problems. I don't call on stuff like that. I haven't used any boards or cards. I have used nothing like that to have brought in the problem so yeah. I haven't spoken to my spirit guides about this. I imagine I should. But I'd like to know what everyone's opinion was on it. XD
So yeah, help, I'd like to sleep better?:/
Just anyone got any ideas with these nightmares? Or had this happen to them.
A few extra tips:
1) Don't eat cheese before bed. It has been shown to cause nightmares and strange dreams. Just recently my friend was telling me about an acquaintence of hers who never dreams, but said that recently she'd been having strange dreams and horrible nightmares. My friend asked if she'd been eating cheese before bed, and she said "Yes, I had a party the other night and I have all this leftover pizza to eat..." ^^
2) I would also advise you not to watch horror movies. I know that some people say they're just a bit of fun, but to me, what they sell is fear, and fear is not a good basis for becoming a well and spiritually-developed person.
Hope this helps