Ever since I was little, around 2 years old, I've been able to sense ghosts. It's only on the odd occasion that I'll actually see the ghost though. My family have told me about a time when I was 3 that I saw a ghost. It was my great granddad who had died years before I was born. I don't remember this experience but when I think or speak about it somehow I know it was real. I was able to describe my grandfather in detail without having ever seen a picture about him or talking about him. My mom thought I had an imaginary friend when she heard me talking to someone in my room, but realized I was seeing my granddad after I mentioned it to my Nan. The place that I saw my great grandfather was where a set of his rosary beads were.
I've also been told by my Mom about another experience, again in my bedroom, my first experience, when I wouldn't go to sleep, considering I was only 2 my Mom thought nothing of it, until I told her there was a man standing in the corner. My Mom, not having experienced this sort of stuff before was freaked out, but I was very calm, acting as if it was a normal thing.
From then on every month or so I'd get this indescribable fear in my chest and stomach, of nothing, I'd be playing with my dolls or something and all of a sudden be really scared. I'd tell my Mom about it, but she could never work out what was wrong. She assumed that something had happened at nursery, or school and I just didn't want to talk about it. But it wasn't anything like that. There was no reason whatsoever for me to be so scared. It kept happening for ages, mostly when I was at home. Our house was about 100-150 years old but I can't find any history on it.
I'm fourteen now and last year my Nan was in hospital with cancer. As I was traveling to her hospital in my Dad's car, we past a bordered up building. I'd past it many times before but never really taken any notice of it. But this time, as we were driving up to it I got that fear again, which my Mom and I have referred to as 'the feeling'. Then as we went past it I burst into tears for no reason, got a pounding headache, felt as if I was going to throw up and had an asthma attack, I got dizzy and had to open my window. Then after we had driven a little bit past it, I felt fine again. I couldn't explain it. I told my Nan about it when I arrived at the hospital and she told me it used to be a children's hospital. As she said it, I felt like I already knew what the building was, but I'd never been told about it before.
I'd known for a while before that about many females on my Nan's side of the family having the ability to see and feel ghosts, my Nan told my abilities were probably progressing. I moved house and a couple of weeks after the hospital incident, on the night before my great Nan's 5th anniversary I saw her ghost. I still to this day cannot figure out whether it was a dream or if I woke up in the middle of the night and saw her. I was very scared, as it was the first time that I myself could recall ever seeing a ghost. I went to visit my Nan the next day and told her about it, and she told me it was nothing to worry about, but I was still scared. I refused to sleep in my bedroom where I had seen my great Nan. My Nan told me I could simply ask her not to come again as I was scared, and she would stay away. I felt a little stupid that evening sitting in my bedroom talking to no one, but after I asked my great Nan to not visit I felt okay about sleeping in my bedroom.
A little while after, my Nan died, I didn't know who I could go to for advice about my abilities. Nobody seemed to believe me. I saw my Nan as a ghost, again I can't figure out whether it was a dream or if I just woke up in the middle of the night and actually saw her, but both my Great Nan and Nan were only floating heads when I saw them. I sometimes feel like someone is watching me, but never see anyone. There's nobody I can go to for help. Now I'll drive past somewhere with my Mom and get all the same things that I got the day that I drove past the children's hospital. But in some places, I get pictures in my mind of what happened in the places. It could be a building that I've driven past loads of times and never had any feelings and then one day I'll drive past and feel horrible. The pictures that I sometimes see, I don't want to see and can't figure out why I see them.
Sometimes it's not even an entire building but just a certain room. When I sometimes look at a certain window on a building I get the feeling and all the other symptoms. Taking into account that I'm driving past and not near the building's for more than a minute or two, I wonder what it would be like if I was actually inside the building. But I'm scared, of these images I see and the feelings I get, and I have no one to go too to talk about them. Please please help me.