I have got quite a history of the types of dreams I have. I can dream of the future, I can dream metaphors of the future and I can also dream the past as well.
But recently I have been dreaming of going somewhere. When I say 'Somewhere' I mean a place out of this world, where I have never been- in this life time anyway. I know this sounds quite religious and stuff but I think, well it felt like verse or heaven. And there is always this guy there who has blond hair, and we always talk. There is always a group who welcome me and we talk. But I can never remember what about. I just remember wanting to go back to sleep again to talk even more.
A couple of weeks ago I think I had a dream about this boy. But he was completely different. We were in a car, I knew it was American because he was driving on the left side. He had some one with him in the back who was keeping hold of my friend, we were both handcuffed and he drove us to this cliff/waterfall he took my handcuffs off and let my friend go. Then he got a gun out an told me to jump or, he would shoot me.
Are these just random dreams? Or do you think that I am having past life visions? Or is my spirit going somewhere? Please help