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Real Psychic Experiences

Elemental: New Abilities


Hey everyone! Sorry I took so long posting a new story. I've been away trying to figure out my new acquired abilities! OK, so I'm going to give you the scoop on the first two: Waterbending, and Icebending! Here I go:

Water: OK, so this happened when I was home alone, watching TV, and drinking some refreshing Koolaid. My dad had called and asked me to check to see if the sink was working, since we were having some problems with it lately. I said OK, and got up to go to the sink. When I flipped the faucet on, brown water started coming out. I told my dad what had happened, and he said to go under the sink and turn the knob to fix it. I turned the water off first, then did what he had said. When I got back up, a sudden jet of water came spurting out at me. I gasped and held my hands out, to block the water. I was thinking not for the whole kitchen to get wet, cause then I'd be in so much trouble, and when I opened my eyes, I had found that the water hadn't actually squirted me. Instead, it had went around me, forming a puddle of water behind me. I was shocked yet relieved, but my luck: I slipped and fell in it anyway. But, the main point is: how had the water gotten around me instead of hitting me head on? I'm still trying to figure it out exactly, but later on that week I found out that what I had done was a very highly advanced technique in an ancient art called hydrokinesis, or waterbending called "streaming the water". It's where you control the direction and movement of the water, therefore making it do whatever you wanted. I've been practicing waterbending for some time now, getting better and better. If you have any comments, tips or anything about this experience, just comment! Thanks!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, camphalfblood3, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Anonymous76 (19 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
the only thing I can agree with rashidah and zen on is how some people think they can be like people from avatar or whatever it is and the fact that that's a bit ridiculous.
Anonymous76 (19 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
anybody here that doesn't believe in this should get out nobody cares what you think and if you don't believe in it the you shouldn't have come here at all. You think it doesn't exist, we think it does so leave us alone. Some people may be exaggerating but others aren't. You really can't say its not real because you don't know for sure and we can't say it IS real because we don't know for sure. Its kind of like religion, some people believe in it while others don't so if you don't believe in it then mind your own business.
camphalfblood3 (3 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-18)
O.O whoa! Lots of comemnts! Haha, and all of them are well... Constructive... Erm... Anyway, c'mon guys! 😁 don't fight! I'm not the fighting type of person. And guys don't get too heated up over Zen and Rashidah's comments: I mean, yea, they are right, but you guys can believe what you want to believe, and let them believe what they want to, k? No reason in arguing! Hope this resolved the argument 😊 and I hope I didn't want to hurt or offend anyones feelings, because I certainly did not mean to.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-12)
Let me just say something to all of you... You may have a little bit of control over an element, but that doesn't mean you have to freak out about it. Just because you are a little bit more in tune with nature doesn't mean you have to go around flaunting about it. If you saw the real elementals...

~My time is running out to gather them up
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-06)
well yes it is how could you not know what a muggle is and I am not being negative I just was see how people where doing I just found out people where argueing on this story... Also I am only 13 as you know and I am smarter than some of the junoirs in high school so take that lol 😜 😊 😁
mamalion (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-06)
wow lots of negativity.
Please stop the arguing and resolve this in privit, because there are those who actually come to this site who are serious and shoulden't treat this space as a grounds to insult and judge.
By the way I'm fairly educated and I'm 29 and a nurse, and I don't know what a muggle is I don't want to insult anyone but is this a word used in popular culture?
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-06)
and whos calling people losers ugh I well I should stop me self let's just say I get made fun of cause I'm psychic and when someone calls someone something I just blast off ugh stop cause I really don't want to well ugh... 😐 😐
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-06)
rash I think everyone thinks that it was easy to see even for a 13 year old and by the way what's up bud?
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-06)
Glad to see that someone actually agrees that paranormal activity is a fake.
The show centers on superstitions about what ghosts really are and very poor acting acting skills. I personally stopped watching it after a while.
You are very juvenile in calling people losers simply because we expressed our opinions.
Then again the site is full of kids, so I guess juvenile behaviors are acceptable.

You are right though it really is a waste of time commenting.
zen (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-06)
So you insulting people by calling them losers, in my mind that makes you a loser yourself. O and that little study was a fake just like paranormal activity.
phsycichelp (6 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-06)
can I just say to all the losers who waste their lives insulting others, it has already been proven to science that this stuff is possible.
Take ninel kulagina. She walked into a lab with 12 scientists and did the following with her mind:
Move objects around
Make a pile of matches explode outwards
Stop and restart the heart of a frog beating
Separate an egg from its uolk

So to all non believers out on this site... Why are you even on this site? Stop wasting everyone elses time!
airwindme17 (1 stories) (34 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-02)

I am so very sorry an arguement broke out on your story. I hope you arent upset about that.
airwindme17 (1 stories) (34 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-31)
Zen, I respect your opinions enought to let go of the frustration of trying to make you believe us. If everyone can do that to, we can have peace on this website again and try to help each other.

But just for the record, why did you even bother to read this story if you did not believe it?
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-31)
zen, some people do have abilities to control elements. Its just not that common. Its not all fantasy. Besides, if there are such things as psychics being able to move objects (telekinesis) or levitate their own body, then an ability to move certain elements are not all that ridiculous. Of course, that's my own opinion.
zen (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-31)
your people are not gods I don't know why you have trouble excepting that, I don't even know why I'm trying to agrueing with a bunch of 6th graders that have watched too much of those stupid japanese cartoons
airwindme17 (1 stories) (34 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-31)
Wow, it made me really sad reading all these comments, not only becuase we are being forced to choose sides, but that the people who REALLY CAN are going to possibly start beleiving they can't and then they just wont. Thats when they will be will being living the fantasy that normal people call reality.

Why must we argue on a site where we come for help? This should be resolved through email.
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-31)
I'd have to agree about the muggles thing. That is taking things a bit too far.

As for the elements, I've gotten actual results from practicing. Mostly with wind and fire so far, but there is more to come. I happen to have an affinity for five elements. While it is your right to believe what you want, I can't deny the proof right in front of me. You are entitled to your opinion, but do not belittle others for theirs.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
emerald, this is the real world, not a story of harry potter. This is psychic abilities, not magic. So please sort this out

And camphalfblood3, I'd rather not call it waterbending. Just pointing that out. And try putting more energy into the water if you are capable. There may be a difference
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Did someone say something about Muggles? I can't believe Someone sounds like a poser. Emeraldgreeneyes... We don't need you here either. Best to crawl in a pit and die.
lindajean (5 stories) (109 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
I am aware of astral projection. I would not hold my breath on seeing someone control the elements. We are living in a physical world, govened by laws of the universe. I would not make a comment about how conceeded that would be to say "I can control the elements!" That would be like saying, you can control the earth, which you cannot. Sorry, sorry, sorry, don't want to get you upset, I understand people need to express themselves, maybe you could write a novel. It is a very interesting concept, controlling elements. What is even more interesting is so many agree to have the same ability. What if you all wanted different weather? I don't believe you can controll your spiritual experiences, when they happen, your in such aw of the experience that I think you want to soak up as much of it as you can. But, no super powers come from it. Only the knoweledge to learn something from the experience.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Astral projection is proven by science.
Please do not put that abilitiy in with the anime stuff ❤
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
You are forgetting one more thing too.
They will probably make the news if they could of controlled the weather, since they like advertising their skills like if it is some competition or something ❤
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Well lindajean I meant astral projections. If you even know what that means. When I do astral projections I am a wolf. Not my body. Also you don't know if anyone can control the elements. What if someone could. Keep your mind open. Also I don't want to fight with anyone so GOOD DAY TO YOU ALL.
lindajean (5 stories) (109 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
I came to this site only a few days ago. Now I am starting to read a lot of really crazy things. No one can control the weather, water, fire, rock, ect...,No one. They are controled by laws of the universe. I do however, believe that your guide can shield you from water. That did happen to me once. Lets be true to ourselves, and be honest. Oh, and once you are in a physical body, you cannot change into an animal. Sorry if I affended anyone. I'm sure if someone really could control the elements, they could make a ton of $$ in a circus.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Thanks zen I really appreciate that one

But this really was a good laugh.
zen (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Wow, really get a life, Harry Potter now, get out of the fantasy world.
emeraldGreenEyes (1 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)

Not everyone lives a mundane life.

There are Muggles in the world and there are people that are Extraordinary.

You sound a Muggle who believes he should be able to do things he can't do, and this is your problem.

Before you call someone stupid or try to break their spirit, take a step back and look at how ordinary you are and realize your problem isn't a lack of truthful accounts, your problem is your lack of skill.

Please save your bitterness for your Muggle lifestyle, we don't need it here.

Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
It is really a pity that you all cannot take good advice.

The truth really hurts sometimes I know. But I think it will be worse to actually hear it from your parents who might ban you from the internet.

In all my life I have never seen one person who has the ability of elemental control because IT DOES NOT EXIST.

I have chatted with many good magicians, I myself practice magic and cannot do half the things you kids claim to do here on this site.

So what are you saying? That you are more powerful than seasoned magicians who do not even have these abilities?

I know people who are way more experienced that you guys and they do not talk anime stuff like this one.

Zen I do hope one of these kids are really stupid enough to believe that they can control fire and seriously run into a burning house and try to stop it.

Two things may happen.
(1) We may need less 'real'firemen in the world.
(2) We may have more dead bodies of kids with over active imaginations.

I truly hope you guys do not practice that 'ability' in your own home. I really do not want to switch on the news and hear that you were playing with fire and tried to... What is the avatar word again... Ah yes 'bend' it (It is funny how I never heard that word before avatar came out) and the flames got out of control and then you finally realized that you suddenly have no powers and your homes are burnt down.

And please kids do not blame it on this site because you were forewarned.

I always believe that before something BIG happens in life, we always get warn.


Who are you to say to keep opinions to ourselves?

I have a question for all.
Is this really a psychic site or something else?
Because I feel like if I missed something in coming here.
zen (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Its better that they stay in reality instead of your fantasy world were where everybody is a god. All you are doing is confusing them and I have seen enough of what that does. It leads them to think they can control fire or something and then they burn down the house, recieving a major injury, or dieing.
airwindme17 (1 stories) (34 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Zen, you think that, and I understand. You don't have to believe us to know if it is real. It is your opinion. But you need to know that there are people on here that come for help, so you need to keep your opinions like that to yourself becuase some may acually be hurt when you say that. These people also come here for understandment and if you don't understand, then don't say anything.
I hope what I have said you can relate to or make sense of.

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