So one day I was riding the bus and I was thinking that this one girl and her brothers were going to ride that day (they don't usually ride). So when we got to their stop they got on the bus, the girl said because her brothers truck had something wrong with it. So then I made a prediction for the fun of it saying that their car would be fixed by tomorrow and it was.
Another time I was riding the bus I decided to make another prediction about the next car that we would pass. I couldn't make up my mind whether it was going to be a blueish-black truck or a white truck so I just looked out the window and the first house we went by had a white truck in the drive-way and then the house after that had a blueish-black truck in its drive-way.
My sister kept on telling me that she was going to take my TV and put it in her room because she didn't have one so I thought to myself 'why doesn't she just go and buy one'. Later that day she came home with a brand new TV. Also one day I really needed to talk to my grandma so I was thinking about calling her but I didn't. Twenty minutes later my grandma showed up at my house.
Also I see these little clear circles floating around sometimes they form lines and sometimes they are all clumped together. When I see those circles I also see this curved black line out of the corner of my right eye and it floats up and down just like the circles but when I turn my head in that direction it disappears.
When I'm home alone sometimes I sometimes see my ghost that's in my house. All I see is a shadow but it's in the shape of a man. I can also hear him too. One time I was home alone and I swore I heard someone open the door. I thought it was my mom but no one came up the stairs. Later that night I heard someone walking up and down the hallway. I am also now starting to be able to hear him talking but I can't understand what he's saying what he says it's all jumbled up it just sounds like someone is mumbling. I can also feel his presence when he's in the same room as me.