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Real Psychic Experiences

Beam Of Light


I have always been very spiritual, and have been blessed with the gift of dreams and vision and the ability to scene the present of spirits even when attached to other people. I can't remember much of my childhood and most of my teenage years I can only remember my terrifying nightly sleep paralysis experiences, which stop when I was about 18 or 19 after one night I saw a too familiar demonic spirit which marked that the night I would go through one of these sleep paralysis, I was waken suddenly with a slight whisper in my spirit of a verse in the bible, which when I read told me that God gave us the night to sleep and nothing what so ever had the right to disturb my rest (my interpretation).

At 23 I traveled from the island I grew up on to another island where I being out of my parents strong Christian grip, finally started dating a young gentle man who was 10 years old than I am. On one of our outings he took me to this woman's home, she professed to be a Christian... She asked us to hold hands to praying. While we were praying I saw a vision of a beam of light descending from the ceiling. That light hit the center of my hand as a small somewhat circular ray, I felt a hit penetrating the top of my palm, passing through into my palm and to his palm. I was so astonished by what I was seeing feeling. But I say nothing fear that I was the only one seeing and feeling this. As soon though we had stop praying my boyfriend quickly pulled his hand away from mine and said "wow why is the center of your hand burning up like this" I was excited and relief that he had felt it. I was mesmerized by what happened. I couldn't explain it either and told him what I saw.

We had a very rocky relationship and after breaking up twice we gave it a run for a year and 6 months, then I moved and returned to my home island. Soon after we broke up in 2009. We both always thought that we were unable to leave each other cause even if we broke up we still kept very close and spoke of meeting up. However things went horribly wrong because of so many lies and now we no longer communicate. I am still wondering what was the beam of light I saw and we both felt, always thought it was some confirmation that we were mean to be... Any thoughts on this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Bloodofjesus, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-06)
Indigo Girl

There is no one way to reconnect to the creator. People have to open their hearts and souls to finding the path that suits them.

Rouge Elegance is a good teacher so are several on this site.

I took no offense.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-06)
Indigo Girl

Wings are just level of understanding in the way the Universe works. I am going by the Christianity and for once they may be right. Each angel and arch angel have set number of wings for their power levels. Angels have two and Archangels have six I believe.

Micheal, Gabreal, and Rapheal have are the strongests of the Angels...

It is just a theory but all honesty it is a guess
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-06)
So what does the wings symbolize Kahlyn, do you know? I mean they feel so real, like they are truly there. Oh and sorry for being a bit judgmental there too. 😊
Oh and RougeElegance your welcome.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-06)
I find the video to be enlightening and very informative as well. I do agree with a lot of things it has been said and sensed. I would need to watch the other 10 parts.

As for wings... Now that is ancient chinese secrets 😜 Indigo Girl many find the Light workers to be a threat no matter what religous philosopphy. Don't judge those who believe differently from you. Infinite Diversity Infinite Complexity it does apply to a lot of things.
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-06)
You are welcome IndigoGirl 😁

Thank you for answering my questions for you as well.

-RougeElegance ❤
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-06)
Thanks, you have been very helpful for me RougeElegance 😊
Also thanks for answering all of my questions.
❤ -IG
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-06)
Dear IndigoGirl,

Yes, Lightworkers have spiritual and psychic experiences

From the site that I linked you to, it says this:

"...Have had mystical experiences, such as psychic premonitions, spirit or angelic encounters"

So, there is a tie 😊

-RougeElegance ❤
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
RougeElegance do you happen to know anything about Light workers being able to see angels and all? I know I keep on mentioning this but I am just curious.
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
Wow, thanks, I guess I am a Light worker then since I meet all the standards, is that why my aura has wings? I can actually feel them like they ARE there but I just can't use them yet.
❤ -IG
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
Dear IndigoGirl,

I understand 😊

Lightworkers work for the Light. Light doesn't want to harm others, it only want to spread love. I know others like you, yes.

Here is a site that tells you what a Light-Worker is 😁

-RougeElegance ❤
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
lol, oops sorry I made typo with sending my post twice so just ignore that last one. Also I don't really understand much about what a Light worker is, do you know others like me? Another question can Light workers see angels?, I am just trying to figure out why I have this ability.
😊 -IG
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
yes, I really wish I can give out my E-Mail but I must still abide to my parents rules.
Sorry again!
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
yes I really wish I can give out my E-Mail but I must still abide to my parents rules.
Sorry again!
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
Dear IndigoGirl,

Hmm I wish there was another way that we can communicate. You know my email.

Keep trying to watch that video IndigoGirl 😁. I really felt the need to show you it.

Be Strong!
-RougeElegance ❤
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
Oh never mind I just wrote in the wrong section that's all. Just alittle typo.
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
lol, what do you mean by that Eric? I am just curious with your last statement.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
Well then this is very interesting at the most. Its not going to slow anything down but it is a speed bumb on the road.
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
Oh and one more thing, my dumb computer will not let me see the video for some reason.sorry! Tell me what the video is about.
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
A light worker? Wow, I have heard of them before but is it rare to be one?
❤ -IG
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)

One more thing...

My main Aura color is white. There is also an Auric White Owl on my forehead and it is flying. The White Owl is a symbol of Wisdom...

I believe in your story and in your abilities. I grew up in a Christian environment, but withdrew because of the hypocrisy and the lack of spirituality around them. I have stayed connected with genuine Christian/Light-workers and they have helped me grow stronger than I ever have. Since I have the ability to "sense" what people are, it makes it easier to find others out there like me and others that do not mean me harm.

I think we will be able to understand each other IndigoGirl.

Excuse my prior "cautiousness". You and I both know that there are people out there that mean us harm.

-RougeElegance ❤
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
Dear IndigoGirl,

I think this video will interest you. You seem to be a light worker:)


-RougeElegance ❤
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
Yes I do know the color of my wings, they are a sparkling white with some tints of gold sort of outlining them.
❤ -IG
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-05)
Dear IndigoGirl,

There is a reason for that!

Do you know that color of your wings? 😁

-RougeElegance ❤
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-04)
I am so glad you do not deal with wicca! 😆 I am just naturally repelled by it, I do not know why.
I also keep on remembering more sometimes too.
Blessings and ❤ -IG
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-04)
Dear IndigoGirl,

I've been feeling a bit drained today as well...

I've heard about Wicca a few times, but I do not practice or study it.

Most of my abilities are on my profile page... But I keep remembering more.

-RougeElegance ❤
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-04)
I seen my own aura (s):
My abilities are...
Clear seeing, clear hearing, clear smelling, can communicate with spirits
Seeing angels
Banishing Demons/evil
Seeing auras
Can control all four elements (earth, water, fire,air) and light
I am forbidden to mess with darkness
Can see/communicate with spirit guild and partly Guardian angel
Can heal others
I have more... I just can't remember them right now since I am feeling a bit drained today.
OH one more thing, you wouldn't happen to be a wiccan too, would you?

❤ -IG
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-04)
Dear IndigoGirl,

Can you tell me your psychic abilities even if there are a lot?

Thank you for responding to me!:)
-RougeElegance ❤
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-04)
Dear IndigoGirl,

I truly believe you 😊

Because I know some angel-like souls, so I have the experience.

My mentor/spiritual teacher is an elderly woman with a very angelic spirit. She told me that I remind her of herself when she was younger. She has a lot of my abilities and is very strong Empath and she has lucid dreams. She taught me a lot and watched me grow.

She made me feel like I was embraced by a gold aura and that God was around me. She helped me grow. I just felt like she was an angel.

IG, did you see this Aura around yourself or were you shown somehow?

I'm eager to know!
Thank you for responding:)

-RougeElegance ❤
IndigoGIRL (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-04)
OK RougeElegance, the reason why I know I have an angel-like soul is I seemed to be told, Mainly by God. Hope you believe me.
My aura color (s) are:
Gold (located around the crown of my head, Indigo (first outline of my body), and sparkling white (second outline of my body around the indigo color).
I do have a main shape and they are Wings. Maybe that explains why my shoulder blades always are slightly sore.
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-03)
Dear bloodofjesus,

If you and this man were truly meant to be, you have to work it out. 😊

Relationships are hard because you have to deal with very difficult things. Trust me, I know that full well!

You have to find a way to work together and learn to communicate so that you could both be in a flourishing relationship!

I wish you the best:)

-RougeElegance ❤

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