I have always have a sense of what will happen. But two years ago I had a dream.
A) I had a dream through my own eyes that I was in class and the boy next to me was asleep. And I saw the teacher say,"Oh just leave him alone."
Four days later, it happened. And I was very confused.
B) For some reason I was physically drawn toward other girl in my class I never wanted to talk to. I approached her and we became friends. She told me after a few months,"Nikki, don't laugh at me, but I think I am physic." She told me her experiences which matched most of mine.
C) I currently have dreams and in 2-5days after the dream... They appear through my own eyes. I was scared when it first happened but now I am used to it.
D) I was always sensitive to moods of people around me. If someone near me got to upset, or angry I had to either move away from them because it gave me a headache to be around someone to angry. And I was drawn to someone happy, or in a good mood. But I also have been able to effect moods of people as well. Once my best-guy friend got extremely depressed, and I focused on him and happy times together, and he for some reason was then giving me a happy vibe.
E) I have for some reason been able to tell the mood of animals around me. When a horse at the local barn stopped eating everyone though he had a parasite. But He just felt unhappy to me as though he didn't want to live. And I put my horse next to him and he started eating again, because to me he felt lonely.
F) My brother told me he used to have dreams every couple months or so like mine, but they stopped.
I'm just very confused about most of this and feel as though I am insane. I really need some explanations. If anyone can help me understand this please comment
Sometimes depression can be a sign of suppressed ability - I cannot diagnose, as I am not medically trained and many doctors may not believe in any of this, I am just concerned that if he appears depressed that he gets proper support... One thing psychics do when they are drawn together, as I know I don't need to tell you, is spontaneously heal each other...!
It might help him open up, be less introspective - which is what it sounds like when you described his eyes going 'blank', like he is withdrawing, blanking or mild trancing, possibly psychologically retreating and editing himself out from the world, because he isn't coping with not being able to connect with others in the world like him - it is good you are there for them.
Just look after yourself also - your abilities make you sensitive, so blessings on you, so you stay strong by staying objective too.