My names Bell and I'm 13 years old. I don't remember how it started, I only remember always knowing that I was psychic and able to predict the future, But it can get confusing a lot of the time.
I'm pretty sure I'm an empath. Whenever I first meet someone I know all about them just by looking at them. I can tell how someones feeling by touching them on the shoulder.
I dream about the future quite often, and this is where my problems start. About 1/4 of what I dream actually comes true. I can't tell which dreams are actually going to come true. Sometimes I dream about completely pointless things that happen the next day, Other times I dream about major events that take sometime to be foretold.
One night I dreamt that I saw a lizard crawling around on the side of my house, It was a very vivid dream and I remembered everything perfectly. The next day, I walked outside and the exact same thing that happened in my dream happened that day, perfectly.
For about a week, while I was on vacation, I dreamed that my dog was killed in many different ways. Every night for a whole week I would have the same dream about my Dog. I didn't pay much attention to it, But later I found out that my dog was in a fight with another dog and was badly hurt, it stayed at the Vets for a week until it passed away, Which was the same week I had these dreams.
When I was younger my abilities were much stronger. I'm not sure what happened but they were incredible and I wasn't even aware of it. I used to get this strange tingling sensation of energy up and down my back, I wasn't sure what it was but I liked the feeling, Now this only occurs in my hands.
Basically, My problem is, How do I know when to trust my dreams? And how do I strengthen by abilities?
Any insight would be appreciated, Thankyou.