I'm 17 and I didn't believe in spirits until this happened. I was sitting with some friends at one of the old buildings on the steps. It was around 8:30 pm. My friend was telling me stories about her life but I couldn't seem to concentrate on her I kept staring off into space. She would be like you listening and I would say yes but then I'd go back into my stare. When I was staring I felt something pulling me forward then backward like I was rocking. Then I got a headache but I shook it off and then I felt sick. Then I turned to look at who was behind me and I saw my dead nephew Daniel standing there. It looked just like him but my friends think it was someone elses posing as Daniel to get me to trust it. I just stood up and ran until I reached my room then I got in the shower because I could still feel it like touching me.
When I got out I walked outside to go smoke a cig and every light I walked pass it would flicker then go out. My friends thought I was possessed but I don't think I was. But the weird thing is my other friend D he went to the building the night before I did and he summoned something into his body and now it's like not him and when he comes near me I can feel the evil inside of him. I won't let him touch me or anything. I can sense when he's coming without seeing him now.
Also I can feel what other people around me are feeling. Like I felt that this girl on campus was pregnant with a boy and a girl. I told I knew she was having a boy and a girl and she said how do you know that I haven't told anybody. I told her I don't know I can just feel it. Then she said that my pupils were covering the color part of my eye.
My friends won't let me back there to go see Daniel again because they think it was some spirit that went into D's body. And ever since he summoned that thing he hasn't been himself. Like he talks as if he is old very old like proper language and every thing and now all of a sudden he's really smart but very mean. But it told me that it can't harm me but then today it or D said I hope you all sleep well tonight to me and my friends and I got goosebumps and I'm kind of scared because is it coming after me?