I knew since I was a kid I was going to be a single father which came true. I also knew the ex-wife was leaving and she did. I got into energy work and found my true self and what everything is about the other way of life is a fog and it stops what we are supposed to be.
I've also been hearing voice. Not in my head but around me and very clear. It's been getting stronger lately and it's like I walk in a cloud of other thoughts.
I was in Iraq and was part of the I.E.D team which I would know if we were going to be blown up that day. It got to the point I would know what route we would be traveling that we would get hit, it started scaring some of them. But I was blown up many times and I think it changed me, like I got hit by a 5.55 round at 3 to 5 meters away and walked away with a scratch. I also can see energy and what color people are and if they are good and bad if they are really bad what they have done to other. My third eye feels like a wind tunnel coming in and out it very strong at times IT FEELS LIKE IT'S BREATHING. I'm trying to understand how to use it just for the good of the group. I want to learn more and more and would lie to talk to the pro I think it will be a older women with grayish hair